Project X Zone Wiki
Miyuki Chan

Original Appearance:

Ordyne (1988)

Platform of Origin:

Arcade (Namco System 2)

Cross appearances:

Project X Zone 2

Voice Actor:

Fumiko Orikasa

First Chapter Appearance:

Chapter 10

Miyuki Chan (みゆき Miyuki?) is a character from Ordyne. She appears as an NPC and shopkeeper in Project X Zone 2.

Crosspedia Entry[]

A girl who runs a shop out of her airship called the "Air Inn".

When the inventor and genius Yuichiro Tomari took to the skies in his fighter craft called "My Ship" to do battle with the evil Kubota, Miyuki provided support by selling him a variety of items.

Although she interacts cheerfully with her customers, she is also a cunning merchant who always has a tempting special deal on hand. Her ship has a large trumpet-like device on the side that she uses to suck in customers.


List of Quotes - Miyuki Chan (Story/PXZ2)


  • Miyuki is the only character from a franchise with no playable representation.
    • Tarosuke was playable in Namco X Capcom.
    • She is also the only character from a Namco arcade game from the 1980's to debut after Namco X Capcom.
  • Miyuki, Urashima, and Sylphie are the only shopkeepers in Project X Zone 2.
  • Miyuki is the only Ordyne related-thing in the Cross series.
  • Miyuki and Segata Sanshiro are the only Japan-exclusive characters to first appear in Project X Zone 2.
    • Aty appears in Summon Night 6, which was localized.
Project X Zone 2
Playable Characters
Akira - Alisa - Aty - Axel - Captain - Chris - Chrom - Chun-Li - Ciel - Dante - Demitri - Erica - Estelle - Felicia - Fiora - Flynn - Gemini
Goro Majima - Haseo - Heihachi - Hibana - Hotsuma - Ichiro Ogami - Ingrid - Jill - Jin - June - Kage Maru - Kazuma Kiryu - Kazuya - Ken - Kite
KOS-MOS - Leanne - Leon - Ling Xiaoyu - Lucina - Maya - Morrigan - Nana - Natsu - Pai - Phoenix - Reiji - Ryo - Ryu - Sakura - Segata
Strider Hiryu - Ulala - Valkyrie - Vashyron - Vergil - X - Xiaomu - Yuri - Zephyr - Zero
Juri - M. Bison - Nelo Angelo - Nemesis - B.B. Hood - Lord Raptor - Pyron - Sigma - Vile MK-II - Tong Pooh - B. Hayato - V-Dural - V-Dural (Statue) - Dural - Aya-me - Ciseaux - Ranmaru - Dokurobo - Shadow - Coco ★ Tapioca - Robot Axel - Unknown - Zagi - Marduk - Vajra - Skeith - Azure Kite - Saya - Dokugozu - Dokumezu - Sheath - Nine Nine - Byaku Shin - T-elos - Kamuz - Metal Face
Ustanak - Solo - Shtrom Jr. - Shtrom - Druk - Kurohagane α
Non-Playable Characters
Ada - Aura - Chizuru Urashima - Garigliano - Miyuki - Miles Edgeworth - Otohime - Sylphie - Tarosuke - Tiki