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- "Starbeast Fusion! GingaiOh!"
- ―Combination announcement[src]
Starbeast Fusion Galaxy Beast Warrior GingaiOh (星獣合体銀河獣士ギンガイオー Seijū Gattai Ginga Jūshi Gingai-Ō, Silver-Armored King) is the primary Mecha of the Gingamen.
When the Gingamen summon the Starbeasts, they can channel the energy of the Starbeasts' home planet through their Mechanical Blade Kiba, transforming them into Silver Starbeasts (銀星獣 Ginseijū) with the command of "Great Rebirth, Silver Starbeast!" (大転生銀星獣 Daitensei Ginseijū), and from there, combine into GingaiOh with the command of "Starbeast Fusion" (星獣合体 Seijū Gattai).

The untransformed Starbeasts
GingaiOh is armed with the Silver-Armor Sword (銀鎧剣 Gingaiken) and the Galcon Bowgun (ガルコンボーガン Garukon Bōgan), formed from the upper half of Silver Starbeast Gingalcon's body.
His finishers are Meteor Bullet (流星弾 Ryūseidan), a charged shot fired from the Bowgun, and the Galaxy Beast King Cut (銀河獣王斬り Ginga Jūō Kiri), an energized sword slash.
GingaiOh also has the ability to use variations of the Starbeasts' individual attacks such as Gingat's Silver Flower Bullet from its right shoulder or GingaLeon's Silver Flame fired from its mouth.
GingaiOh's power helps power up Hyakuju Gattai GaoKing in Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes 7-16, 18, 19, 21, 27-28, 30, 37, 40, 48, Gingaman vs. Megaranger; 199 Hero Great Battle
to be added
Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]
Years later, Starbeast GingaLeon appeared as part of an army of robots, animals, jets, machines, and vehicles belonging to the first 25 red heroes. As anticipated by Sokichi Banba, they were led by Akira Shinmei and Chief Counsellor Naoyuki Miura to help fight Lost Highness Rakushaasa.

Heaven and Earth Roar: Super Animal Heart.
GingaiOh, as one of the past Sentai Giant Robos, imbued Hyakuju Gattai GaoKing with its power to defeat the giant Lost Highness Rakushaasa. TV STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai
When GokaiOh and Gosei Great faced the Black Cross Colossus, the mecha of the first 33 Super Sentai, including GingaiOh which possibly manifested from a toy version like DaiDenzin and the Variblune, appeared to back them up. When the Black Cross Colossus summoned several giant villains to oppose them, GingaiOh fought alongside MagiKing and Five Robo to destroy Hades God Dagon.
After all the giant villains were destroyed, all 35 mecha weakened Black Cross Colossus with a combined attack before GokaiOh combined with the Variblune to become Goren GokaiOh which destroyed the Black Cross Colossus with the Gokai Hurricane: Cassiopeia finisher. With the battle won, the 33 past Super Sentai mecha vanished. TV STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst.
Representing Gingaman, Super Armor Shine GingaiOh appeared among manifestations of the first 38 Super Sentai's mecha that granted Wild Tousai Shuriken King the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed the titanic Gillmarda. TV STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
When the to-be Akibarangers enter the Sentai Cafe, which is full of Sentai merchandise, the first thing Nobuo Akagi notices is a man-sized model of GingaiOh. TV STORY-Ep. 1: Lameness is Power
(Silver) Starbeast GingaLeon[]
See also: Lion Galactabeast
- "GingaLeon!"
- ―Announcement[src]
Starbeast GingaLeon (星獣ギンガレオン Seijū Gingareon) is the lion-like beast of fire who attacks with Strong Flame (豪火 Gōka), a surge of flames from his mouth hot enough to incinerate giant Barban in one hit. He comes whenever GingaRed calls out "GingaLeon!" and is a native of the field planet Galeon.
He later gains the ability to become Silver Starbeast GingaLeon (銀星獣ギンガレオン Ginseijū Gingareon) with the Silver Flame attack, firing four beams of fiery energy from its shoulders. He forms Gingaioh's head and chest.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA
(Silver) Starbeast Gingalcon[]
See also: Condor Galactabeast
- "Gingalcon!"
- ―Announcement[src]
Starbeast Gingalcon (星獣ギンガルコン Seijū Gingarukon) is the falcon hybrid dragon-like beast of wind. The second strongest after GingaLeon, Gingalcon's Roaring Cyclone attack summons a tornado that lifts giant Barban into the air and smashes them against the ground, destroying them.
