Dragons: Rise of Berk Wiki

Explorations is a way to obtain Wood Wood, Fish Fish, Runes Rune IconDragons, and Collection Items Collection.


Upgrade Toothless to level 4.

Explorations Basics[]

Toothless and Light Fury have the ability to explore Search Locations. At the end of these explorations, players can receive a Dragon egg, Collection items, Fish, Wood, and Rune Icon
To start an Exploration, the player picks the Search Location, and the number of bags they wish to use. Players have the option to use a free bag, or pay Rune Icon and increase the Exploration to 2, or 3 bags. If a player has the Dragon Rider subscription, the 3 bag option is increased to 4 bags at no additional cost.

At the end of the search time, Toothless or Light Fury will return with the bags, and the player can open them to collect what they found.

There are standard permanent Explorations that Toothless or Light Fury can embark on at any time, and special time limited Event Explorations, that only Toothless can do.

Explorations Mechanics[]

For each Dragon egg, at each Search Location, the game assign a Max Bag, and Average Bag value to them.

The Max Bag value is the maximum number of bags a player needs to use at that Search Location in order to be guaranteed to find the Dragon egg. The Average Bag value is the average amount of bags most players will use at that Search Location before they find the Dragon egg.

When a player sends Toothless or Light Fury on an Exploration, the game adds the number of bags on that search to a running counter. The game uses the Max and Average Bags values to assign odds for each bag to contain the Dragon egg. As the counter runs higher, the odds to find the egg increase. When the counter reaches the Max Bags value, the player is guaranteed to find the egg in that bag.

For example, suppose a dragon has a Max Bag value of 38 and an Average Bag value of 32. About half of all players should find the dragon egg by their 32nd bag. This can be 32 one bag searches, 16 two bag searches, or 8 three bag searches. However, some players will be unlucky and need additional bags. The odds to find the dragon egg will continue to increase with each bag, and by bag 38, all players would be guaranteed to find the dragon egg in that bag.

If a player knows the Max and Average Bag values for an Exploration, and keeps tracks of their bags used, they can use that data to plan how many bags they will purchase on a search. This can help them know if they need to buy more bags to be likely to find the egg by the end of an Event Exploration, or to prevent purchasing 3 bags when the egg is guaranteed by the next bag.

Max and Average Bag values for Event Explorations can be found on the Explorations tab of the Event Data Google Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IX9RVrZOudQ2pVms-L6am7Xi6JS-WkJNWeo4advLS3I/


  • Max and Average Bag values for regular permanent Explorations are not known at this time.
  • If the Max value for two Dragon eggs, happen to land on the same bag number, the game forces one of those to be found in the prior bag.
  • On rare occasions, the running counter can reset to 0 erasing the players progress towards obtaining the egg.
  • Dragon eggs that appear in unpurchased bags do not affect your count or your odds of obtaining the egg in subsequent searches. These eggs are put in the bags by the game, and do not mean that you would have received that egg had you actually purchased the bag.



Here is a list of the basic Locations that Toothless can explore, along with the respective special rewards.

