Philosophical Essays and Musings
Topics in current philosophy and culture studies
By: Dr. Sam Vaknin
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Philosophical Writings
(Click on the blue-coloured titles to access the articles):
Mind and Artificial Intelligence
Information Technology and Internet
The Fine-tuned Universe and the Emergence of Life
Scientific Theories and Science's Life Cycle
Time Asymmetry Re-Visited (Abstract Only)
Anthropic Agents and the Increase of Entropy (Abstract Only)
Parapsychology and the Paranormal
The Decoherence of Measurement
Notes and Thoughts about String Theory
And Technical Note about Ambiguity and Vagueness
Mind and Artificial Intelligence
The Basic Dilemma of the Artist
The Fourth Law (of Robotics) - Part I
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part I (The Brain)
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part II (Psychotherapy)
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part III (Dreams)
Parapsychology and the Paranormal
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and the Aliens Conundrum
Information Technology and Internet
Internet: A Medium or a Message?
The Interconnected Chaos - A Dialogue
The Law of Technology and
the Technology of Law -
An Epistolary Dialogue
The Revolt of the Poor: Intellectual Property
Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited
Narcissism - Frequently Asked Questions
Parenting: The Irrational Vocation
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part I (The Brain)
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part II (Psychotherapy)
The Metaphors of the Mind - Part III (Dreams)
Use and Abuse of Differential Diagnoses
The Iron Mask: Acute Anger and Psychopathology
Narcissists, Ethnic or Religious Affiliation, and Terrorists
Object Relations - The Psychology of Mass and Serial Killers
The Offspring of Aeolus: On the Incest Taboo
Traumas as Social Interactions
The Dismal Mind - Economics as a Pretension to Science
Economics - The Neglected Branch of Psychology
Moral Hazard the Survival Value of Risk
The Roller Coaster Market - On Volatility and Risk
The Disruptive Engine - Innovation and the Capitalist Dream
Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure
The Distributive Justice of the Market
Anarchy as an Organizing Principle
Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences
The Revolt of the Poor: Intellectual Property
Scavenger Economies and Predator Economies
Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies
Notes on the Economics of Game Theory
The Redistributive Mechanism of Divorce
The Narcissism of Small Differences
Renaissance and Nazism as Ideas of Progress
Environmentalism and Post-modernism as Ideas of Progress
Narcissists, Ethnic or Religious Affiliation, and Terrorists
Terrorism as a Psychodynamic Phenomenon
Form and Anti Form: The Metaphorically Correct Artist
Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure
Althusser and the competing interpellations
The Cultural Narcissist: Christopher Lasch
Parenting: The Irrational Vocation
Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species
The Encroachment of the Public
The Revolt of the Poor: Intellectual Property
The Redistributive Mechanism of Divorce
Dreams of Reality - A Dialogue about Art
The Offspring of Aeolus: On Incest
Ethical Relativism and Absolute Taboos
Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice
The Predicament of the Newly Rich
The Impeachment of The President
Responses by members of the US Senate
Elites - A Dialogue about History
The Interconnected Chaos - A Dialogue
The Secret Art of Power - An Epistolary Dialogue
The Law of Technology and
the Technology of Law -
An Epistolary Dialogue
Surpassing Man - An Epistolary Dialogue
The Ghost in the Net - An Epistolary Dialogue
The Natural Roots of Sexuality
Serial Killers as a Cultural Construct
Atheism in a Post-religious World - Book Review
Introduction to Saints - Book Review
Anarchism for a Post-modern Age
Fascism - The Tensile Permanence
Just War and the Construct of the West
Left and Right in a Divided Europe
Communism, Capitalism, Feudalism
Anarchism for a Post-modern Age
The Beginning of History - Islam and Liberalism
Renaissance and Nazism as Ideas of Progress
Environmentalism and Post-modernism as Ideas of Progress
Death, Life and the Question of Identity
Parsimony - The Fourth Substance
The Legitimacy of Final Causes
The Meaninglessness of External Causes
The Nature of Reality - An Epistolary Dialogue
"Morals for the 21st Century" - Book Review
Nature, Aesthetics, Pleasure, and Ethics
Ethical Relativism and Absolute Taboos
Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice
Euthanasia and the Right to Die
In Our Own Image - The Debate about Cloning
Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species
The Impeachment of The President
Surpassing Man - An Epistolary Dialogue
Atheism in a Post-religious World - Book Review
Using Data from Nazi Medical Experiments
Titanic, or a Moral Deliberation
I, Robot - The Fourth Law of Robotics
Dreamcatcher - The Myth of Destructibility
"The Truman Show" - A Moral Deliberation
The Columnist in the Mousetrap
(Articles are added periodically)
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Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited
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