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113 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Amanda Crew
Self - Presenter, Nominee: Lead Performance by a Female in a Feature Length Drama
Amanda Tapping
Self - Presenter, Nominee: Producer - Best Dramatic Series, Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Jonathan Silver Scott
Self - Presenter, Nominee: Best Host(s) in a Information or Lifestyle Series
Dustin Milligan
Self - Presenter
Drew Scott
Self - Presenter, Nominee: Best Host(s) in a Information or Lifestyle Series
Tyler Labine
Self - Presenter
Robin Dunne
Self - Presenter
Erin Karpluk
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Nancy Robertson
Self - Presenter
Brandon Jay McLaren
Self - Presenter
Chad Willett
Self - Presenter
Fred Ewanuick
Self - Nominee: Best Performance in a Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Brent Butt
Self - Winner: Producer - Best Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series, Nominee: Best Performance by in a Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Agam Darshi
Self - Presenter
Carl Alcock
Self - Nominee: Best Cinematography in an Information or Lifestyle Series
Bobbi Allyn
Self - Winner: Best Production Design in a Dramatic Series
Catriona Armour
Self - Nominee: Best Make-Up in a Short Drama
Aubrey Arnason
Self - Nominee: Best Host(s) in a Information or Lifestyle Series, Nominee: Best Information or Lifestyle Series
Benjamin Arthur
Self - Nominee: Best Performance in Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Anke Bakker
Self - Winner: Best Sound Editing in a Feature Length Drama
Chris Bartleman
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Animation Program or Series
Amy Belling
Self - Winner: Best Cinematography in a Short Drama, Nominee: Producer - Best Short Drama
Carl Bessai
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Feature Length Drama - x2, Nominee: Best Cinematography in a Feature Length Drama, Nominee: Best Direction in a Music, Comedy, or Variety Program, Nominee: Best Direction in a Feature Length Drama
Chester Biolowas
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Feature Length Drama
Chris Bizzocchi
Self - Nominee: Best Picture Editing in a Feature Length Drama
A.J. Bond
Self - Nominee: Best Short Drama
Jay Brazeau
Self - Winner: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Shirley Broderick
Self - Winner: Best Performance by a Female in a Short Drama
Billy Brown
Self - Winner: Producer - Best Youth or Children's Program or Series, Nominee: Best Screenwriting in a Youth or Children's Program or Series
Scarlett Bruns
Self - Presenter
Genevieve Buechner
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Brian Campbell
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Feature Length Drama
Andrew Carr
Self - Nominee: Best Screenwriting in a Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Carolyn Combs
Self - Nominee: Best Direction in a Short Drama
Chad Costen
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Short Drama, Nominee: Best Screenwriting in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Picture Editing in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Costume Design in a Short Drama
Anton Crnkovic
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Documentary Program or Series
Martin Cummins
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Colin Cunningham
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Michael Daingerfield
Self - Nominee: Best Guest Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Brad E. Danks
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Information of Lifestyle Series
Richard de Klerk
Rob Easton
Self - Nominee: Best Host(s) in a Information or Lifestyle Series
Michael Eklund
Self - Presenter
Alexia Fast
Self - Presenter, Winner: Best Supporting Performance by a Female in a Feature Length Drama
Asaph Fipke
Self - Winner: Producer - Best Animation Program or Series
Ann Marie Fleming
Self - Nominee: Best Direction / Storyboarding in an Animation Program or Series, Nominee: Best Screenwriting in an Animation Program or Series
Matt Frewer
Self - Nominee: Best Guest Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Vincent Gale
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Andrew Genaille
Self - Winner: Producer - Best Documentary Series, Nominee: Best Screenwriting in a Feature Length Drama
Mackenzie Gray
Self - Presenter
Sarah Groundwater-Law
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Information or Lifestyle Series, Nominee: Best Host(s) in an Information or Lifestyle Series (as Sarah Groundwater)
Alexander Hall
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Overall Sound in a Short Drama
Richard Harmon
Self - Winner: Best Performance in a Youth or Children's Program or Series
Chantal Hennessey
