Red Dead Wiki

Tonics come in 32 varieties in Red Dead Redemption 2. Tonics restore health, stamina, and/or Dead Eye, but do not restore any Cores, except for some of the horse items. Craftable tonics require a campfire.

Image Name Buy
Effect Acquisition Recipe
Aged Pirate Rum RDR2 Aged Pirate Rum - Consuming this will give you stamina experience. Loot
Ginseng Elixir RDR2 Ginseng Elixir - Consuming this will give you health experience. Loot
Valerian Root RDR2 Valerian Root - Consuming this will give you Dead Eye experience. Loot
Moonshine RDR2 Moonshine $2.25
Fully restores health and fortifies slightly, slightly damages health core. Buy or loot
Sold by Fences
Opened Health Cure RDR2 Opened Health Cure - Fully restores health. Loot
Health Cure RDR2 Health Cure $2.50
Fully restores health and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores
Potent Health Cure RDR2 Potent Health Cure $4.50
Fully restores health and fortifies moderately. Buy, loot or craft
Sold by Doctors
1× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 1× Yarrow
Special Health Cure RDR2 Special Health Cure - Fully restores health and fortifies greatly. Craft 2× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 2× Yarrow + 2× English Mace/Milkweed
Cocaine Gum RDR2 Cocaine Gum $5.00 Fully restores stamina and fortifies slightly. Slightly damages stamina core. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores and Doctors
Opened Bitters RDR2 Opened Bitters - Fully restores stamina. Loot
Bitters RDR2 Bitters $3.00
Fully restores stamina and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores and Doctors
Potent Bitters RDR2 Potent Bitters $5.00
Fully restores stamina and fortifies moderately. Buy, loot or craft
Sold by Doctors
1× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 1× Burdock Root
Special Bitters RDR2 Special Bitters - Fully restores stamina and fortifies greatly. Craft 2× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 2× Burdock Root + 2× Violet Snowdrop/Wild Feverfew
Chewing Tobacco RDR2 Chewing Tobacco $6.00 Fully restores Dead Eye and fortifies slightly. Slightly damages Dead Eye core. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores and Doctors
Opened Snake Oil RDR2 Opened Snake Oil - Fully restores Dead Eye. Loot
Snake Oil RDR2 Snake Oil $3.50
Fully restores Dead Eye and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores and Doctors
Potent Snake Oil RDR2 Potent Snake Oil $5.50
Fully restores Dead Eye and fortifies moderately. Buy, loot or craft
Sold by Doctors
1× Indian Tobacco
Special Snake Oil RDR2 Special Snake Oil - Fully restores Dead Eye and fortifies greatly. Craft 2× Indian Tobacco + 2× Blackcurrant/Golden Currant/Prairie Poppy
Opened Miracle Tonic RDR2 Opened Miracle Tonic - Fully restores Health, Stamina and Dead Eye. Loot
Miracle Tonic RDR2 Miracle Tonic $4.00
Fully restores Health, Stamina and Dead Eye and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores and Doctors
Potent Miracle Tonic RDR2 Potent Miracle Tonic $7.00
Fully restores Health, Stamina and Dead Eye and fortifies moderately. Buy, loot or craft
Sold by Doctors
4× Indian Tobacco + 4× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 4× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage
Special Miracle Tonic RDR2 Special Miracle Tonic - Fully restores Health, Stamina and Dead Eye and fortifies greatly. Craft 6× Blackcurrant/Golden Currant + 6× Yarrow + 6× Burdock Root
Opened Horse Medicine RDR2 Opened Horse Medicine - Fully restores Horse Health. Loot
Horse Medicine RDR2 Horse Medicine $1.50
Fully restores Horse Health and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores, Doctors and Stables
Potent Horse Medicine RDR2 Potent Horse Medicine $3.00
Fully restores Horse Health and fortifies moderately. Buy, loot or craft
Sold by General Stores, Doctors and Stables
1× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 1× Common Bulrush
Special Horse Medicine RDR2 Special Horse Medicine - Fully restores Horse Health and fortifies greatly. Craft 2× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 2× Common Bulrush + 2× Wild Carrot
Horse Stimulant RDR2 Horse Stimulant $2.50
Fully restores Horse stamina and fortifies slightly. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores, Doctors and Stables
Potent Horse Stimulant RDR2 Potent Horse Stimulant $4.00
Fully restores Horse stamina and fortifies moderately. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores, Doctors and Stables
1× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 1× Common Bulrush
Special Horse Stimulant RDR2 Special Horse Stimulant - Fully restores Horse stamina and fortifies greatly. Craft 2× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 2× Common Bulrush + 2× Wild Carrot
Horse Reviver RDR2 Horse Reviver $9.50
Revives horse from severe injury and moderately restores its health. Buy or loot
Sold by General Stores, Doctors and Stables
Special Horse Reviver RDR2 Special Horse Reviver - Revives horse from severe injury and yields a gold health Core for a day. Craft 2× Alaskan Ginseng/American Ginseng + 2× Wild Carrot + 2× Parasol Mushroom
Horse Meal RDR2 Horse Meal - A decent meal for the horse. Fully restores all horse cores and yields gold cores for a day. Craft - does not require campfire 3× Blackcurrant/Golden Currant + 3× Beets + 3× Hay
Horse Ointment RDR2 Horse Ointment - Greatly restores horse health core and fully restores stamina core and yields a gold stamina core for a day. Craft 1× Hummingbird Sage/Desert Sage + 1× Common Bulrush + 1× Yarrow