Shion Kiba is one of the main protagonists of Cardfight!! Vanguard G season 1 & 2. He is Chrono Shindo's rival. His vanguard circle is blue.
Shion's personality is basically the opposite of Chrono. He is friendly and calm, polite to others, smiling most of the time, and is shown to have much better social skills than Chrono. He is very selfless, as he suggests to Chrono that he obtain the Demon Conquering Dragon, Dungaree "Unlimited" card, so that he can win the quest despite being the first person to obtain it. It seems that. However, even though he was smiling on the surface, his appearance may be a facade, as evidenced by the fact that he stated that he was furious at losing to Chrono.
Despite Shion's wealthy life, he does not indulge; he considers himself normal and seems to prefer working hard to achieve his goals. He has a lot of pride and once he finds a goal he won't stop trying until he achieves it. According to Iwakura (the Kiba family butler), he rarely changes his plans.
Shion, who attended Card Capital 2's soirée, seemed to have gotten closer to Tokoha and Chrono, but she is jealous of Chrono's immediate accomplishments and is trying to surpass Chrono. After forming Team TRY3, he develops a "friendship" with Chrono, but although they have become good friends, they still often get nervous about each other. His desire to defeat Crono was so strong that he agreed to fight him after declaring he was quitting Vanguard. Similarly, Chrono refuses to accept Shion quitting the game, stating that he has no intention of looking for Shion's replacement. During that battle, both constantly attacked each other with hateful words, but in reality it was Chrono's way to "help" Shion with his problems and convince her not to quit Vanguard.
Shion doesn't realize how lucky he is, but he is surprised when Chrono says that most people don't have items worth auctioning, such as antiques and sculptures.
Shion seems to have a lot of pride and can't bear to lose. When he lost to Shouma Shinonome, he said he wanted to quit Vanguard with the excuse that he was juggling family life, fencing, and Vanguard, and that he was half-hearted in all of them. However, Chrono makes him understand that he is only angry about losing.
After his encounter with his mentor figure, Kai, where he was defeated by Ace and literally lost everything, Shion became more determined to get revenge on Ace and stopped relying on his position as Kiba. He also picked up on some of Kai's quirks, such as adding "the" to phrases during matches.
In G Season 2, when Ace learns that Shouma was the one who took over Kiva Corporation, he brutally beats Shouma in an uncontrollable rage, to the point that Ibuki had to restrain him. He is shown to have a vengeful side. He is prone to holding strong grudges, as is Olivier Gaillard, as he continued to refuse forgiveness even after Am tried to apologize.
Since reasserting his position as Kiba's successor, Shion has become a manipulator of sorts, when he took Mamoru Anjou to add Rin Hashima to the U20 team and then repeatedly refused to let her quit.
Season 1[]
Shion was raised by the wealthy Kiba family. His main hobby was fencing, but one of his fencing buddies lost Tough Boy. Shion decided to keep it so she could return it later.
However, he ended up putting it in his pocket, which caused the pocket to bend when he sat in the limousine. When the limo passed by a card shop, Shion stopped the limousine and ordered them to go inside and buy a replacement item. Inside, he saw Altomile, a copy of the Knight of the Blue Sky, and had a vision of himself in Cray and Altomile speaking to him. After that, Shion started a card fight. Shion's first appearance is minor. He first noticed Chrono fighting Kamui in Card Capital 2. The next day, when he returns home, he notices Chrono having a tree-climbing competition with Team Trinity Dragon, and jokingly comments to himself:
Shion's first major role is in episode 4, when he goes on the same quest as Chrono: to retrieve the child's dungarees "Unlimited" that he left at his grandmother's house. Chrono has a hard time with the quest as he threatens Reiko to finish his chores as usual, while Shion politely explains the situation and obtains the card. Shion allows Chrono to take the card since he came to take it first, but Chrono considers it a shame and refuses, and they have a card fight. Although Chrono won the battle, he said that although Shion enjoyed fighting Gear Chronicle, he was still angry about losing. He is next seen as a school cleaner. When Chrono noticed him, they started cleaning more enthusiastically, probably to have a competition. Tokoha Anjo approaches them and tells them about the FIVA Vanguard Quiz Tournament that Shion participated in. Shion answered all the questions correctly in the first round, but did not do so well in the second round as the girls argued over who would lend him the various items he was supposed to fetch. was. During the second round, the girls run over Ryota, and Ryota resignedly tells Shion that he always loses and is disappointed. As Shion recalls the words her butler told her in her childhood, she tells Ryota, "Never quit." At the end of the final round, Shion fell off a rock wall during the obstacle course, and would have missed out on winning if Chrono hadn't helped her. With Chrono's help, Shion wins the tournament by a narrow margin.
