Icon-zyuohgerThis article is about a giant robo and its components in Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger.

Doubutsu Gattai Tousai Zyuoh (動物合体トウサイジュウオウ Dōbutsu Gattai Tōsai Jūō, Animal Combination Load Beast Monarch) is the personal Giant Robo of Zyuoh The World.


Tousai Zyuoh (トウサイジュウオー Tōsai Jūō), alternatively known as Tousai Zyuoh 8*7*9 (トウサイジュウオー8*7*9 Tōsai Jūō 8*7*9), is the default formation of the mecha, formed by combining Cube Rhinos, Crocodile and Wolf. To initiate the transformation, Zyuoh The World activates Combine Mode on his Zyuoh The Light and rotates the Changer's cube to its combination face. Once the combine function is initiated, the three parts of Cube Rhinos separate. The legs of Tousai Zyuoh, formed from Cube Rhinos' cab, stand up so that the upper body, formed by the trailer, can connect with the legs. After that, Cube Crocodile attaches itself to Tousai Zyuoh's right arm and the horn of Cube Rhinos attaches itself to Tousai Zyuoh's left arm. Last but not least, Cube Wolf stacks itself on the top of Tousai Zyuoh's upper body, in the middle of the trailer, then folds itself to form the head.

Its strength rivals that of Wild ZyuohKing and is able to launch Cube Crocodile and Wolf from its body to slam into an opponent with enough force to counter Wild ZyuohKing's Zyuoh Dynamic Strike. It can also summon cubes from its shoulders.

Tousai Zyuoh's finisher is Tousai Triple The Beast (トウサイトリプルザビースト Tōsai Toripuru Za Bīsuto) where cubes land on Tousai Zyuoh's shoulders to charge it up before it fires three energy blasts shaped like its component Zyuoh Cubes from Cube Crocodile's mouth.

Apperances: Zyuohger Episode 18-21, 23-25, 28, 34, 42, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!


The three Zyuoh Cubes which make up Tousai Zyuoh were accessed by Misao Mondou through a trio of Zyumans whose respective Zyuman Powers were forcibily drained and thrust upon Misao by the Deathgalien owner, Ginis, transforming him into a hybrid organism which the Deathgalien christened The World. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 16: Finding Zyuman

The World first summoned his Zyuoh Cubes to make his fight with the Zyuohgers "more exciting", having single-handedly overwhelmed all five on the ground. Bombarding the Zyuohgers who summoned their six Zyuoh Cubes in response, The World's Zyuoh Cubes met them in a brief skirmish before forming Tousai Zyuoh for the first time. With the Zyuohgers forming Wild ZyuohKing, Tousai Zyuoh began its assault and quickly proved to have the upperhand, using Cube Crocodile to disarm Wild ZyuohKing of the King Sword. Facing Wild ZyuohKing's Zyuoh Dynamic Strike attack, The World detached Cubes Crocodile and Wolf to block the finisher before it could fire. Proceeding to unleash his own finisher, Tousai Triple the Beasts, Tousai Zyuoh successfully defeated Wild ZyuohKing, leaving the Zyuohgers defenseless in their Zyuoh Cubes which were forced to seperate. However, The World was stopped short of finishing them by Ginis, who wished to prolong the enjoyment of the Blood Game. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 18: Etched Terror

After Misao joined the the Zyuohger team, Tusk asked him about the origins of the three Zyuoh Cubes, asking if Ginis either found the three cubes or if they were created by him. However, Misao sadly didn't know, stating he was only given the Cubes after he became The World, thus leaving their origins a mystery for now. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 21: Prison Break

Misao comes up with the idea to combine Tousai Zyuoh, ZyuohKing, ZyuohWild and the four auxiliary Zyuoh Cubes. After three attempts, Misao finds the right configuration and the six form Wild Tousai King. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 22: Awakening? Is it Wrong?

Entrusted by his Zyuman teammates to face Bangray's giant Bowguns while they dealt with the copy Dorobozu, The World formed Tousai Zyuoh to engage Bowguns, using the Komori Boomerang Zyuoh Cutter to quickly finish the revived Player off. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return

Among the Zyuohgers' fourteen Zyuoh Cubes, Cubes Rhinos, Crocodile and Wolf became components of the ultimate combination, Wild Tousai Dodeka King. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 35: The Zyuohgers Last Day

Some time after Larry spoke with Bud about Azald's body, Larry took the body fragment Bud had and ran off during an ambush. After meeting up with Misao, he wanted to see his Zyuoh the GunRod and Zyuoh the Light in order to prove a possible theory: Ginis used a piece of Azald's body to create Misao's equipment, including the three Zyuoh Cubes. The theory stems from the fact that Azald absorbed four Zyuoh cubes Bud had by mistake, meaning his body has the same power that is found in the Zyuoh Cube.

