Related Blog Posts on Tishah B'Av

This Tishah B'Av, Act as if There is No God

Shayna Han
Tishah B'Av is a day of mourning, commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples. In recent years, it's also a day to mourn other tragedies that have darkened Jewish history - the Romans putting down the Bar Kochba revolt, mass murders of Jewish communities during the Crusades, expulsions from England, France, and Spain in the Middle Ages, and the Holocaust.

Why We Need a “Spiritual Co-conspiratorship” for Justice

Yolanda Savage-Narva
During the 2020 uprising for Black lives, Yehudah was the lead organizer of the 40 Days of Teshuvah action that created a space of mourning the destruction of Black communities and crying out to the Heavens for spiritual co-conspiratorship in the fight for racial justice.

From Pain to Purpose: Mourning for the Earth on Tishah B’Av

Courtney Cooperman
On Tishah B’Av, as we grieve for the Earth and the countless lives lost to climate change, we must also harness our power to limit the scale of future tragedy. Even as we feel the effects of climate change in our daily lives, we still have the chance to stave off worst-case scenarios.

How to Turn a Day of Love into Acts of Self-Love

Rabbi C. B. Souther

Perhaps the Hebrew month of Av invites us to find a balance between the deep mourning of Tishah B’Av and the hope of finding love embodied in Tu B’Av a few days later?

Why We Are Bearing Witness at the Border

Rabbi Rick Jacobs

I’m here in El Paso this weekend because I worship a God who is impatient with injustice, a God who demands that migrants must not be wronged.