Superpower Wiki
"We were genetically engineered to kill guys like you.
Bub, I’m one of a kind."
― James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine against a genetically engineered soldier (X-Men: Origin; Wolverine game)
"Well what about this universe's version of you? Maybe she can control her powers.
This universe doesn’t have a me.
None of them do.
But how do you know that?
Because I’ve looked, and cause I never dream."
― Doctor Strange and America Chavez (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

The power to be unique and immune to being mimicked, copied or replicated. Variation of Power Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Absolute/Eternal/Infinite/Ontological Uniqueness
  • Cloning Immunity
  • Copy-Proof
  • One of a Kind


The user is absolutely one of a kind and completely unique. They cannot be replicated/cloned, have their powers mimicked, be mimicked by shapeshifters or illusionists, or even mimic the user's voice, handwriting, skills/movements, etc. Users possess a physical, psychic, and empathic trait that marks them as special, so even if someone tried to disguise themselves as the user, people who know them would notice the ruse. There is no other version of users in different realities that are the same. Being this way means they can do what no one can, and even if they share traits, powers, skills, etc., with another, the way they can use theirs will always be different and incomparable. Hence, they can even determine how they go at any point. When this state is perfected, the user becomes completely distinct from everything.





Known Users[]

  • God/Yahweh/Allah (Abrahamic Religions)
  • Sharn (AD&D/Forgotten Realms)
  • Saya Kisaragi (Blood-C)
  • Jones/Wandering Eye (Gunnerkrigg Court)
  • Nate Mitotsudaira (Horizon In The Middle of Nowhere)
  • Ryotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O)
  • Hana (Kamen Rider Den-O)
  • Owner (Kamen Rider Den-O)
  • Kai (Kamen Rider Den-O)
  • Kotaro Nogami (Kamen Rider Den-O)
  • Tanarotte Uncertain (Magicians Academy)
  • America Chavez (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Protege (Marvel Comics)
  • Immortus (Marvel Comics)
  • Darkseid (DC Comics)
  • Obyriths (Planescape)
  • Tenebrous (Planescape)
  • Bittercold (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon)
  • Yuji Sakai (Shakugan no Shana); via becoming a Solid Existence
  • Tomoki Sakurai (Sora No Otoshimono)
  • Dandy (Space Dandy)
  • Anna Sprengel (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
  • Alice Anotherbible (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
  • The Weave (Top Cow)
  • Primus (Transformers)
  • Unicron (Transformers)
  • Brett Hand (The Inside Job)
  • Max (Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse)
  • The Transcendent Pig (Young Wizards)
  • Dream Demons (Yumekui Merry)
  • Sinbad (Magi)
  • Jack Harkness (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
  • SCP-10101-J - Not A Self-Insert At All (SCP Foundation)