He comes whenever GingaGreen calls out "Gingalcon!" and is a native of the wind planet Galcon. He later gains the ability to become Silver Starbeast Gingalcon (銀星獣ギンガルコン Ginseijū Gingarukon). In this mode, he generates a blast of wind from its wings called Silver Cyclone and forms GingaiOh's back, wings, waist, and crossbow.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA
(Silver) Starbeast Gingarilla[]
See also: Gorilla Galactabeast
- "Gingarilla!"
- ―Announcement[src]
Starbeast Gingarilla (星獣ギンガリラ Seijū Gingarira) is the bipedal gorilla-like beast of water. A melee fighter, Gingarilla uses his Mighty Strength power to increase his muscle mass for even more power.
He comes whenever GingaBlue calls out "Gingarilla!" and is a native of the hidden forest planet Garilla. He later gains the ability to become Silver Starbeast Gingarilla (銀星獣ギンガリラ Ginseijū Gingarira) who fires a blast of freezing vapor from his chest called Silver Blizzard. He forms GingaiOh's hips and legs. In the toy version, Gingarilla stores the fists of GingaiOh in his feet.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA
(Silver) Starbeast Gingaverick[]
See also: Wolf Galactabeast
- "Gingaverick!"
- ―Announcement[src]
Starbeast Gingaverick (星獣ギンガベリック Seijū Gingaberikku) is the wolf-like beast of thunder. He attacks by charging his opponent and using his Strong Electric Shock attack to extend the spikes on his shoulders and electrocuting them as he passes.
Comes whenever GingaYellow calls out "Gingaverick!" and is a native of the forest planet Gaverick. He later gains the ability to become Silver Starbeast Gingaverick (銀星獣ギンガベリック Ginseijū Gingaberikku) and can perform a team attack with Silver Starbeast GinCat called Silver Flash where he fires a blast of lightning from his mouth. He forms GingaiOh's left arm.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA
(Silver) Starbeast Gingat[]
See also: Wildcat Galactabeast
- "Gingat!"
- ―Announcement[src]
Starbeast Gingat (星獣ギンガット Seijū Gingatto) is the wildcat-like beast of flowers which shoots out the hairs of her mane like darts in her Flower Bullet attack.
Comes whenever GingaPink calls out "Gingat!" and is a native of the sand planet Gat. She later gains the ability to become Silver Starbeast Gingat (銀星獣ギンガット Ginseijū Gingatto) and can perform a team attack with Silver Starbeast Gingaverick called Silver Flash where she fires balls of pink flower energy from its mouth. She forms GingaiOh's right arm.
In episode 9, a star power gemstone fell from the sky and landed next to Gingat, absorbing Gingat's power and shrinking her to the size of a regular cat. A little girl named Yuuko was looking for her lost kitty and found the chibi-sized Gingat. When the Gingamen track down Gingat, Saya didn't have the heart to take her back and left her companion with Yuuko. But after watching Saya defend her and Gingat from an attack by Sambash, Yuuko realized Saya needed Gingat much more than she did and the gemstone was broken, restoring Gingat to normal in time to aid the others in their fight against the Barban Mandiger. The Gingamen soon found her real cat.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA
Additional Formations[]
Super Armor Shine GingaiOh[]
- "Super Armor Shine, GingaiOh!"
- ―Combination announcement[src]
After claiming the Lights of Ginga, the Gingamen find that forming Gingaioh while Beast Armor Shine is activated transforms Gingaioh into Super Armor Shine GingaiOh (超装光ギンガイオー Chōsōkō Gingaiō). In this form, GingaiOh receives an armored breastplate, a horned crown, and an upgraded version of the Silver Armor Sword; the Super Silver Armor Sword (超銀鎧剣 Chō Gingaiken) which he uses to perform the Great Galaxy Beast King Cut (銀河大獣王斬り Ginga Dai Jūō Kiri) a golden energy slash attack.
During the final battle against the Demon Beast Daitanix, Super Armor Shine GingaiOh performs the Galaxy Beast King Unrelenting Cut (Ginga Juo Ougi Kiri).
In the finale, to defeat the Earth Demon Beast, GingaRed channels his flame power into Super Armor Shine GingaiOh's attacks. Doing so allows him to perform Galaxy Beast King Flaming Cut (銀河獣王火炎斬り Ginga Jūō Kaen Kiri) a flaming slash attack, Flaming Meteor Bullet (火炎流星弾 Kaen Ryuseidan) where he fired multiple fireballs with the Galcon Bowgun, and finally Ginga Great Flame (ギンガ大火炎 Ginga Daikaen), an attach shot out from the arms which is enhanced by GigaRhinos and GigaPhoenix.
