Evaluation of nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth using three-dimensional computerized tomography: a case report and literature review
- PMID: 20098970
Evaluation of nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth using three-dimensional computerized tomography: a case report and literature review
Aim: The aims of this report are to present a case of nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth and a discussion of the value of three-dimensional computerized tomography (3D CT) for precise radiographic imaging of the anomaly.
Background: Multiple supernumerary teeth without any associated syndromes are very rare. Exact radiographic presentations with an associated diagnosis of nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth have not been well published.
Report: A young Chinese female patient presented with asymmetrical nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth in the premolar and molar regions of her mouth. A 3D CT was used to evaluate the exact location and orientation of these teeth and to guide the treatment strategy.
Summary: The use of 3D CT for the evaluation of supernumerary teeth proved to be very useful in determining their size, location, and state of development, as well as their impact on adjacent teeth and tissues in a 15-year-old patient.
Clinical significance: The 3D CT is a very useful radiological tool to assess nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth.
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