Notă: După salvare, trebuie să treceți peste cache-ul browser-ului pentru a vedea modificările.
- Mozilla, Google Chrome, Safari, Konqueror: țineți apăsat Shift în timp ce apăsați butonul Reload (sau apăsați Ctrl-Shift-R).
- Internet Explorer: apăsați Ctrl-F5.
- Opera: apăsați F5.
/* Pagină folosită pentru codul ce permite vizualizarea diacriticelor cu sedilă de către cei cu browsere vechi
* și salvarea paginilor folosind diacriticele cu virgulă
* Va fi introdusă o referință către ea în MediaWiki:Common.js
* Autor [[:ro:Utilizator:Strainu]]
* Pe lângă licențele obligatorii pe Wikipedia, puteți considera codul ca fiind licențiat [[Licență BSD|BSD]], [[GPL (licență, versiunea 2)|GPLv2]] și MIT
/** Partea 1: Folosirea diacriticelor corecte la salvarea paginii, precum și la crearea de pagini noi*/
function allCommas(text) {
text = text.replace(/ţ/g, "ț");
text = text.replace(/Ţ/g, "Ț");
text = text.replace(/ş/g, "ș");
text = text.replace(/Ş/g, "Ș");
return text;
function sanitizeWikitext(wikitext) {
var skippable_regexp = /(<(span|div) lang=[^<>]*>(.|\r|\n)*?<\/\2>)|(<(gallery)(.*?)>(.|\r|\n)*?<\/\5>)|(\| (?=Commons).*\n)|(\|\s*(?=[Ii]mag).*\n)|(\|\s*(?=[hH]art[ăa]).*\n)|(\|\s*(?=[Ff]oto).*\n)|(\{\{\s*(L|l)ang(\-[^\|]*?)?\s*(\|[^\|]*?)?\|.*?\}\})/gi;
var skippable_phrases = wikitext.match(skippable_regexp);
var interwiki_regexp = /\[\[:?([a-z]{2,3}|fișier|imagine|media|simple|roa-rup|be-x-old|zh-(yue|classical|min-nan)|bat-smg|cbk-zam|nds-nl|map-bms|fişier|file|image):(.*?)\]\]/gi;
var interwiki_phrases = wikitext.match(interwiki_regexp);
var template_regexp = /\{\{(proiecte surori|sisterlinks|commons|commonscat|commonscat-inline|wikimanuale|wikisursă|wikisource|wikitravel|wikiştiri|wikţionar|WikimediaPentruPortale|titlu corect|lang|lang-tr|lang-tt|lang-az|tr|tt|az|sic)\|(.|\r|\n)*?\}\}/gi;
//var template_regexp = /\{\{((.|\r|\n)*)\}\}/gi;
var template_phrases = wikitext.match(template_regexp);
wikitext = allCommas(wikitext);
var mixed_phrases = wikitext.match(skippable_regexp);
if (mixed_phrases !== null && skippable_phrases !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < skippable_phrases.length; i++) {
wikitext = wikitext.replace(mixed_phrases[i], skippable_phrases[i]);
mixed_phrases = wikitext.match(interwiki_regexp);
if (mixed_phrases !== null && interwiki_phrases !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < interwiki_phrases.length; i++) {
wikitext = wikitext.replace(mixed_phrases[i], interwiki_phrases[i]);
mixed_phrases = wikitext.match(template_regexp);
if (mixed_phrases !== null && template_phrases !== null) {
for (i = 0; i < template_phrases.length; i++) {
wikitext = wikitext.replace(mixed_phrases[i], template_phrases[i]);
return wikitext;
function sanitizeForm(form) {
var ta = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
var oldvalue = ta.textSelection('getContents');
var newvalue = oldvalue;
var modified = 0;
var i = 0;
if (!oldvalue)
// skip redirect pages
if (mw.config.get('wgIsRedirect') === true ||
newvalue.toLowerCase().indexOf("#redirect") === 0 ||
newvalue.toLowerCase().indexOf("# redirect") === 0) {
return true;
newvalue = sanitizeWikitext(newvalue);
if (oldvalue != newvalue) {
modified = 1;
//restore the value to the editbox
ta.textSelection('setContents', newvalue);
// mind the scope!