Appearances: Gingaman Episodes 24-42, 44-47, 49 & 50, Gingaman vs. Megaranger; GoGoFive vs. Gingaman
Behind the Scenes[]
- GingaLeon's suit actor was Seiji Takaiwa.
- Gingalcon's suit actor was Yasuhiro Takeuchi.
- Gingarilla's suit actor was Jiro Okamoto, who also did suit work for GingaBlue.
- Gingaverick's suit actor was Yuichi Hachisuka.
- Gingat's suit actor was Motokuni Nakagawa.
to be added
Concept Art[]
to be added
- Starting with Episode 7, the Gingat suit was modified from her original appearance in the first six episodes. The changes to the suit include;
- The fur having a much brighter shade of pink.
- The horns and eyes were enlarged and have a more golden color.
- The mouth was redesigned.
- While only different in terms of armor and power, the Lights of Ginga-empowered GingaiOh can be considered the prototype robo design for Super Rangers. The concept would evolve to have robos that were separate from the main one, each utilized by super form rangers (such as MaxOhJa, DekaWing Robo, MagiLegend, GekiFire, Gosei Ultimate, Hyper Ressha TeiOh, Lion Ha-Oh, Dodekai-Oh, and Orion Battler).
Seiju Sentai Gingaman
- Chapter 2: The Starbeasts' Return (untransformed Starbeasts only)
- Chapter 3: The Earth's Wisdom (untransformed Starbeasts only)
- Chapter 4: The Earth's Heart (untransformed Starbeasts Gingalcon and Gingaverick only)
- Chapter 5: The Sure-Kill Fangs (untransformed GingaLeon only)
- Chapter 6: The Starbeasts' Crisis (untransformed Starbeasts only)
- Chapter 7: Time of Revival (first appearance of the Silver Starbeasts and GingaiOh)
- Chapter 8: Love's Culinary
- Chapter 9: Secret Kitten
- Chapter 10: The Wind's Flute
- Chapter 11: A Warrior's Devotion
- Chapter 12: Nightmare Reunited
- Chapter 13: Beast Attack Reversal
- Chapter 14: Two Sayas
- Chapter 15: Terrifying Hiccups
- Chapter 16: Homeland of the Heart
- Chapter 17: True Courage (untransformed Starbeasts Gingarilla, Gingalcon, Gingaverick and Gingat only)
- Chapter 18: The Mysterious Black Knight
- Chapter 19: The Vengeful Knight
- Chapter 20: The One-Man Battle (GingaLeon only)
- Chapter 21: The Tomato's Trial
- Chapter 22: Appearance of Light (untransformed Starbeasts GingaLeon, Gingarilla and Gingalcon only)
- Chapter 24: Budoh's Tenacity (Debut of Super Armor Shine GingaiOh)
- Chapter 25: The Black Knight's Determination
- Chapter 26: Brothers of Flame
- Chapter 27: The Mummy's Allure
- Chapter 28: Papa's Sudden Change
- Chapter 29: Dark Merchant
- Chapter 30: The Steel StarBeasts
- Chapter 31: Cursed Stone
- Chapter 32: The Mobile Horse of Friendship
- Chapter 33: Yearning for Saya
- Chapter 34: Invulnerable Iliess
- Chapter 35: Gouki's Choice
- Chapter 36: Invincible Haruhiko
- Chapter 37: Bucrates' Ambition
- Chapter 38: Hyuga's Determination
- Chapter 39: The Heart's Massage
- Chapter 40: The Monster of Sadness
- Chapter 41: The Demon-Beast's Revival
- Chapter 42: The Horrible Demon-Beast
- Chapter 43: Legendary Footprints (flashbacks only)
- Chapter 44: Earth's Demon-Beast
- Chapter 45: The Fairy's Tears
- Chapter 46: Winds of Rage
- Chapter 47: The Demon's Scheme
- Chapter 48: Moak's End
- Chapter 49: The Miraculous Mountain
- Final Chapter: Tomorrow's Legends
Seiju Sentai Gingaman vs. Megaranger
Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive vs. Gingaman
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
- Super Sentai Compilation (archive footage only)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
See Also[]
- Galaxy Megazord - Power Rangers counterpart in Lost Galaxy. See comparison page.