Blood Gulch Blues serves as the theme song for Red vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles and the overall series. It was written and performed by the band, Trocadero. The full version of the song is not normally played during webcast episodes, but is available on all the released DVDs for the original Blood Gulch Chronicles. Starting with Season 3, a remix of the original song was used and since then several other remixes were made. It's also played at the canon ending of Episode 100.
Roses are red
And violets are blue.
One day we'll cruise down
Blood Gulch avenue
It's red versus red
And blue versus blue
It's I against I
And me against you
Violets are blue, roses are red
Living like this we were already dead
Hop in my car
It don't have any doors
It's built like a cat
It lands on all fours
My car's like a puma
It drives on all fours
Red versus red
Blue versus blue
- The lyrics of Blood Gulch Blues make several references to Red vs. Blue, specifically about the Warthog.
- Trocadero has remixed Blood Gulch Blues into several different songs on their albums, including Intro, Return, and Bloody Mary Mix.
- Theogeny features a pared down version sung by Meredith Hagan, Blood Gulch Blue, which is similar to Contact Redux.