Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures (formerly known as Drunk Tank Animated Adventures) is a Rooster Teeth Productions segment aired on their weekly Podcast every Tuesday evening. The video is subsequently uploaded to their YouTube channel the following day.
The Rooster Teeth Staff in the podcast, or Let's Plays, give a brief story describing some of the hijinks that have been going on around the office, travels, or home life. Such recollections include: physical torment, hilarious coincidences, and embarrassing moments.
Each segment was originally animated by Jordan Cwierz in a simple, somewhat messy style. Jordan now directs each episode with episodes now being animated by other animators employed by Rooster Teeth. Due to Jordan's increasing workload, the animations have been directed by Jordan Battle and Andrew Lhotsky since 2017.
The following is a list of the animators credited for any episodes for the series.
- Jordan Cwierz
- Jordan Battle
- Yssa Badiola
- Beth Mackenzie
- Tanya Fetzer
- William Ball
- Johnathan Floyd
- Gabe Silva
- Gil Calceta
- Suzie Combs
As seen in the background of the video "Fun in the Office: RT Recap - Week of September 1st" Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures is currently animated using the software Flash.
In July 2010, Jordan Cwierz released the first Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures (RTAA) episode (then known as Drunk Tank Animated Adventures), featuring animations depicting stories told on the Rooster Teeth Podcast. In October 2011, Cwierz was officially hired to produce the animated shorts full-time as a feature of the podcast (source).
Let's Play Minimations[]
On October 8, 2014, Rooster Teeth debuted Let's Play Minimations. It features highlights from Achievement Hunter's Let's Plays, initially using 3D animation that resembles the sandbox game, Minecraft and later machinimated using Grand Theft Auto V. (source).
- See main article: Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures/episode list.
External links[]
Character Gallery[]
Rooster Teeth Productions | |
Rooster Teeth shows in production | |
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Events | |
See also |