When Jaime Alcaraz came to town, he challenged Shion to a race. Jamie won, even though Shion was in a limousine and Jamie was in a rickshaw. Shion watched the match between Chrono and Jaime and was jealous of Chrono's miraculous victory.
Shion is invited to a party to celebrate Chrono's graduation from his second year at Card Capital 2 and he is then seen fighting various people at an unnamed card shop, and Chrono is shocked at how much better Shion has become.
One day, Shion attends a party in place of her father and happens to meet Yuya, her childhood friend. Shion then reunites with Ryota, who asks Shion to train him so he can defeat the masked ghost. Shion reunites with Yuya during fencing practice, but Yuya is noticed by a professional scouter. While Shion was riding in a limousine on her way home, she suddenly received a phone call from Ryota, telling her that a masked ghost had been seen. Shion arrives in time for the masked ghost to take someone's avatar. Shion gives chase, but the masked ghost runs away. During Shion's audition for the Pro Fencing League, she receives an email saying that Ryota is in trouble, so she decides to abandon the audition and go help him. When Shion arrives, a masked ghost stands over Ryota, making him beg for his avatar. Shion challenged the Masked Ghost to a card fight, using the various cards won by the Masked Ghost. The Masked Ghost gained 12 cards, so Shion decided he needed to play it with 12 triggers missing from his deck. Shion wastes two triggers early on, and a masked ghost, revealed to be Yuya, successfully uses Legion to corner him. However, Shion confirmed both of the remaining triggers in one attack and succeeded in reversing the situation. After the battle, Yuya ran away again.
Afterwards, Shion helped out at the Dragon Empire Grill. At the end of the festival, Shion fought Tokoha, Chrono, and Mamoru three on one, and lost.
In episode 18, Shion helped Chrono and Tokoha with a quest from an anonymous teenager to return the lost card of his crush. When it was time to return the card, the unnamed teenager tried to get it back. When Chrono persuades the boy to return the cards to him in a game of chance. He holds out a few cards at random, and if the boy chooses the card he wants back, he has to return the card himself. He picked a card and gained confidence to return it. Afterwards, Shion and Tokoha believe that Chrono made the nameless boy to choose the card with 100% probability, but Chrono corrects them and Tokoha scolds them.
Kamui decides to force Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha to join the team. He had them do lots of team practices, but they all failed. Kamui decides to pit them against Shion's team, Team Trinity Dragon, using Chrono's Gear Chronicle deck and Team Trinity Dragon, using Tsuneto Tado's Oracle Think Tank deck. The problem is that both teams switch fighters every turn. Shion's team loses, and Kamui blames it on their lack of willingness to cooperate and goes on a rant about how they have no chance of winning the national tournament. As a result, Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha decide to form a team to torment Kamui.
To compete in the national competition, Chrono needed to reach Grade 3. So they decided to enter the tournament. They were making good progress until Chrono discovered Team Trick Trick's cheating and took action. When the judge says that Crono will probably be stripped of his rank and expelled from the tournament, Chrono flies out in a rage. However, Shion and Tokoha believed Chrono and proved Team Trick Trick's cheating. As a result, Chrono's punishment was reduced from a five-year suspension from official tournaments to the loss of points and demotion to Grade 0.
After that, Chrono accepts a quest that allows him to become Grade 2 at once. Chrono was planning to do it alone, but insisted that Shion and Tokoha accompany him. With their help, Chrono completed a quest that seemed impossible to complete alone.
After a period of intense exploration, Chrono finally reaches Grade 3 by the tournament due to having to stay with his lost child while waiting for his mother to pick him up from the police station. Mamoru persuades the Dragon Empire's branch chief to create an emergency quest specifically for those who still need to reach Grade 3 by the tournament. Even with Shion and Tokoha's help, Chrono still didn't have enough tokens to reach grade 3. As they were about to leave at the end of the day, Tsuneto intervened and challenged Chrono to a fight. Chrono wins by gaining enough tokens to reach grade 3. After the event, Shion seemed satisfied to see that Chrono had reached the same level as herself.
Team TRY3 easily advanced to the top 16 in the district. In the first round of the best 16, Shion fought Shouma Shinonome and lost because he was unable to obtain a critical trigger due to Saint Brow's attack. Afterwards, despite Chrono's encouragement, Shion became depressed and even wanted to quit Vanguard, but Chrono would not allow that and challenged Shion to a final battle. If Shion wins, Chrono will agree to leave him alone. Shion won, but ultimately decided to continue playing Vanguard.
Shion attended Saya Yatomi's concert held at the Dragon Empire headquarters and helped prepare for the concert. That night, Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha participated in the concert itself, playing the villains in a skit starring Saya.
Hearing about a tournament where the winner can compete against Team Demise, Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha decide to participate. All of them made it to the top three, but Shion noticed that one of the three finalists had been dragged away by Yuya.
