Teddy Long serves as One of the Anti-Protagonist from the Television Series direct to video Shows of WWE, General Manager, in 2009, he starts as a minor antagonist and later reformed, after he realizes his mistake at CM Punk for costing The Undertaker the World Heavyweight title, he becomes reformed character and a Retired Recurring Wrestler.
He was portrayed by Himself, only.
Teddy Long is a Dark-Skinned, Toned Man with a White Balding Hair and Dark Green Eyes, Thus wearing a White Glasses. He wears a Black Tuxedo Jacket Suit, Pants and Belt with a White Shirt and a Red Tie then a Belt. In Alternate Costume, He wears a 2P Colors Suits such as the White Tuxedo Jacket, Pants and Belt with Red Shirt and Yellow Tie, then the Belt.