Icon-boonboomgerThis article is about a footsoldiers in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger.

The Nejiretta (ネジレッタ) are the footsoldiers serving the Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiriyan in Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger. They are created from Itasha's screws though can be summoned through Hashiriyan members as well.


Nejiretta's Bolts

The screws which creates the Nejiretta

Shortly after Wedding Dress Grumer’s creation, Itasha would summon the Nejiretta’s from a bundle of screws she had, they would attack civilians and face Bun Red, the latter defeating all of them.

Another group of Nejiretta’s would be summoned by Wedding Dress Grumer and facing the newly minted BoomBoomger’s, consisting of Bun Red, Blue and Pink and be defeated yet again. Tvicon TV STORY-Bakuage 1: Deliverer's Handle

Soujiki Grumer would summon a group of Nejiretta’s after unearthing its head from the ground at the junkyard that Boon Wagon brought it to, the Nejiretta’s would be swiftly taken out by the Boonboomgers swift speed. Tvicon TV STORY-Bakuage 2: The Informant Does Not Approve

Modification Captain Cannonborg had the idea of using experimental screws to make a group of Nejiretta giant in order to aid Tent Grumer in terrorizing some kids from a camping course after he himself was turned giant. Tvicon TV STORY-Bakuage 22: Lion's Flaming Fury

Akogi Grumer would summon a group of Nejirettas once all the BoonBoomgers are assembled as the rest of the Bakuage Sentai sans Bun Red and Viole fight the foot soldiers.

Cannonborg would in his final stand against the BoonBoomgers summon a group of Nejirettas from screws along with the modified Sanseaters before fleeing to activate Jackie HoiHoi, but when pursued by Byun Violet, create a second pair of Nejirettas to surround the cleaner with their Mahrambo‘s pointed at the hero , while attempting to convince him to help assassinate Waruido Spindo though the latter refuses and blitzes the Nejirettas before engaging in battle who modified himself with Sword Grumer’s blades.

Two groups of Nejirettas would ride in BoonBoom Killer Off-Road and Killer Wagon attacking the BoonBoomger Champion Carrier, and attempt to board the vehicle, though are destroyed and the pair of Nejiretta’s would be destroyed alongside Killer Off-Road and Killer Wagon, with the former being sent flying into Killer Trailer by Electric Guitar Grumer, destroying all three.

After Disrace and the Sanseaters hostage plan involving Byun Diesel fails, with the latter being fired, Nejirettas would be summoned by Disrace and be taken out by the champion BoonBoomgers Customize attacks. After Disrace enlarges himself with Gyasolin and leaps to the Moon. The core five BoonBoomgers are able to follow him with the champion carrier and BoonBoom Hydrogen Car, before forming the the newly formed BoonBoomger Robo Champion, Dsirace would summon a pair of giant size Nejirettas to grab onto the Robo though they are quickly knocked off and destroyed by the Bakuage Magnum, another pair would be summoned but would fall to the Bakuage Hammer and Bakauge Sword.


to be added

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Heat Immunity: The Nejirettas are shown to be resistant to Sauna Grumer’s high heat generation of up to 80 degrees. Though later, possibly an inconsistency, they are shown to be destroyed by Champion Racing Customize’s heat slashes.


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  • Mahrambo (マフランボー Mafuranbō): They wield a muffler-style blaster-rod in combat.

Behind of Scenes[]


  • The Nejiretta are portrayed by various suit actors.


  • The Nejiretta are based on car screws, rebel bikers, and street punks.


  • Their name is a portmanteau between nejireta (捻じれた), the Japanese word for screwed or wicked, and neji (螺子), which means screw or bolt.





Icon-boonboomger Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
Taiya Hando - Ishiro Meita - Mira Shifuto - Jyo Akuse - Genba Bureki - Sakito Homura
Bundorio Bunderas - Shirabe Saibu - Byun Diesel - Sosuke Esumi - Engine Speedor - Engine Bus-on - Engine Bearrv - Akira Nijino - Right Suzuki - Ticket - Joe Gibken
to be added
Transformation Devices
Boonboom Changer - Boonboom Booster - Boonboom Controller - Zoonzoom Shokablaster - Champion Changer
Boonboom Handle - Boonboom Change Axe
Boonboom Cars
Mecha and Robos
Boonboom Trailer - Boonboom Off-Road - Boonboom Wagon - Boonboom Patrol Car 1 (Justice White Ver.) - Boonboom Patrol Car 2 - Boonboom Shovel - Boonboom Dozer - Byunbyum Mach - Boonboom Leo Rescue - Boonboom Shobosha - Champion Carrier
Boonboom Classic (Cool Blue Ver.) - Boonboom Racing (Cool Blue Ver.) - Boonboom Marine - Boonboom Safari (Wild White Ver.) - Boonboom SuisoCar
Boonboom SuperCar (Bakuage Mode Ver.) - Boonboom Off-Road Ghost - Boonboom DumpCar - Boonboom Mixer - Boonboom Kyukyusha - Boonboom Hashigosha - Boonboom Taxi - Boonboom DenkiCar - Boonboom Shokugan Truck - Boonboom Gashapon Truck
Giant Robos:
Bakuage Gattai Boonbooomger Robo - Boonboomger Robo Police - Boonboomger Robo Builder - Boonboomger Robo Knight - Boonboomger Robo Monster - Bakuage Henkei Byunbyum Mach Robo - Bakuage Henkei Boonboom Leon - Boonboomger Robo 119 - Boonboomger Robo Champion
Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiriyan
Leader: Waruido Spindo
Chief Officer: Great Chief Officer Grantu Risk
Captains: Raid Team Captain Madrex - Modification Captain Cannonborg - Catching Captain Demon Thunder - Rebuild Captain Disrace - Chasing Captain
Sanseaters: Decotrade - Itasha - Yaiyai Yarucar - Weiwei Yarucar
Kurumaju: Wedding Dress Grumer - Soujiki Grumer - Tokei Grumer - Sauna Grumer - Darts Grumer - Toilet Grumer - Block Wall Grumer - Koinobori Grumer - Antenna Grumer - Geta Grumer - Reizoko Grumer - Kaseki Grumer - Sword Grumer - Gym Grumer - Circuit Grumer - ATM Grumer - Owan Grumer - Shokaki Grumer - Tent Grumer - Glove Grumer - Akogi Grumer - Carpet Grumer - Neon Grumer - Gong Grumer - Senro Grumer - Ishiyakiimoki Grumer - Electric Guitar Grumer - Camera Grumer - Sponge Grumer - Taijyukei Grumer - Soccer Ball Grumer - Gomi Bako Grumer - Takarabako Grumer - Kurumaju Grumer
Grunts: Nejiretta
Giant Robo: Tatakiage Gattai Boonboom Killer Robo
International Space Agency (ISA): Eiichiro Tokoyari - Raita Naito - Maimi Baisu