After returning home, Chrono notices Taiyou Asukawa's suspicious behavior, and Shion decides to investigate Yuya's presence. The path back to the internal investigation was locked, but luckily Shion discovered that the door could be opened by applying the bracelet she received after winning the tournament. Once he got inside he was spotted by security. He asks them why they aren't wearing bracelets, then says they need discipline and takes the trio to their separate floors. Shion was then forced to fight Yuya using GIRS, which was modified to inflict pain on damaged fighters, and Yuya had equipped his flank so that he would not feel pain. One day, Shouma Shinonome came to watch the match. When Shion was told that Shoma was the direct reason for Yuya joining United Sanctuary, Shion got carried away and defended Yuya's attacks without batting an eye, winning with Saint Brow Dragon. After the battle, Yuya is dragged away and Shion asks Shoma where he is taking him, to which Shoma replies that there are no weaklings at United Sanctuary and that they should be training birds, not dogs.
After the fight with Yuya, Shion was taken to Koji Ibuki's office when Chrono was about to confront Kouji Ibuki about the United Sanctuary issue. Shortly after him, Tokoha is also forced to come to Ibuki's office. Crono, Shion, and Tokoha try to convince Ibuki that what United Sanctuary is doing is wrong. Kanzaki himself decides to show Team TRY3 the ideals of United Sanctuary. He fought all three at once and won each match without using any trump cards. During the battle, he mocks Team TRY3's ideals, declaring that "the heart makes people weak."
After Team TRY3 is defeated by Kanzaki, Shion decides to help Chrono put the smile back on Taiyou's face by accompanying Chrono through the city with Tokoha, Kumi, and Team Trinity Dragon.
Chrono, Shion, and Tokoha are reflecting on Taiyou's decision on the rooftop. After Shion returned home, Iwakura gave Shion a letter with an invitation to fight against Team Demise. After hearing about Dragon Empire's petition to hold a branch chief meeting, Team TRY3 went to Dragon Empire and requested a postponement in order to show everyone at United Sanctuary how much fun Vanguard is. While the other clan leaders reject the idea as childish, Ryutaro gives Chrono a chance to prove how serious he is. Chrono manages to prove that he is serious, but Ryutaro still refuses to delay the meeting. However, it did not take place until the Monday after the match between Team TRY3 and Team His Demise. Afterwards, Shion was training for battle. Iwakura saw Shion acting without his support and gave him the Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile.
In the battle between Team TRY3 and Team Demise, Shion chooses to fight Shouma. Throughout the battle, Shouma told him how he could see the future and that the path Shion would take would end in death. Shoma uses his finisher, Mythical Destroyer Beast, Vanargandr, to make a triple critical trigger drive check, but Shion uses two Perfect Guards to withstand it and win on the next turn. Shoma said that it was more fun that Shion found a future that he didn't know about.
Afterwards, Shion and Chrono will face Ibuki again.
Season 2[]
Shion met Luna with Crono and Tokoha and watched the battle of Crono's teachings with her. In the Magarinica Branch Quest, Team TRY3 easily won the preliminaries and got a chance to compete against the special Aqua Force. Xiong was paired with Charlene Chen and won.
After completing the brunch quest, Shion returned to her hometown to officially recognize her as the heir to the Kiba family. However, after the ceremony, rumors began to spread that Kiba's company would be taken over by Ace Corporation. Shion is contacted by Ace himself and confronts him alone. Learning that his uncle is being held captive by Ace, Ace challenges Shion to a card fight for the future of the company. Thinking that Shion would be worried about cheating, Ace suggested that both fighters build improvised decks from packs. Shion only drew 8 Trigger cards, 1 G Unit, and no Perfect Guard, and Ace for some reason drew 2 Dragon Slayer War God Kamusu Sanoo, crushing Shion. After the battle, Ace reveals that the whole thing was a trap to gather support for the takeover of Kiva by Ace Corporation, and that his uncle was involved.
On the eve of the Dragon Empire Quest, Shion encountered Toshiki Kai and fought with him many times. As Shion continued to lose, he doubted his abilities and was haunted by visions of his friends and family leaving him and Ace and Shoma making fun of him.
But Kai said, "Please draw it." His own avatar, Altmile, begins to shine brightly. The ball of light, which probably represents the light of hope, makes Shion grab the light with his own hands and vow to never end his miserable life. Shion then fell asleep and when she woke up, Kai had already left.
During the Dragon Empire quest, Shion continued to fight the pursuers and defeated them all. When Shion heard that Chrono and Tokoha were in the drop zone, she came to their rescue and challenged Miwa, the guardian, to a battle. Miwa's Sea Dragon deck countered Shion's deck perfectly by gaining an advantage based on the number of Shion's grade 2 rear-guards, but Shion won anyway.
During the zoo's brunch quest, Shion suggested that Tokoha look for seasonings instead of just pursuing high-quality ingredients.