Protagonists Wiki
Protagonists Wiki

Welcome to the Protagonists Wiki!

The wiki all about your favorite protagonists. While a protagonist is sometimes a hero, that is not always the case. At times, a protagonist may be a villainous person, opposing a heroic or another villainous force. The Protagonists Wiki focuses on any and every protagonist, good or bad. Enjoy your editing and please let an administrator know if you need help!

Wiki created September 18, 2012‎

Definition of "Protagonist".

While a hero is a character on the side of good, a protagonist is the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. Heroes and villains can be considered protagonists, and all fictional texts include a main character, who is the main protagonist. Antagonist is the opposite of protagonist.

Note: Even though the background image for the wiki shows many Disney characters, protagonists from other movies, TV shows and books are welcome here.

See also
