Rainbow Dash, also known as Princess Rainbow Dash, is the one of the main characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is a tomboyish pretty sky blue Pegasus mare with a rainbow colored mane and tail. She is the only daughter of Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, the daughter-in-law of Tippy Tappy, and also the wife of Soarin'. In Big Hero 6: Armed Mares, she is serves as Gogo Tomago's partner. In My Little Pony: The Book of Golden Oak, she made her first debut in season 1 episode 4 "An Undercover Bride", where she is shown spying and working for the Shredder (Kevin Michael Richardson) and his men, but it turns out she isn't. In season 1 episode 7 "Kunoichi in Peril", she, along with her friends, including Shining Armor (Andrew Francis) tracked down Tiger Claw (Eric Bauza), believing it will lead her and her friends to Flash Sentry, who himself pursues Tiger Claw. In season 2 episode 1 "Death of Splinter", she and her friends continued on their searches for Flash Sentry.
Equestria Girls: Lethal Alliance ending[]
Once again, the threat of human world has been vanquished. The Mortimer Snerds and the Lethal Alliance is no more. What dangers lie in the next day, I can no longer foresee. Perhaps Maleficent the Dragon Queen will, in fact, return from the dead. Perhaps the depths of the hell will spew forth a legion of demons. Even the supernatural beings, such as vampires, werewolves, and zombies pose a threat to peace now that Equestria is in chaos and danger. But one thing is certain... human world must be protected from harm. I've abandoned my status as elder goddess to aid these benevolent humans... an act defiant of the heavens. And I will instead remain here... as goddess of lightning.
- Bow Hot Hoof (father)
- Windy Whistles (mother)