var editForm = document.getElementById('editform');
var es = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
if (editForm.wpSection.value == 'new') {
es.value = allCommas(es.value);
} else if (es && modified && ("WP:DVN") == -1)) {
es.value += ' ([[:ro:WP:DVN|corectat automat]])';
return true;
function sanitizeSearch() {
var allLinkTags = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < allLinkTags.length; i++) {
if (allLinkTags[i].className === "new") {
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/ţ/g, "ț");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/Ţ/g, "Ț");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/ş/g, "ș");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/Ş/g, "Ș");
//these are needed if the user somehow searched for encoded text
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/%C5%A3/gi, "ț");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/%C5%A2/gi, "Ț");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/%C5%9F/gi, "ș");
allLinkTags[i].href = allLinkTags[i].href.replace(/%C5%9E/gi, "Ș");
function sanitizeMove() {
var newTitle = document.getElementById('wpNewTitleMain').firstChild;
var desc = document.getElementById('wpReason').firstChild;
if (!newTitle || !desc) {
return true;
if ("{{titlu corect") > -1) { //we found the template, do not replace
return true;
newTitle.value = allCommas(newTitle.value);
return true;
function sanitizeUpload() {
var description = document.getElementById('wpUploadDescription');
var title = document.getElementById('wpDestFile');
if (!description || !title) {
return true;
var newvalue = description.value;
var newtitle = title.value;
var skippable_regexp = /(<(span) lang=[^<>]*>(.|\r|\n)*?<\/\2>)|(<(gallery)(.*?)>(.|\r|\n)*?<\/\5>)|(\{\{\s*(L|l)ang(\-[^\|]*?)?\s*(\|[^\|]*?)?\|.*?\}\})/gi;
var skippable_phrases = newvalue.match(skippable_regexp);
newvalue = allCommas(newvalue);
var mixed_phrases = newvalue.match(skippable_regexp);
if (mixed_phrases !== null && skippable_phrases !== null) {
for (var i = 0; i < skippable_phrases.length; i++) {
newvalue = newvalue.replace(mixed_phrases[i], skippable_phrases[i]);
//restore the value to the editbox
description.value = newvalue;
if ("{{titlu corect") > -1) { //we found the template, do not replace the title
return true;
title.value = allCommas(newtitle);
return true;
function saveNewDiacritics() {
var fd_form = document.getElementById('editform');
var rename_form = document.getElementById('movepage');
var upload_form = document.getElementById('mw-upload-form');
/*excluding JS files for practical purposes*/
if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf(".js") > -1) {
/*excluding Modules for practical purposes*/
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 828) {
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == "Special:Căutare") {
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').search("Special:Mută_pagina") > -1 && rename_form) {
rename_form.onsubmit = sanitizeMove();
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') == "Special:Încărcare" && upload_form) {
upload_form.onsubmit = sanitizeUpload();
if (($.inArray(mw.config.get('wgAction'), ['edit', 'submit']) !== -1) && fd_form) {
fd_form.onsubmit = function () {
if (!fd_form) {
return false; //how come it does not exist if it fired an event?
return sanitizeForm(fd_form);
//HotCat form
$('body').on('submit', '#hotcatCommitForm', function (evt) {
var hc_form = document.getElementById('hotcatCommitForm');
if (!hc_form) {
return false; //how come it does not exist if it fired an event?
return sanitizeForm(hc_form);
/** Partea 2: Înlocuirea virgulelor cu sedile pentru utilizatorii care nu le văd ok */
function allCedillas(str) {
str = str.replace(/ț/g, "ţ");
str = str.replace(/Ț/g, "Ţ");
str = str.replace(/ș/g, "ş");
str = str.replace(/Ș/g, "Ş");
return str;
function goodToBad(node) {
var i;
if (goodToBad.formInputs === undefined) {
goodToBad.formInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
/* skip the form elements */
for (i = 0; i < goodToBad.formInputs.length; i++) {
if (node == goodToBad.formInputs[i])
if (node.nodeName == '#text') {
node.nodeValue = allCedillas(node.nodeValue);
// skip Romanian stuff
// MediaWiki now marks content with the wiki language, so this basically skips the whole article
//if (node.getAttribute !== undefined && node.getAttribute('lang') == 'ro') {
// return;
for (i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++)
function loadOldDiacritics() {
if (mw.config.get('wgPageName').toLowerCase().search("diacritic") > -1) {
return; //do not modify the text for pages referring to diacritics
var ta = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
if (!ta) {
return true;
var orig = ta.value;
ta.value = allCedillas(ta.value);
// mind the scope!
var form = document.getElementById('editform');
var es = document.getElementById('wpSummary');
if (form.wpSection.value == 'new') {
es.value = allCedillas(es.value);
return true;
function showOldDiacritics() {
/*excluding JS files for practical purposes*/
if (mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf(".js") > -1)
//edit box
if ($.inArray(mw.config.get('wgAction'), ['edit', 'submit']) !== -1) {
document.title = allCedillas(document.title);
// Copyright (c) 2010 Cristian Adam <>
// Adapted for Wikipedia by [[User:Strainu]]
// License: MIT
function diacriticsConfigureTextElement(element, text) {
element.innerHTML = text; = "auto"; = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "96px";
function diacriticsGetStyle(element, property) {
var camelize = function (str) {
return str.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (str, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
if (element.currentStyle) {
return element.currentStyle[camelize(property)];
} else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null)
} else {
function diacriticsOnOlderOperatingSystems() {
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (userAgent.indexOf("bot") != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf("crawl") != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf("slurp") != -1 ||
userAgent.indexOf("archive") != -1) {
return false;
var normalText = document.createElement("div");
diacriticsConfigureTextElement(normalText, "sStT");
var diacriticsText = document.createElement("div");
diacriticsConfigureTextElement(diacriticsText, "șȘțȚ");
document.body.insertBefore(normalText, document.body.firstChild);
document.body.insertBefore(diacriticsText, document.body.firstChild);
// Sometimes at various zoom settings there is a +1 difference
var doChange = (Math.abs(normalText.offsetWidth - diacriticsText.offsetWidth) > 1);
// Pocket Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile 6.5 returns 0
if (normalText.offsetWidth == 0 &&
diacriticsText.offsetWidth == 0) {
doChange = true;
if (doChange) {
/**Partea 3: Modificări pentru toți utilizatorii */
function showModifiedTitle() {
var titleOverride = document.getElementById("full_title");
if (titleOverride != undefined) {
var DOMtitle = document.getElementById("firstHeading");
if (DOMtitle != undefined) {
DOMtitle.innerHTML = titleOverride.innerHTML;
/**Partea 4: Folosirea funcțiilor de mai sus */
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
if (window.dont_change_diacritics == undefined || dont_change_diacritics == 0) {
//utilizatorul vrea neapărat diacriticele vechi
if (window.show_old_diacritics != undefined && window.show_old_diacritics == 1) {
//arată diacriticele vechi doar dacă e necesar
else {