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Rat Traps Gallery Transcript

The episode begins with the pre-teens hanging out at the Big Mall for Spring Break.

Tommy: Ah, last three hours of vacation and it's still raining. This is the worst spring break ever.

Kimi: I think I'm coming down with the case of mall area. Can't we do something fun?

Phil: Yeah, like Laser Battle!

Lil: Or climbing

Phil: We can go to the pet store and watch the snake lose its skin.

A caged snake hisses.

Kimi: Count me out. I hate seeing animals trapped in cages.

Dil: Aren't we all in a cage right now? Cages of consideration.

Dil walks back and see the light up sneakers in the store window.

Dil: Ooh! Killer Hi-Tops! I gotta get me those!

Phil: We have enough money to shoot over to the multiplex and go see a movie.

Kimi: Not The Big Dumb, Talking Cat Movie. It's so lame.

Lil: And we've seen it six times.

Phil: No. The Labryrinth Guy.

Chuckie: But-but-but, we're not allowed to see PG-13 movies.

Kimi: Nobody will know. We'll buy tickets to see The Big Dumb, Talking Cat Movie in Theater 2, and then sneak into Labryrinth Guy in Theater 3.

Everyone looks at Kimi in shock of her suggestion.

Kimi: Not that I given it much thought.

Chuckie: Oh, I don't think it such a good idea. [Turns to the Labryrinth Guy poster] Last time my dad got mad at me, he had to carry around an inhaler for two days.

Tommy: [sighs] Fine. Big Dumb Talking Cat it is, again.

Angelica and Susie are collecting money from shoppers for a fundraiser for a kids camp, Camp Merrily.

Susie: [asking a man walking past her] Excuse me, could you please contribute to Camp Merrily? Contribue to Camp Merrily? [To a woman walking pass her] Even $10 send a kid to camp for...Ohh!

Angelica raises her bucket to the woman. The woman walks right past her, giving Angelica an unhappy face.

Angelica: [shouts out to the woman] Hey, lady! I know how much those shoes cost. You could sent 20 kinds to camp. 40 if you return that ugly scarf you just bought. [smiles when the woman puts her money in the Angelica's money bucket]

The gang are waiting in line at the multiplex. Chuckie bumps into the school bullies.

School Bully 1: Seeing The Big Dumb Cat Movie, huh, Finster?

School Bully 2: Ah, don't be scared. He doesn't really talk.

The bullies laugh and walk into the Labryrinth Guy theater.

Tommy: You okay?

Chuckie: Why is it always the guy with the glasses of the swollen who gets picked on? Well, I had it! I'll show them. We're seeing the Labryrinth Guy!

Phil: [excited] Yes!

Angelica and Susie count how much money they collected.

Susie: $13. 57 cents. How'd you do?

Angelica: 10, 11th, $643! And one certified check!

Susie: How'd you do that?!

Angelica: Eh, it's nothing. You should have seen me on my magazine tribe. I had a none in tears. Are you done yet? I want to see Labryrinth Guy.

Susie: You promised if I tutor you in English, you help me.

Angelica: For the whole spring break?

Susie: Your choice. Waste one little spring break doing this or spend the whole summer in school reading Pilgrims Progress.

Angelica sees a man eating ice cream.

Angelica: [shouts out the man] Hey! You! 6 bucks for an ice cream cone? Don't you think you could have spend the money on someone who needs it?

Man: [exchanges his money to Angelica] But don't tell my wife. She thinks I'm still her food watchers.

Angelica: Now can we go?

Susie: Let me just lock up.

Susie proceeds to lock the money booth.

Cliff: [looking at the money booth] Woah. That's a lot of green.

Flynn: I missed a spot.

Cliff: We're not really janitors, nitrod.

Flynn: Oh. Right. Yeah, you could still take a little pride in your work.

Chuckie: Woohoohoo! [whistles] Neon rocks!

Angelica: Finster? [Chuckie pauses in shock and terror] Finster? Pickles? Pickles? DeVille squared? In a PG-13 movie?? Oh, this is bea-ut-iful! [The pre-teens react with fear]

Angelica: A hot dog and ooh, a box of sticky buns.

Tommy: Ohh. But we promised our parents we be home already.

Angelica: You also promised them that you wouldn't see a PG-13 movie. Hmph!

Lil: You like your stickly buns with or without icing?

Angelica: With...

The pre-teens walk back inside the mall.

Susie: Angelica, this is the last bus. If they miss it, their parents will be mad at you.

Angelica: I'll just have to do the right thing, I guess. Pretend I never saw them. My phone! I forgot to get it back. Come on. [Susie and Harold follow Angelica back to the mall to claim her phone]

Angelica, Susie, and Harold walk towards the pre-teens.

Tommy: Ooh, we couldn't get you food. The mall's all closed up.

Angelica: Food?! Is that all you pre-teens think about? I think losing a cell is a little more important.

The mall begins to close everything and the entrance, leaving everyone locked inside the mall.

Chuckie: [panics] We're trapped.

Dil: This is just like when Neon go stuck in the 12th dimension.

Tommy: Nobody panic. There's a fire alarm. I'll pull it. Somebody will be here in no time.

Tommy heads for the fire alarm. The doors in the mall somehow reopen.

Lil: Great idea, Phil. Suggesting that stupid movie?

Dil: I don't care who's fault it is. We have to get out of here.

The Police arrived to take the thieves away.

Cliff: Please don't call our dad?

Flynn: He made me do it!

Cliff: Did not!

Flynn: Did too, stupid!

Cliff: You're stupid!!

The parents ran over to the kids.

Didi: Oh, thank heavens you boys are safe. Oh, at first we just thought you missed curfew. Didn't knew you were capturing two dangerous criminals.

Betty: What do you know! I had two heroes for lunch, and now I'm ganna have me two heroes for dinner. Awww-hawhawhawhawhaw!

Didi: Oh, I know it's been a lawsy spring break for you kids. So first sunny weekend, it's a trip to Slosh Mountain!

The kids cheered.

Phil: Just so you know? It was really Chuckie who was the hero.

Chuckie: I never would've had the guts, Phil. If you didn't suggest sneaking into that movie.

The kids gasped, causing the parents to become suspicious.

Didi: You snuck into a movie? What movie?

Dil: "Labyrinth Guy." And boy, you were right. I am not ready for a PG-13 movie.

Betty got angry.

Betty: You kids saw a PG-13 movie without permission?

Phil: (Whispering) Okay! No one say anything.

Lil: Well that's how Angelica caught us and why we missed our curfew.

Didi was now angry.

Didi: You missed your curfew to play in a unsupervised mall? Tommy! Dil! Wait till I get you home!

The parents escorted the kids back to the car.

Phil: So does this mean the waterpark things out? he he...

Chuckie spoke to Tommy.

Chuckie: Being a hero was nice... while it lasted.

The kids got into the car while Charlotte drove her car to where Angelica, Susie and Harold were waiting, mesmerised at the scene.

Angelica: That was a close one! Sure glad I'm not a pre-teen anymore.

A Security Guard then appeared with shoes in his hands.

Security: Hey! Who tried on all these shoes and didn't put them back?

Angelica: Run!!!

Angelica, Susie and Harold made a run for it.
