Prep Time is the fourth PSA released during Red vs. Blue: Revelation.
Red Team[]
- A Red Soldier
- An Alien
Sarge and Grif give some pointers for anyone moving to Reach.
Fade into Grif and Sarge standing next to each other
Sarge: Hello, I'm Sarge from the popular web series Red vs. Blue.
Grif: And I'm Private Grif from the same show.
Sarge: Everyone here at Red vs. Blue is gearing up for the big changes coming in Halo: Reach.
Grif: Moving to a new game can be a challenging time in any young video game characters life.
Sarge: For example, you may find yourself experiencing an increased interest in alien species.
Cut to an Elite holding a red flag running away from a red soldier.
Alien: Wort, Wort, Wort.
Unnamed Red Soldier: Hey! Come back with that!
Sarge: Heh, Heh.
Grif: Or due to increased graphics, you may notice pixels where you didn't have pixels before. Don't worry, this is normal.
Sarge: Or your voice may be changing. Because they added that option in Firefight mode.
Grif: There may even be new social pressure to wear the right armor and hang out in the "cool" maps.
Sarge: All and all, moving to a new prequel can be a confusing time for anyone, that's why Gamestop is holding Halo Fest, a place where Halo fans can learn about the upcoming changes to expect as they move to Halo: Reach. There's contest and prizes, you could even win a life size spartan statue when you Pre-Order at Gamestop.
Grif: Just visit And remember, you're not alone.
Sarge: Right, unless you don't have an internet connection.
Grif: Oh yeah, then you're alone, totally alone.