Zyuoh Cubes[]

Cube Rhinos[]

"Cu~be Rhi~no~s!"
―Summoning announcement[src]

Cube Rhinos (キューブライノス Kyūbu Rainosu), numbered 9, is Zyuoh The World's primary Zyuoh Cube, accessed through the Zyuman Power of a deceased Rhino Zyuman. Unlike the others, Cube Rhinos is a modified Zyuoh Cube. As such, it lacks a cube form and instead is modelled after a two trailer carrier truck, similar to Engine Carrigator from Go-Onger. While it mostly carries Cube Crocodile and Cube Wolf into battle, it can also carry the other Zyuoh Cubes by having them stacked on top of each other in its trailer. Its massive size enables it to easily smash through either obstacles or opponents. Cube Rhinos forms the torso, legs, and left arm of Tousai Zyuoh, the torso, legs, and head of Wild Tousai King, and the chest of Wild Tousai Dodeka King.

Apperances: Zyuohger Episode 18-22, The Heart Pounding Circus Panic, Zyuohger 23-26, 28-29, 31-36, 38-40, Zyuohger vs Ninninger, Zyuohger 42-44, 46-48, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!

Cube Crocodile[]

"Cu~be Crocodi~le!"
―Summoning announcement[src]

Cube Crocodile (キューブクロコダイル Kyūbu Kurokodairu), numbered 7, is the second of Zyuoh The World's Zyuoh Cubes, accessed through the Zyuman Power of a deceased Crocodile Zyuman. It attacks with a powerful bite and an energy beam fired from its mouth. It can also gobble up Triangulars which then explode in its stomach. It forms the right arm of both Tousai Zyuoh and Wild Tousai King and the left lower thigh of Wild Tousai Dodeka King.

As shown in episode 30, Cube Crocodile is able to swim in sea water, hinting it might be themed after Saltwater crocodiles, the largest living reptiles in the world.

Apperances: Zyuohger Episode 18-22, The Heart Pounding Circus Panic, Zyuohger 23-26, 28-36, 38-40, Zyuohger vs Ninninger, Zyuohger 42-44, 46-48, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!

Cube Wolf[]

"Cu~be Wo~lf~!"
―Summoning announcement[src]

Cube Wolf (キューブウルフ Kyūbu Urufu) is the third of Zyuoh The World's Zyuoh Cubes, accessed through the Zyuman Power of a deceased Wolf Zyuman. It uses its speed and agility to perform hit and run attacks on opponents while blasting at them with mouth fired energy bolts. It can also fire a sonic beam in its cube mode. It forms the head of Tousai Zyuoh, the left arm of Wild Tousai King and the left hip of Wild Tousai Dodeka King.

Apperances: Zyuohger Episode 18-22, The Heart Pounding Circus Panic, Zyuohger 23-26, 28-29, 31-36, 38-40, Zyuohger vs Ninninger, Zyuohger 42-44, 46-48, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!

Additional Formations[]

Tousai Zyuoh Komori Boomerang[]

Tousai Zyuoh is able to equip the Komori Boomerang (コウモリブーメラン Kōmori Būmeran), the weapon form of Cube Komori, to perform the Komori Boomerang Zyuoh Cutter (コウモリブーメラン・ジュウオウカッター Kōmori Būmeran Jūō Kattā) finisher where Tousai Zyuoh throws the Komori Boomerang at the opponent to slash them multiple times while in flight.

Appearances: Zyuohger Episode 21, 24, 28, 34, 42

Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild Tousai King[]

Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild Tousai King (動物大合体ワイルドトウサイウキング Dōbutsu Dai Gattai Wairudo Tōsai Kingu, Great Animal Combination Wild Load King) is the combined form of the first nine Zyuoh Cubes and the main four auxiliary Zyuoh Cubes. Wild Tousai King is armed with the Big King Sword (ビッグキングソード Biggu Kingu Sōdo) on its right arm and the Big Wild Cannon (ビッグワイルドキャノン Biggu Wairudo Kyanon) on its left arm.

Its finishers are the Zyuoh Direct Straight (ジュウオウダイレクトストレート Jūō Dairekuto Sutorēto) where it charges the Big King Sword with the power of all 13 component Zyuoh Cubes which it manifests as a powerful blade of energy that pierces through the opponent and the Zyuoh Direct Shot (ジュウオウダイレクトショット Jūō Dairekuto Shotto) where it charges the Big Wild Cannon with the power of all 13 component Zyuoh Cubes and fires a powerful blast of energy at the opponent.

When the Gokaigers infused the power of all of the Ranger Keys into Wild Tousai King to help the Zyuohgers defeat Gokdos Gill, Wild Tousai King was able to execute the Zyuoh 40 Anniversary (ジュウオウフォーティーアニバーサリー Jūō Fōtī Anibāsarī) attack, a surge of energy that charges up with the symbols of all 40 Sentai Teams surrounding it. The Symbols then go into the Big King Sword which then thrusts them in a golden burst of energy with a "2,000" in the center, bombarding and destroying Gokdos Gill.

When first formed, the Zyuohgers had difficulty determining how to properly combine all of their Zyuoh Cubes, attempting three different combinations before Misao randomly jumbled them together into the proper arrangement.

