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Globulus Maximus, later known as SpongeGlob, is a giant living booger who leads an invasion of morphoids and is the main antagonist-turned-main protagonist of SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom.


He looks like he has a big lump of dried nasal discharge and several eyes around his face. He has purple lips and blue eyelids. In its Spongebob form, it takes the form of SpongeBob, except it has one eye with antenna-like eyelashes and is darker in color.


He was created at the beginning of time, during the "great sneeze." At the beginning of the game, Globulous sends out Morphoid minions to destroy various worlds. However, they are thwarted when SpongeBob, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Tak, and Zim team up with their respective villains. Whenever the Morphoid goo falls on SpongeBob after a boss fight, Globulous uses him as a puppet to communicate with the heroes and the Evil Syndicate. Soon after, they construct the Vessel of Portentia and fly into space, where they are able to confront, fight, and defeat Globulous.

The Evil Syndicate then decides to use Globulous for evil and betray the heroes, forcing them off the ship and leaving them stranded with Globulous while they fly off to the moon to formulate a plan. Globulous then opens up to the heroes, not wanting to be used for the Evil Syndicate's evil purposes. The heroes ask why the giant sphere tried to destroy the Earth, and the sphere tells them about his history and how much he hated his poor appearance, and that by destroying their world he was angered by others. The heroes feel sorry for him and SpongeBob tells him to accept his stickiness. The heroes then begin feeding him Krabby Patties, restoring Globulous' morality.

The heroes then try to find a way to stop the Evil Syndicate, which transforms Globulous into a giant orange one-eyed SpongeBob. He then uses this form to take the heroes to the moon and help them defeat the Evil Syndicate. After leaving the villains behind in space, Globulous brings the heroes back to the volcanic island and names himself "Spongeglob". He then vows to right all the wrongs he has caused and leaves.

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