Osmund Saddler (オズムンド・サドラー,Ozumundo Sadorā?), often referred to as Lord Saddler, was the leader of Los Iluminados, a neopagan cult and paramilitary organisation. He was a bio-weapons research chief who resided in an isolated Spanish region. In the early 2000s, Saddler's leadership ensured the cult's dominance in the region through the weaponisation of the mind-controlling Plaga parasites to suit his plans for world domination. He was killed in 2004 during a USSTRATCOM mission to rescue Ashley Graham, the President's daughter whom Saddler's organisation had taken hostage.
How Saddler discovered the existence of the mind-influencing animal species, Las Plagas, is a mystery, given his non-Spanish name betrays his nature as an outsider. Equally so is how he was able to obtain materials for bio-weapons research and fund a paramilitary organisation.
Saddler entered the region in the early 2000s, intent on possessing the Plagas to gain financial and military influence on the world stage. The Plagas, as recorded in local folklore, had been hidden in ancient ruins below the First Castellan's new castle. To gain access to the ruins, Saddler took the guise of a holy man, and manipulated the young Ramon Salazar into giving him access by converting him to his new cult, then making him feel guilty over his ancestor's actions and seek redemption.[1][2] Through Salazar, Saddler was able to gain access to the ruins with the aide of an excavation team. Expecting to find only carcasses, Saddler and his team were surprised to find years later that the excavation team had inhaled spores which regenerated into full-grown Plagas.[3]
Saddler began research on the rejuvenated parasites, and had them genetically modified to be more resistant to attempted removals in a project led by Dr. Luis Sera.[4][5]A new subspecies was also engineered, which would be dominant among the parasites' social collective and force hosts to obey the wishes of the dominant hosts, who were themselves free of mind control.
The conversion of Father Bitores Méndez, the village priest and chief, marked a significant expansion in the cult's power. Fr. Méndez was the village priest as well as its elder, leading both the political and religious affairs of the region. By turning him into a disciple, Saddler was able to convince almost the entire rural community to abandon their Catholicism and turn to the cult. Injected with Plagas as part of a cleansing ritual to wash away sin, the villagers soon fell under Saddler's control. When this process was complete, he used them as both a labor force and security, ordering them to kill any trespassers, while maintaining the image that the village was operating as usual to avoid suspicion from the Spanish government.[6]
2004 abduction incident[]
"If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine... religious community." — Saddler, introducing himself to Leon.[7]
In 2004, with his local power cemented and Plaga-based bio-weapon research underway,[8] Saddler moved on with his plan for world domination. Dr. Luis Serra sent an e-mail containing his research findings on the Plaga to a friend of his. Ada Wong discovered this e-mail during a mission, and passed it on to the top brass of Umbrella's rival company. Albert Wesker then tasked Jack Krauser with infiltrating Saddler's organization and retrieving a Dominant Plaga sample. To earn Saddler's graces, Krauser initiated Saddler's plan by abducting the US president's daughter, Ashley Graham, and delivered her to Saddler, who implanted her with a parasite. The plan was to stage a ransom kidnapping before sending her home and infecting the President, through the parasitisation of other influential people, and allow Saddler control of American political and military affairs. In the event this plan was discovered, Saddler expected the paranoia over who is parasitised to cause the US to crumble, thereby removing them as a threat regardless.[9]
As Dr. Serra escaped from the island, he stole a dominant species Plaga sample which Saddler had intended to infect the United States president with. In response, Saddler ordered Serra's kidnapping in order to retrieve the sample and keep him quiet, although he was later rescued by Kennedy. Saddler was concerned about how a third party became aware of the Plaga as it was a threat to his plan,[10] but allowed Krauser the dominant sample in return for his temporary services, and factored Krauser into his plan while still considering ways to eventually have him killed.
The US government quickly covered up the kidnapping and began an intense investigation of its agents. Kennedy, one of the few to be cleared of suspicion, was sent out alone to investigate, and was captured and parasitised on Saddler's orders,[11][12] possibly with the intention of sending him back to the US as Graham's 'rescuer'. However, the intervention of Serra and Ada Wong caused significant problems to this plan, especially when Serra provided Kennedy and Graham with drugs to slow the Plagas' growth rate while Wong later destroyed a warship and its Ganado crew. Krauser was able to prevent a rescue, however, when he successfully tapped into the US government broadcasting frequency, allowing the militia to track a helicopter and destroy it. He later had it jammed, with only he and Salazar able to broadcast messages to Kennedy. Serra was also killed by Saddler in the castle to recover a Dominant Plaga egg he had stolen for Wong.[13] However, in his stalling for Kennedy and Graham's Plagas to hatch, Saddler nonetheless suffered the loss of both Méndez and Salazar, who were nearly irreplaceable,[14] and was forced to retrieve Graham on the Island, with the intent on Kennedy either being killed by U-3 or by Krauser when following.
Saddler placed Graham in a capsule, unconscious, in the expectation of keeping her safe until her Plagas took control of them fully. Finding Kennedy alive after Krauser's death, Saddler considered keeping him as a bodyguard,[15] and soon after had a second American helicopter shot down to prevent Graham's capture.[16] Close to Graham's takeover, Kennedy and Wong cooperated in freeing her; Saddler was able to knock out Wong while she made a distraction for Kennedy and Graham to use Serra's special equipment to destroy the Plagas in their bodies.[4][17] Kennedy found his way onto the steel tower, where Saddler had placed the tied-up Wong.[18] After freeing her, the two worked together to fight him, though Saddler's parasite had already grown outside his body into a large and powerful creature. A rocket launcher used by the militia was captured by Wong, who gave it to Kennedy to fire.[19] Kennedy used it against Saddler, firing a fatal shot to his chest. The rocket caused Saddler's parasite to explode, and he fell forward and died.[20]
Excerpt from biohazard4 kaitaishinsho revised edition, p. 14: 今回の事件の舞台となる地方に古くからある宗教団体、ロス・イルミナドス教団のカリスマ。現領主ラモン・サラザルの協力によって、古の昔に教団が用いていたという奇妙な力を体得。その“革新的布教法”によって教団および弓の力を各地に知らしめ、アメリカ合衆国を皮切りに、全世界を支配しようと画策している。