The power to use the abilities of a Wa Nyudo. Variation of Yokai Physiology and Demon Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Wanyūdō Mimicry/Physiology
- Wa Nyudo Mimicry
Users of this ability can either mimic the traits of a Wa Nyudo or are one, a Wa Nyudo is a supremely wicked demon from Japanese folklore that manifests as a human head trapped in a burning ox-cart wheel.
Wa Nyudos are agents of Hell itself and tasked with capturing souls, which they trap within their burning forms and drag to Hell, they are doomed to travel between worlds until they collect enough souls to be forgiven for their many crimes in life - they are absolute sadists to the highest degree and are devoted to bringing suffering to others, even catching a glimpse of these monsters is enough to bring unspeakable evil to entire families, as such many would carry relics or prayers to try and ward these demons off.
A disturbing example of just how cruel the Wa Nyudos are comes from a story in which a woman happened to catch sight of one travelling across her village and was confronted by the demon, which told her "instead of looking at me instead look at your child!" - no sooner had the demon spoke than the mother looked to her infant, whose legs had now been violently removed and the Wa Nyudo devoured the legs, leaving the infant to die in its own blood.
- Immortality
- Invisibility
- Intangibility
- Wheel Mimicry
- Hell-Fire Manipulation
- Eternal Torment Inducement
- Demonic Magic
- Dimensional Travel
- Fear Inducement
- Absolute Violence
- Mutilation
- Vulnerable to certain rituals and prayers, especially those of a Shrine Maiden or Shinto Priest.
Known Users[]
- Wakku (Ayashimon)
- Wanyūdō (GeGeGe no Kitarō)
- Wanyūdō (Hell Girl)
- Wa Nyudo (Japanese Folklore)
- Wanyudo (One Piece)
- Wheelmonk (Nioh)
- Yokai Wanyūdō (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQger The Movie: Ninjas in Wonderland)
- Soy Milk Road/Tōnyūdō (Toriko)
- Aobee Akabee/Duwheel (Yo-kai Watch)
- WaNEWdou (Yo-kai Watch)