Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind."
― Guru Laghima (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)

The power to fly using weightlessness. Sub-power of Weight Manipulation. Variation of Gyrokinetic Flight.

Also Called[]

  • Weightlessness-Based Flight/Levitation


The user can use weightlessness to fly around by combining that state of personal zero gravity and a form of unsuspended locomotion to travel in mid-air. With weightlessness, the user never has to touch the ground at all and may perpetually float without any trouble from gravity.




  • May not stop moving around if not careful.
    • User may not be able to achieve increased speeds for transportation when in flight. Users may need to propel themselves from personal force (jumping) before flight to gain momentum.
  • May be limited as to how long they can fly using weightlessness.
  • May require an object.
  • Weak against Flight Negation.
  • Weight Enhancers may induce extra weight to eliminate weightlessness.

Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

