"Pink Ladies' Freezing Kiss" is an ice-based group attack performed by Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet in the manga, Sailor Moon Cosmos and stage musicals.
In the manga, Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet arrive at Sagittarius Zero Star and immediately use this attack to freeze the burning vines Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon had strangling Eternal Sailor Moon, Princess Kakyuu, and Sailor Chibi Chibi extinguishing the flames and freeing them.
Sera Myu[]
In the stage musicals, Pink Ladies Freezing Kiss was performed by Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Juno, Sailor Vesta, and Sailor Pallas in the musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon ~ Decisive Battle / The Forest of Transylvania – A New Arrival! The Guardians Who Protect Chibi Moon, and its revision.
In Le Mouvement Final, Sailor Chibi Moon performs it alone against the members of Shadow Galactica.