Location Toothless Level Search Time Main Dragon Additional Dragons Collection Items
Lava-Lout Island 4 1m Monstrous Nightmare
Monstrous Nightmare - NBG
4 Lava-Lout Island Collectibles
Bedrock Bluffs 5 2m Gronckle
Gronckle - NBG
5 Bedrock Bluffs Collectibles
Meathead Islands 6 3m Terrible Terror
Terrible Terror - NBG
6 Meathead Islands Collectibles
Unlandable Cove 7 30m Scauldron
Scauldron - NBG
(Monstrous Nightmare)
(Terrible Terror)
7 Unlandable Cove Collectibles
Raven Point 9 30m Smothering Smokebreath
Smothering Smokebreath - NBG
9 Raven Point Collectibles
Bashem 10 30m Whispering Death
Whispering Death - NBG
(Terrible Terror)
10 Bashem Collectibles
Dragon's Nest 12 1h Deadly Nadder
Deadly Nadder - NBG
(Whispering Death)
(Monstrous Nightmare)
12 Dragon's Nest Collectibles
Skullien Isle 13 1h Hobblegrunt
Hobblegrunt - NBG
(Terrible Terror)
13 Skullien Isle Collectibles
Badmist Mountains 16 1h30m Snaptrapper
Snaptrapper - NBG
16 Badmist Mountains Collectibles
Great West Ocean 18 1h30m Snafflefang
Snafflefang - NBG
(Smothering Smokebreath)
18 Great West Ocean Collectibles
Horrendous Point 19 2h Changewing
Changewing - NBG
(Deadly Nadder)
(Whispering Death)
19 Horrendous Point Collectibles
Inner Ocean 21 2h Shockjaw
Shockjaw - NBG
(Smothering Smokebreath)
21 Inner Ocean Collectibles
Wild Dragon Cliff 22 3h Hackatoo
Hackatoo - NBG
(Smothering Smokebreath)
22 Wild Dragon Cliff Collectibles
Cliff of Eternity 24 3h Timberjack
Timberjack - NBG
24 Cliff of Eternity Collectibles
Isles of Doom 25 4h Hideous Zippleback
Hideous Zippleback - NBG
25 Isles of Doom Collectibles
Black Heart Bay 28 4h Thunderdrum
Thunderdrum - NBG
(Deadly Nadder)
28 Black Heart Bay Collectibles
Eel Island 30 5h Typhoomerang
Typhoomerang - NBG
30 Eel Island Collectibles
Sundering Wastes 31 5h Raincutter
Raincutter - NBG
31 Sundering Wastes Collectibles
The Long Beach 32 6h Sliquifier
Sliquifier - NBG
32 The Long Beach Collectibles
Shivering Shores 34 6h Flightmare
Flightmare - NBG
34 Shivering Shores Collectibles
The Little Isles 35 8h Thunderpede
Thunderpede - NBG
35 The Little Isles Collectibles
Caliban Caves 36 8h Hotburple
Hotburple - NBG
36 Caliban Caves Collectibles
Drenchwood Forest 37 10h Scuttleclaw
Scuttleclaw - NBG
37 Drenchwood Forest Collectibles
Dragon Graveyard 40 10h Boneknapper
Boneknapper - NBG
(Hideous Zippleback)
40 Dragon Graveyard Collectibles
Northern Markets 41 10h30m Sandbuster
Sandbuster - NBG
(Deadly Nadder)
The Woods That Howled 42 11h Rumblehorn
Rumblehorn - NBG
(Hideous Zippleback)
42 The Woods That Howled Collectibles
Dagur's Ship 43 12h Thornridge
Thornridge - NBG
43 Dagur's Ship Collectibles
Burned Toe Beach 46 12h Sand Wraith
Sand Wraith - NBG
46 Burned Toe Beach Collectibles
Island of Night 49 14h Stormcutter
Stormcutter - NBG
49 Island of Night Collectibles
Wreck Reef 50 14h Skrill
Skrill - NBG
50 Wreck Reef Collectibles
Bloodspilt Bay 52 15h Seashocker
Seashocker - NBG
52 Bloodspilt Bay Collectibles
Eternitree 54 15h Sweet Death
Sweet Death - NBG
54 Eternitree Collectibles
Mani's Teardrop (Alpha Shadow) 55 8h Alpha Shadow
Alpha Shadow - NBG
55 Mani's Teardrop (Alpha Shadow) Collectibles
Lava-Lout Island (Lv. 56) 56 16h Windwalker
Windwalker - NBG
(Monstrous Nightmare)
