Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to create a field that can banish or switch spaces, create paradoxes, and warp reality inside of it. Technique of Meta Space Manipulation and Territory Creation. Combination of Effect Field Projection and Spatial Manipulation. Not to be confused with Spatial Warping.

Also Called[]

  • Personal Space Tuning
  • Space Tuning
  • Spatial Field Projection
  • The Haunt


The user can control a certain amount of space that can be used banish or switch spaces, create paradoxes, and warp reality inside of it.


  • Astral Trapping: via tapping into the spectral energy contained within their created space
  • Banishment: user can send reinforcements out of the spatial plane.
  • Body Dismemberment: user can slice and separate the body parts within the created space, manipulate and re-attach them to different parts.
  • Dimensional Imprisonment: via the user trapping the opponent inside the spatial plane for an indefinite period of time.
  • Disruption: user can make their field distort energy or delay neuro-waves in the minds of people to disrupt abilities and even shut down technology.
  • Location Swapping: control the placement settings of objects within their created spatial plane.
  • Nigh-Omnipotence: Being that this evolved from Negative Zone Creation.
  • Nothingness Manipulation: Via the user making objects not exist within their space of control.
  • Paradox Manipulation: The user can trap/banish their opponent in a paradox for as long as the user desires.
  • Property Manipulation: The user can manipulate the smallest components of objects within their spacial plane.
  • Space Generation: The user can generate space.
  • Spatial Displacement: Spatially move things within the space around in either a teleportation or telekinetic manner, or even more the entire space to another location.
  • Spatial Warping: The user can warp and distort reality while using space as the medium.
  • Warp Generation: Creating distortions and other effects in space.
  • Warping Presence: Manipulate reality within your field.



Known Users[]

