- "Of course, even without my help, other forces would keep the cosmos chugging along. Many different belief systems powered the revolution of the planets and stars. Wolves would still chase Sol across the sky. Ra would continue his daily journey in his sun barque. Tonatiuh would keep running on his surplus blood from human sacrifices back in the Aztec days. And that other thing — science — would still generate gravity and quantum physics and whatever."
- ― Apollo after being turned Human (The Trials of Apollo)
The archetype for the characters that possess or have traits of a deity of the sun. Variation of Celestial Deity. Opposite to Lunar Deity.
Also Called[]
- God/Goddess Of The Sun
- Solar God/Goddess
- Sun Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
- Transcendent Solar Physiology
As an archetype, a solar deity is a god or goddess who represents the sun, or an aspect of it, usually by its perceived power and strength. Solar deities and sun worship can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms.
Associated Powers[]
- Celestial Divinity
- Solar Embodiment (for Personification Deities only)
- Solar Power
- Dawn Manipulation
- Day Manipulation
- Dusk Manipulation
- Celestial Deity
- Celestial Divinity
- Fertility Deity
- Fire Deity
- Health Deity
- Light Deity
- Mother Goddess
- Nature Spirit
- Old/New God-Patron God
- Seer
- Sky Father
- Solar Angel
- Solar Magic
- Solar Physiology
- Temporal Cognition
- Transcendent Physiology
- Deity Consumption/Imprisonment/Slayer/Banishment
- Divine Power Negation/absorption/immunity
- Divinity Nullification
- Sun Destruction
- This may in fact destroy or nullify a solar deities power if they are directly connected to a particular sun (star).
- May have little or no power over the earth.
Known/Example Characters[]
Also See: God of Light and The Power of the Sun
- Apollomon (Digimon)
- Sun Goddess Ra (Ennead)
- Sun (Undead Unluck)
- Solgaleo (Pokémon)
- Ra-Horakhty (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie; Gods Apocalypse)
- Amaterasu (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Bujinki Amaterasu (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Apollo (Blood of Zeus)
- Mirana (Dota: Dragon’s Blood)
- Maya (Maya and the Three)
- Rao (DC Comics)
- Amaterasu (The Wicked+the Divine)
- Gnowee (Aboriginal Mythology)
- Raphael (Abrahamic Mythology)
- Gurzil (Amazigh Mythology)
- Quetzalcoatl (Aztec Mythology)
- Xolotl (Aztec Mythology)
- Huitzilopochtli (Aztec Mythology)
- Eki (Basque Mythology)
- Shahar (Canaanite Mythology)
- Shalim (Canaanite Mythology)
- Shapash (Canaanite Mythology)
- Áine (Celtic Mythology)
- Belenus/Bel (Celtic Mythology)
- Étaín (Celtic Mythology)
- Brigid Of Kildare (Christian Mythology)
- Atum (Egyptian Mythology)
- Bastet (Egyptian Mythology)
- Iusaaset (Egyptian Mythology)
- Hathor (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ra (Egyptian Mythology)
- Sekhmet (Egyptian Mythology)
- Sobek-Ra (Egyptian Mythology); sun showers.
- Serapis (Greco-Egyptian Mythology)
- Apollo (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Eos/Aurora (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Helios/Sol/Sol Invictus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hyperion (Greek Mythology)
- Phanes (Greek Mythology)
- Eostre/Ostara (Germanic Mythology)
- Chaxiraxi (Guanche Mythology)
- Arinna (Hittite Mythology)
- Dhisana (Hindu Mythology)
- Mitra (Hindu Mythology)
- Savitr (Hindu Mythology)
- Surya (Hindu Mythology)
- Inti (Inca Mythology)
- Tama-nui-te-rā (Māori Mythology)
- Nergal (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Shamash/Utu (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Jóhonaaʼéí (Navajo Mythology)
- Haashchʼééłtiʼí (Navajo Mythology)
- Hashchʼéoghan (Navajo Mythology)
- Freyr (Nordic Mythology)
- Sól (Norse Mythology)
- Kadaw La Sambad (Philippine Mythology)
- Amaterasu (Shinto Mythology)
- Dažbog (Slavic Mythology)
- Svarog (Slavic Mythology)
- Mayora/Marohu (Taino Mythology)
- Hadit (Thelema)
- Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Thelema)
- Therion (Thelema)
- Gun Ana (Turkish Mythology)
- Horned God (Wiccan Mythology)
- Mithra (Zoroastrianism)
- Soranus, God of the Sun (Etruscan Mythology)
- Various Sun Gods (Riordanverse)
- Apollo
- Helios
- Ra
Video Games
- Helios (God of War)
- Buluc (Mortal Kombat)
- Khonsu (Shin Megami Tensei V); as Khonsu Ra
- Solaris (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Amaterasu (Smite)
- Ra (Smite)
- Sol (Smite)
- Amaterasu (TYPE-MOON)
- Karna (TYPE-MOON); Demigod
- Amaterasu (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Amenohoakari (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Hiderigami (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Marici (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Armorterasu (Yo-kai Watch)
Video Games[]
After stealing the Crest of Ra and the Falcon's Head, Khonsu uses both to transform himself into the image of Ra, becoming the sun god Khonsu Ra.