Clan of the Duck | Gallery | Transcript |
"Clan of the Duck" is a Season 4 episode of Rugrats.
Characters Present
Characters Introduced
In an effort to dress cooler on a hot day, Chuckie and Phil decide to wear some of Lil's dresses. They find that wearing a dress has its advantages: it's easier to go potty, they make parachutes, and even better pajamas. But when some bullies get angry with Chuckie and Phil, will anyone help them? You bet...a group of Scottish babies wearing kilts! - Description from Klasky Csupo
The babies are outside making mud castles as they are complaining about the heat. Betty and Didi come outside, talking about the big international food fair at the park. Tommy, Phil, and Chuckie notices that Betty is wearing pants, and they are curious about how girls can wear pants and dresses. Lil doesn't say anything about girls/women wearing pants; she just tells them that boys wear pants, and that girls wear dresses. Didi takes Tommy and Betty takes Lil to get them ready for the fair as Howard promises to drive Chuckie and Phil to the park.
Chuckie and Phil decide to wear dresses to see what it's like, and they find out it's kind of fun. Dresses make you feel cooler, they can make great parachutes, you can roll around in them (you can roll around in pants, too, but hey!). Chuckie figures that he can go to the toilet easier with a dress; he goes to the bathroom while Phil gets tired and decides to take a nap. Chuckie sees him and thinks that dresses also make good pajamas. Just then, after watching The Hobby Channel, then the TV gets jackhammered, Howard wakes up and realizes he is late for the fair. He gets in his car and drives off, before realizing he forgot Chuckie and Phil. He goes back and gets them and takes off for the park, not realizing Phil and Chuckie are wearing dresses.
At the park, a boy named Joey greets Chuckie and Phil as he tells them that they are at the food fair. He then offers them some gummy worms when Chuckie says he is hungry. Joey goes to his lunchbox as a boy named Frankie sees Chuckie and offers him some chocolate. Joey tells Frankie that he saw "her" (Chuckie) first. Chuckie is about to say he's not a girl, but then Phil asks how much chocolate there is. Frankie hears Chuckie call Phil by his name, but Phil says his name is "Philian" and Chuckie is "Chuquita". Chuckie then asks if he can have a worm, and Joey gives him one and he enjoys it.
Joey tells Frankie to go away, but Frankie says that he could have Phil. Joey doesn't want to share, and the boys start a tug-of-war over Chuckie. Suddenly, they release Chuckie, as his blue underwear is exposed. Frankie laughs at the fact that Joey thought Chuckie was a girl, but Joey points out that Frankie also thought Chuckie and Phil were girls. They then decide to "get them", stating that boys aren't supposed to wear dresses. Chuckie and Phil start running through the fair. Inside, they stumble upon a sumo match, upon which they think the wrestlers are wearing diapers. Chuckie then asks that if adults can wear diapers and girls can wear shorts, then why can't boys wear dresses? Phil thinks it's because those two boys they met earlier will beat them up.
Phil and Chuckie split up as Chuckie accidentally walks into a Jewish dance area. After escaping, Chuckie and Phil run into each other, and Frankie and Joey find them soon after. Phil and Chuckie try to throw pies at them, but fail to throw them far, so they start running again. They then ride down a big slide and into another foreign area. Phil asks where they are, but Chuckie just thinks everyone is naked. A boy tells them they are not naked, and that they are Scotch babies. The boy thinks that the dresses Chuckie and Phil are wearing are kilts. He also thinks they are the "Clan of the Duck" (their dresses have ducks on them).
Frankie and Joey show up, and Chuckie claims that they're going to be mean to them. The Scottish babies defend them by lifting their kilts, exposing their undergarments. Chuckie and Phil do the same after them, and the boys leave, thinking they were all weird. Didi, Betty, and Howard arrive and see something strange as Howard says he thought something wasn't right. Tommy walks by wearing a shirt like it's a dress; Didi was going to stop him but decides to let him join. Tommy thanks the Scotch-babies for helping Phil and Chuckie as Lil thanks them for the haggis and asks what it is. The Scotch-babies says it's sheep guts as Phil and Lil lick their lips. The four friends then leave and the Scotch-babies gave one more cheer for the clan of the ducks as they cheer them by lifting all their kilts up.
- It's revealed that Betty and Lil are taking a mother/daughter-women's empowerment class.
- In Scotland, while it isn't unheard of for women to wear kilts, it's more common for men to wear kilts.
- Also, it's unusual to see kilts be worn as everyday street clothes (at least in modern times) --kilts in today's time are traditionally only worn for special occasions, such as weddings (like if the groom happens to be of Scottish descent, he and the groomsmen may wear kilts).
- Haggis is actually made from sheep guts.
- We see that Phil and Lil have beds now instead of cribs like they had in "The Unfair Pair".
- A man strongly resembling physicist Albert Einstein appears dancing the Hora.
- Phil says he only has three teeth when in the scene of him biting the hose he is shown with about eight teeth. This is possibly an error in either the animation or script, or else it's just because Phil doesn't know how to count.
- This isn't the first episode in which the Hora dance is featured. It was also featured in "Let Them Eat Cake".
- Goof: When Chuckie and Phil wake up in the park, Chuckie could still be seen wearing his shorts but they're not there after that scene. Also, Phil had his shorts on before he fell asleep but when they arrive at the park, he is no longer wearing them.
- Lil says boys are bad and girls are good, but actually Tommy and Chuckie are the least "bad" people you could think of.
- Chuckie's skirt being blown upwards by the air from the vent is most likely a reference to Marilyn Monroe's famous scene in The Seven Year Itch.
- Tommy and Lil have minor roles in this episode.
- Morals: Don't be afraid of wearing anything new.