Apperances: Zyuohger Episode 22, The Heart Pounding Circus Panic, Zyuohger 23-26, 29, 31-34, Zyuohger vs Ninninger, Zyuohger 43, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!

Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild Tousai King Condor Saber[]

Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild Tousai King Condor Saber (動物大合体ワイルドトウサイウキングコンドルセイバー Dōbutsu Dai Gattai Wairudo Tōsai Kingu Kondoru Seibā, Great Animal Combination Wild Load King Condor Saber) is the combination of Wild Tousai King and Cube Condor.

It is armed with the Condor Saber (コンドルセイバー Kondoru Seibā), with Cube Condor replacing the Big King Sword.

Its finisher is the Condor Zyuoh Infinity (コンドルジュウオウインフィニティ Kondoru Jūō Infiniti) where Wild Tousai King gains wings and slashes the enemy with the Condor Saber.

Apperances: The Heart Pounding Circus Panic, Life Received! Earth Champions Decisive Battle!

Doubutsu Shuriken Dai Gattai Wild Tousai Shuriken King[]

Doubutsu Shuriken Dai Gattai Wild Tousai Shuriken King (動物手裏剣大合体ワイルドトウサイシュリケンキング Dōbutsu Shuriken Dai Gattai Wairudo Tōsai Shuriken Kingu, Great Animal Shuriken Combination Wild Load Shuriken King) is the combination of Wild Tousai King and the Combination Nin Shuriken.

Its attack is the Shuriken Shield (手裏剣シールド Shuriken Shīrudo) where the Combination Nin Shuriken detaches itself from Wild Tousai King, splits into 3 Shurikens and attacks the enemy.

Its finisher is the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst (ジュウ��ウニンニンスーパー戦隊バースト Jūō Ninnin Sūpā Sentai Bāsuto) where Wild Tousai Shuriken King channels the energy from the 40 Super Sentai teams and their giant robots and delivers a powerful energy blast to the enemy.

This combination is exclusive to Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai.

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • While Cube Rhinos does not have a cube form, a hypothetical cube form of Cube Rhinos can be seen in the background during completion of Wild Tousai King.




Icon-zyuohger Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Yamato Kazakiri - Sela - Leo - Tusk - Amu - Misao Mondou - Bud - Cetus - Zyuoh Condor
ZyuohChanger - Zyuoh Buster - EagRiser - Zyuoh The Light - Zyuoh The GunRod - Whale Change Gun - Zyuoh Changer Final
Mario Mori - Larry - Perle - Wise God Torin - Master Sha-Fu - Doggie Kruger - Gokaigers - Takeru TenkujiIcon-crosswiki - Nobuharu Udo - AkaRed - Fuka Igasaki - Masato Jin - Jealousto - Akira Nijino - Ninningers - Kyurangers
Mecha and Robos
Zyuoh Cubes
Cube Eagle - Cube Shark - Cube Lion - Cube Elephant - Cube Tiger - Cube Gorilla - Cube Crocodile - Cube Wolf - Cube Rhinos - Cube Whale - Cube Condor
Cube Bald Eagle - Cube Grampus - Cube Rabbit - Cube Mammoth - Cube Cheetah - Cube Mandrill - Cube Mosa - Cube Stego - Cube Tricera - Cube Brachio
Cube Weapons
Cube Kirin - Cube Mogura - Cube Kuma/Panda - Cube Komori - Cube Hyou - Cube Octopus - Cube Kamonohashi - Cube Fukurou - Cube Shimauma
Cube Ammonite - Cube White Owl - Cube Penguin
Doubutsu Gattai ZyuohKing - Doubutsu Gattai ZyuohWild - Doubutsu Gattai Tousai Zyuoh - Doubutsu Henkei Dodekai-Oh - Doubutsu Gattai CondorWild
Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild ZyuohKing - Doubutsu Dai Gattai Wild Tousai King - Doubutsu Zen Gattai Wild Tousai Dodeka King
Titan King - Beast King - Jurassic King - Brachio Emperor
Beast Titan King - Animal Jurassic King - Beast Jurassic Brachio King
Naria - Moeba
Team Leaders: Azald - Quval - Jagged
Players: Halbergoi - Bowguns - Amigard - Gaburio - Yabiker - Hanayaida - Hattena - Noborizon - Dorobozu - Hunterji - Mantle - Trumpus - The World - Bowlingam - Prisonable - Illusion - Cruiser - Jashinger - Omoteuria - Sumotron - Sambaba - Saguil Brothers - Chefdon - Killmench - Gakkarize
Gift: Massacre Machine Gift - Gift Custom - Mass Production Gift
Domidoll - Bangray - ShiomanekingIcon-crosswiki - Brajira of the Messiah - Doukoku Chimatsuri - Enter - Escape - Chozetsushin Deboth - Dark Emperor Zet - Gokdos Gill - Gillmarda - Pocane Daniro