The power to send/trap others in another time. Sub-power of Time Manipulation and Remote Time Travel. Opposite of Temporal Banishment.
Also Called[]
- Temporal Binding
- Temporal/Time Jumping
The user can send and trap anyone in another time. For example, they can send victims to another 300 years into the past and they cannot return to the present. This can also work if sending the target into the future.
- Remote Time Travel
- Be rid of enemies by sending them back/forward in time, never to return
- Protect others from harm from others by sending them back/forward in time.
- Temporal Looping
- Cannot affect users of Spatial-Temporal Lock and Temporal Lock.
- May be useless if the target has Space-Time Manipulation or Time Travel.
Known Users[]
- Chronosapiens (Ben 10)
- David Clinton/Chronos (DCAU)
- Weeping Angels (Doctor Who)
- Arnold (Heroes); trapped Charlie in 1945
- Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo); via Gold Experience Requiem
- Luke (Misfits)
- Aku (Samurai Jack)
- Omni-Viewer (Sonic the Comic)
- The Bronze Dragonflight (World of Warcraft)
- The SCP Foundation stuff members in SCP-5000 (SCP Foundation); via using temporal anomalies