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Suzu (スズ Suzu)? is a friend of Ako's from Major Land. She only appears in Suite Pretty Cure♪ : Torimodose! Kokoro ga Tsunagu Kiseki no Melody!.



Suzu is a young girl with a mature face. Her eyes and hair are dark blue, bordering on black. Her bangs are cut very short to frame the top half of her head, with extremely long forelocks that go past her chest and are held with gold ornaments.


Unlike Ako, Suzu is rather an insecure girl who grows to dislike Aphrodite for silencing music. She seems to be close with her parents, as she was despondent over them being turned to stone.


Shirabe Ako: Suzu and Ako are close friends. At one point, Suzu was afraid that Ako wouldn't want to be her friend anymore due to a fight they had upon Ako's return to Major Land.


Suzu is a resident of Major Land and Ako's best friend there. For reasons unknown, Suzu was the only resident aside from Aphrodite who wasn't turned to stone by Howling. Suzu was angry at Aphrodite because she mistakenly believed it was her fault music disappeared and the people of Major Land turned to stone; after Ako refuses to believe this, the two get into a fight. Later, she surreptitiously takes the Healing Chest to attempt to use its power to restore her parents. After learning the truth of what happened, Suzu joins in helping Cure Melody power up into Crescendo Cure Melody by using the Miracle Light Tone.