Shadow Waters 58 16h Tide Glider
Tide Glider - NBG
58 Shadow Waters Collectibles
Fireworm Island 60 16h Fireworm Princess
Fireworm Princess - NBG
60 Fireworm Island Collectibles
Itchy Armpit (Shivertooth) 62 18h Shivertooth
Shivertooth - NBG
62 Itchy Armpit Collectibles
Icy Wastes 63 18h Woolly Howl
Woolly Howl - NBG
63 Icy Wastes Collectibles
Dragonvine Island 64 9h Silkspanner
Silkspanner - NBG
(Monstrous Nightmare) None
Icicle Vale 66 19h Groncicle
Groncicle - NBG
66 Icicle Vale Collectibles
Valhalla Valley 67 9h Submaripper
Submaripper - NBG
67 Valhalla Valley Collectibles
Sullen Sea 69 19h Ripwrecker
Ripwrecker - NBG
(Sweet Death)
69 Sullen Sea Collectibles
Breakneck Bog 72 20h Grapple Grounder
Grapple Grounder - NBG
(Tide Glider)
(Sand Wraith)
72 Breakneck Bog Collectibles
Sentinel Island 74 20h Sentinel
Sentinel - NBG
(Whispering Death) None
Perilous Paradise 75 20h Sword Stealer
Sword Stealer - NBG
(Fireworm Princess)
(Sand Wraith)
75 Perilous Paradise Collectibles
Windswept Ruin 76 21h Windstriker
Windstriker - NBG
76 Windswept Ruin Collectibles
Hunter Island 77 21h Snow Wraith
Snow Wraith - NBG
77 Hunter Island Collectibles
Bog of the Loud Whisper 78 22h Slithersong
Slithersong - NBG
78 Bog of the Loud Whisper Collectibles
Outpost Island 79 22h Night Terror
Night Terror - NBG
(Woolly Howl)
79 Outpost Island Collectibles
Overcast Island 80 23h Thunderclaw
Thunderclaw - NBG
80 Overcast Island Collectibles
Ashbone Tundra 80 1d04h Singetail
Singetail - NBG
80 Ashbone Tundra Collectibles
Snarl Haven 80 1d08h Speed Stinger
Speed Stinger - NBG
80 Snarl Haven Collectibles
Hatchery Hills 83 23h Egg Biter
Egg Biter - NBG
(Sword Stealer)
83 Hatchery Hills Collectibles
Shredstone Walls 85 1d Razorwhip
Razorwhip - NBG
85 Shredstone Walls Collectibles
Mani's Teardrop 87 10h Small Shadow
Small Shadow - NBG
85 Mani's Teardrop Collectibles
Dead-End Island 90 1d Snifflehunch
Snifflehunch - NBG
88 Dead-End Island Collectibles
Trembling Faults 91 1d04h Catastrophic Quaken
Catastrophic Quaken - NBG
(Grapple Grounder)
(Snow Wraith)
91 Trembling Faults Collectibles
Eruptodon Island 93 1d04h Eruptodon
Eruptodon - NBG
(Fireworm Princess)
Clattercliff Island 95 1d04h Shovelhelm
Shovelhelm - NBG
(Night Terror)
95 Clattercliff Island Collectibles
Armorwing Island 100 1d05h Armorwing
Armorwing - NBG
100 Armorwing Island Collectibles
Rough Sands 103 1d06h Threadtail
Threadtail - NBG
(Catastrophic Quaken)
103 Rough Sands Collectibles
Bellowing Heights 105 1d07h Windgnasher
Windgnasher - NBG
105 Bellowing Heights Collectibles
Windy Pass 109 1d08h Gobsucker
Gobsucker - NBG
109 Windy Pass Collectibles
Odin's Grassland 112 23h Buffalord
Buffalord - NBG
112 Odin's Grassland Collectibles
Triple Stryke Island 112 1d08h Triple Stryke
Triple Stryke - NBG
112 Triple Stryke Island Collectibles
Neverglades 112 1d08h Prickleboggle
Prickleboggle - NBG
112 Neverglades Collectibles
Shrouded Sands 115 1d11h Rockstomper
Rockstomper - NBG
115 Shrouded Sands Collectibles
Restless Hallows 124 1d11h Cavern Crasher
Cavern Crasher - NBG
124 Restless Hallows Collectibles
Slitherwing Island 126 1d11h Slitherwing
Slitherwing - NBG
(Cavern Crasher)
Dramillion Island 131 1d Dramillion
Dramillion - NBG
(Cavern Crasher)
