Ourea served as the shaman of the Banuk werak within Song's Edge, who fostered the orphan known as Naltuk, who would become her apprentice and later a successor to the role of being a Shaman for the Song's Edge werak, as well as protecting a Banuk outcast known as Sekuli from being exiled.
Later after rescuing CYAN, an AI that she bonded prior to the events of the game, with the help of Aloy and her younger brother, the chieftain Aratak, Ourea would later sacrifice herself to free her from the grips of HEPHAESTUS, thus saving CYAN and the Banuk from extinction caused by it.
While she cannot be fairly compared to Aloy, as she is on the high-resource tier for admirability, Ourea still passes the admirable standards of Horizon for utilizing the resources she has to her advantage in her one and only appearance throughout the Frozen Wilds DLC.
She was responsible for helping Naltuk out, when he was an orphan, where she would later act as a mentor to him up to the present time, long before her legacy after her death passes on to him as the new Shaman of Song's Edge.
She was also responsible for protecting Sekuli from being banished from her own tribe, when Sekuli mentioned as to how she would have been exiled completely, due to her style of tribal painting, had it not for Ourea's convincing with Aratak to let her stay.
Near the end of the Frozen Wilds' quest "The Forge of Winter", Ourea would later give her life in an admirable act to save the Banuk from extinction through HEPHAESTUS' attempt of using Cauldron EPSILON to mass-produce Fireclaws around the Cut, by using the overriding tool from Aloy's spear, thereby saving CYAN from HEPHAESTUS' grip, and with the rogue AI fleeing, thus saving her tribe from HEPHAESTUS' attempted extinction via sending Fireclaws around The Cut.
Her death was what changed Aratak for the better as the Chieftain of Song's Edge, as well as with Naltuk passing onto her mentor's legacy as the new Shaman.
While she was seen to be pessimistic and uncertain regarding saving CYAN, at first, it was understandable as she experienced how the previous exploration to Firebreak to save CYAN led to a disaster that killed many of her hunters from the Daemonic Machines. However, she would later subvert it, once Aloy appeared and later temporarily became the Chieftain, who would spearhead the expedition to save CYAN, given her access to Zero Dawn technology, as Ourea regained her hope to save her friend from HEPHAESTUS, leading to her heroic sacrifice.
Ourea is the only Pure Good character in Horizon series that is within a DLC story mission.