Kaanal Neer movie revolves around Pari (Chinni Jayanth). His parents die in an accident and he is take care by his uncle with an ulterior motive to enjoy Pari's wealth. Pari grows up with his friends. They are taking care of Pari and spend...See moreKaanal Neer movie revolves around Pari (Chinni Jayanth). His parents die in an accident and he is take care by his uncle with an ulterior motive to enjoy Pari's wealth. Pari grows up with his friends. They are taking care of Pari and spend all their time with him. His uncle planned to get Pari married to Lakshmi (Manisha), a young girl living in the village, only to ensure that he continues to enjoy the wealth. The rest of the story is about how they will teach lesson to uncle.
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