- "I am Alf Layla wa-Layla. I AM the Arabian Nights. I will be its new creator! I will remake this world and this reality in my own image!"
- ― Alf Layla wa-Layla (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
The ability to become a genie with powers that are on a godly scale. Transcendent version of Genie Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Djinn/Genie/Jinn Deity/God Mimicry/Physiology
- Transcendent Djinn/Jinn Mimicry/Physiology
- Ultimate Djinn/Genie/Jinn
User with this ability either is or can transform into an all-powerful genie with unimaginable magical power. Their powers and abilities dwarf that of lesser genies and are even able to break the laws of both magic and nature, and warp reality to their liking.
All abilities and powers of lesser genies at transcendent level.
- Absolute Wish: Grant unfettered wishes.
- Nigh-Complete/Complete Arsenal: Possess every or almost every single powers that possibly exists.
- Nigh-Omnipotence/Omnipotence: Wield overwhelming godly power.
- Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience: Have a massive amount of knowledge and acute awareness of all events across the cosmos.
- Alpha Genie: Having the unique physiology of the djinn/genie race.
- Geniefication/Omni-Conversion: Convert anyone and anything into a genie.
- Genie Manipulation: Control over all types of genies.
- Magical Smoke Manipulation: Manipulate magical smoke.
- Genie Magic: Possess magical abilities inherent in the djinn/genie physiology.
- Arcanepotence: Possess omnipotent Magical Powers.
- Meta Magic: Transcend and bypass all the rules of magic.
- Omni-Magic: Use all forms of magic.
- Omnificence: Create Anything
- Absolute Crafting: Can craft anything.
- Omnifabrication: Can Invent anything.
- Omicron Being: Embody both Alpha and Omega traits among their race
- Alpha: be an alpha level being.
- Omega Being: have Omega level status of power and being.
- Omnifarious: Take any form without limits.
- Absolute Concealment: Become formless and unseeable.
- Absolute/Pinnacle Condition: Possess both the physical and mental prowess of a god.
- Absolute Immortality: Become ageless and immortal.
- Transcendent Elemental Manipulation: Control transcendent elemental energies.
- Omni-Element Manipulation: Control all elemental forces.
- Primordial Element Manipulation: Control the primal elements.
- Transcendent Energy Manipulation: Use a godly type of energy
- Magical Energy Manipulation: Control all forms of magical energy.
- Omni-Energy Manipulation: Manipulate all esoteric forces.
- Alpha Genie
- Heaven/Hell Lordship
- Magic Lordship
- Pride Embodiment
- Prime Being
- Transcendent Physiology
- Wrath Embodiment
- The user's power may be bound to a lamp or other phylactery, and certain rules concerning its owner/possessor.
- May be vulnerable to the effects of Divine Power Absorption, Divine Power Negation, Divine Energy Absorption, Divinity Nullification or Transcendent Negation.
- May be slain by users of Transcendent Weaponry, Divine Slayer or Omnislayer.
- Type of Genie may determine what the part of Nature they can unite with.
Known Users[]
- Djinn (Disney's Aladdin)
- Transcendent Genies (Folklore/Mythology)
- Asmodeus (Abrahamic Religions)
- 7 Genie Kings (Islam)
- Al-Ahmar
- Barqan
- Murra
- Maimun
- Mudhib
- Shamharush
- Zawbaah
- Iblis (Islam)
- Sumas (Islam)
- Dark Genie (Dark Cloud)
- Thunderbolt (DC Comics)
- Djinn II (DC Comics/Teen Titans)
- Elias (DC Comics/Teen Titans)
- Majin Buu (Dragon Ball); via absorbs Daikaioh, South Supreme Kai or Demon God Dabura
- Majin Future Warrior (Dragon Ball Xenoverese Series); he/she fought against godly opposites and defeated them
- Genie Rulers (Forgotten Realms)
- Madrid (Gold Digger)
- Nadakhan (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu); after becoming a Djinn King
- 72 Djinns (Magi The Labyrinth of Magic)
- Shazzan (Shazzan animated series)
- Erazor Djinn/Alf Layla wa-Layla (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
- Iblis (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- The Unbound (The Secret World)
- Genie (Valkyrie Crusade)
Jafar (Disney's Aladdin) used his final wish to become an All Powerful Genie, to gain Cosmic Powers.
Even before absorbing the World Rings, the Erazor Djinn (Sonic and the Secret Rings) was described as having godlike power by King Solomon, thanks to absorbing the power of the world of the Arabian Nights.
Solomon's 72 Djinns (Magi The Labyrinth of Magic) are the guardian deities of Alma Torran, with enough power to destroy the entire world if their Metal Vessels were to fall into the wrong hands.
As the first Jinn, The Unbound's (The Secret World) power rivals that of its creators, the Host.