[Expert consensus on enteral nutrition management of preterm infants (2024)]
- PMID: 38926369
- PMCID: PMC11562063
- DOI: 10.7499/j.issn.1008-8830.2402039
[Expert consensus on enteral nutrition management of preterm infants (2024)]
Providing adequate and balanced nutrition for preterm infants, especially extremely/very preterm infants, is the material basis for promoting their normal growth and development and improving long-term prognosis. Enteral nutrition is the best way to feed preterm infants. Previous systematic reviews have shown that using evidence-based standardized feeding management strategies can effectively promote the establishment of full enteral feeding, reduce the duration of parenteral nutrition, improve the nutritional outcomes of preterm infants, and not increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis or death. Based on relevant research in China and overseas, the consensus working group has developed 20 recommendations in 5 aspects including the goal of enteral nutrition, transitioning to enteral nutrition, stable growth period enteral nutrition, supplementation of special nutrients, and monitoring of enteral nutrition for preterm infants, using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation. The aim is to provide recommendations for healthcare professionals involved in the management of enteral nutrition for preterm infants, in order to improve the clinical outcomes of preterm infants.
为早产儿尤其是极/超早产儿提供充足和均衡的营养是促进其正常生长发育和改善远期预后的物质基础,肠内营养是最佳的营养方式。既往系统回顾性分析显示使用基于循证医学的标准化喂养管理策略可有效促进全肠内喂养的建立,缩短肠外营养时间,改善早产儿的营养结局,而不增加坏死性小肠结肠炎或死亡的发生风险。基于国内外相关研究,该共识制订组采用证据推荐分级的评估、制订与评价方法(Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation),从早产儿肠内营养的目标、过渡期的肠内营养、稳定生长期的肠内营养、肠内特殊营养素的补充及肠内营养的监测等5个方面提出20条推荐意见,旨在为相关从业人员提供早产儿肠内营养管理的建议,以改善早产儿的临床结局。.
Keywords: Enteral nutrition; Expert consensus; Nutrient; Preterm infant; Total enteral feeding.
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