Superpower Wiki

The ability to see into any spectrum/effects. Variation of Enhanced Vision. Not to be confused with Ocular Techniques or Psychic Perception.

Also Called[]

  • Super Vision
  • Vision Faculty


The user can see beyond the limits of ordinary eyesight, accessing hidden spectrums, forces, and dimensions. Their vision spans the entire electromagnetic spectrum, allowing them to perceive ultraviolet light, infrared heat signatures, X-rays, gamma radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. They can detect energy fields, ley lines, and magical auras, as well as view the life force within living beings. Emotions manifest as visible auras, revealing intentions and mental states, while illusions, disguises, and invisibility become ineffective as the user sees the absolute truth of all things.

Their eyesight functions at an accelerated level, enabling them to track objects moving at extreme speeds, perceive fast-moving particles, and even process visual information in slow motion. They can focus on microscopic details or extend their vision across vast distances, while penetrative sight allows them to see through solid matter and layered obstructions. Their periscopic vision eliminates blind spots, granting full awareness of their surroundings, while soundwave vision enables them to "see" vibrations and sound patterns as visual constructs.

They can identify weaknesses in structures, individuals, and even reality itself, granting insight into vulnerabilities that others would never notice. Their awareness extends across different planes of existence, revealing spiritual realms, astral projections, and parallel realities. With this power, nothing remains hidden, making the user an all-seeing entity capable of understanding and navigating the deepest mysteries of existence.


List of Powers[]

  • 3D Vision: The ability to see in 3D.
  • 4D Vision: The ability to see in 4D.
  • Accelerated Eyesight: The ability to see at advanced speed.
  • Aerial Vision: also called Bird’s Eye View/Vision, is the ability to psychically displace one’s vision to see as though one were on top of a tall structure (or in the sky) looking down on the lay of the land. One with this ability could see foes approaching, get a feel for where everything is in his current location, find the best path to his house from his current location, or the like. Another version of this ability (called Subterranean Vision), allows the user to psychically see as though looking up from underground (useful for finding things one has dropped, seeing things that are under the ground, and the like).
  • Dimensional Vision: The ability to see all kinds of dimensions in one's area. 
    • Astral Vision: The ability to see overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence.
  • Aura Vision: The ability to see a person or object's spiritual aura.
  • Clear Sight: see through the Glamour of paranormal activities, a force that hides the truth from the natural eye.
  • Chemo Vision: The ability to see pheromone output.
  • Death Vision: The ability to see incoming death, or anything relating to death.
  • Divided Vision: The ability to see in multiple locations at once.
  • Electromagnetic Vision: The ability to see various kinds of light in the EM spectrum.
  • Emotion Vision: The ability to see the emotions of others.
  • Illusion Vision: The ability to see through illusions.
  • Invisibility Awareness: The ability to see through invisibility.
  • Life Vision: The ability to see the lifespan of people.
  • Movement Vision: The ability to instantly take notice of things if they move.
  • Penetrative Vision: The ability to penetrate practically everything.
  • Periscopic Vision: The ability to psychically displace one’s sense of sight.
  • Probability Vision: The ability to see the outcome of something.
  • Soundwave Vision: The ability to see sound-waves.
  • Supercolor Vision: The ability to see in a wider range of colors.
  • Third Person Vision: The ability to see in third person.



Known Users[]

  • Variation Users