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Animation Program or Series
Cameron Hicks
Self - Nominee: Best Visual Effects in a Short Drama
Brad Hillman
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Youth or Children's Program or Series
Sean Horlor
Self - Nominee: Best Host(s) in an Information or Lifestyle Series
Chelah Horsdal
Self - Presenter
Ben Immanuel
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama (as Benjamin Ratner)
Erica Johnson
Self - Winner: Best Host(s) in an Information or Lifestyle Series
Alex Kleider
Self - Nominee: Best Feature Length Documentary Program, Nominee: Best Direction in a Documentary Program or Series
Blake Laingsmith
Self - Winner: Best Visual Effects in a Short Drama
Carmen Lavigne
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Female in a Short Drama
Julian LeBlanc
Self - Presenter
Ali Liebert
Self - Presenter
Arvi Liimatainen
Self - Winner: Producer - Best Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Adam Locke-Norton
Self - Nominee: Best Musical Score in a Short Drama
Brian Lyster
Self - Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Short Drama
Brent Marchenski
Self - Nominee: Best Overall Sound in a Documentary Program or Series
Brian Markinson
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Alan McCullough
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Dramatic Series
Paul McGillion
Self - Presenter
Cameron McLellan
Self - Nominee: Best Production Design in a Feature Length Drama
Bill Mellow
Self - Nominee: Best Overall Sound in an Animation Program or Series - x2
Travis Milne
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Carmen Moore
Self - Presenter
Jesse Moss
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Meeshelle Neal
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Female in a Short Drama (as Michelle Neal)
Christopher Nickel
Self - Nominee: Best Musical Score in a Feature Length Drama
Angelo Nicoloyannis
Self - Winner: Best Sound Editing in a Youth or Children's Program or Series, Nominee: Best Overall Sound in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Sound Editing in a Documentary Program or Series
Robin Nielsen
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Male in a Short Drama
Mathew Nomura
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Male in a Short Drama
Corey Ogilvie
Self - Nominee: Best Direction in a Documentary Program or Series
Arne Olsen
Self - Nominee: Best Screenwritting in a Feature Length Drama
Byron Oren
Self - Nominee: Best Cinematography in a Short Drama
Candise Paul
Self - Nominee: Best Production Design in a Short Drama
Blair Peters
Self - Nominee: Producer - Best Animation Program or Series
Justin Rain
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Callum Keith Rennie
Self - Winner: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Ryan Robbins
Self - Winner: Best Supporting Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Tygh Runyan
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Tom Scholte
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama
Benjamin Schuetze
Self - Winner: Best Musical Score in a Short Drama, Nominee: Producer - Best Musical Score in a Short Drama, Nominee: Best Direction in a Short Drama
Eric Schweig
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Bill Sheppard
Self - Nominee: Best Overall Sound in a Feature Length Drama
Lauren Lee Smith
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Feature Length Drama
Laura Soltis
Self - Nominee: Best Performance in a Music, Comedy, or Variety Program or Series
Jennifer Spence
Self - Nominee: Best Supporting Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Brenton Spencer
Self - Nominee: Best Direction in a Youth or Children's Program or Series
Bradley Stryker
Self - Nominee
Camille Sullivan
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Female in a Short Drama
April Telek
Self - Presenter
Michelle Thrush
Self - Nominee: Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Kai Todd-Darrell
Self - Nominee: Best Performance in a Youth or Children's Program or Series
Ian Tracey
Self - Nominee: Best Guest Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series
Brendan Uegama
Self - Nominee: Best Direction in a Short Drama
Walter Uegama
Self - Nominee: Best Performance by a Male in a Short Drama
Aj Vickery
Self - Nominee: Producer -Best Information of Lifestyle Series
Lucia Walters
Self - Winner: Best Supporting Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series
Tantoo Walters
Self - Nominee - Supporting Performance by a female - Dramatic Series
Johanna Ward
Self - Nominee: Best Host(s) in an Information or Lifestyle Series
Anna Mae Wills
Self - Nominee - Supporting Performance by a female - Feature Length Drama
David Winning
Self - Winner: Best Direction in a Dramatic Series