- "You're merely defective. You aren't special. Not in the slightest. But that's exactly what makes you special. In your presence all magic is useless."
- ― The Queen of Witches describing Asta's nature (Black Clover)
- "He is the strongest....Sickly King!"
- ― Narrator describing Phoenix Joe (Show By Rock!!)
- "Why so surprised, Superman? It's a basic rule of business: turn every weakness into a strength!"
- ― Lex Luthor (DCAU)
The power to gain strength from weakness. Technique of Weakness Manipulation. Variation of Affinity. Opposite of Power Empowerment.
Also Called[]
- Defect Affinity/Empowerment
- Error Affinity/Empowerment
- Fault Affinity/Empowerment
- Flaw Affinity/Empowerment
- Handicap Affinity/Empowerment
- Impairment Affinity/Empowerment
- Powerlessness Affinity/Empowerment
- Vulnerability Affinity/Empowerment
- Weakness Affinity
- Weakness Reversal
User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. from the weakness of oneself or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from weakness or even slow or stop aging.
As long as the user is weak, she/he gets stronger until she/he is strong.
- Condition Augmentation
- Empowered State
- Enhancement Calling
- Metabolization
- Mode Switching
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Condition
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Body
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Agility
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Dexterity
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Durability/Invulnerability
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Endurance
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Health
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Reflexes
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Senses
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Speed
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Stamina
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strength
- Regenerative Healing Factor
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Mind
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Body
- Affinity
- Fortitude Weakening
- Relative Strength Perception
- Weakness Creation
- Weakness Detection
- Weakness Embodiment
- Weakness Inducement
- Weakness Manipulation
- May only empower the users abilities/powers.
- Weak against Strength Manipulation.
- This ability might not last for long, because as soon as the person gets strong their empowerment might wear off.
- This ability is kind of an oxymoron, It may induce paradoxes
Known Users[]
- Ayla (Chrono Trigger); via Dino Tail
- Frog (Chrono Trigger); via Frog Squash
- Mario (Paper Mario); via Danger Mario mode
- Pokémon with Blaze, Torrent, or Overgrow (Pokémon)
- Gremloblin (Gravity Falls)
- Sienna Khan (RWBY) Via; Grudge
Known Locations[]
- Ipsens Castle (Final Fantasy IX)
Known Objects[]
- Valiant Knife (Final Fantasy VI)