- "Bees make honey and jelly? How come nothing humans make tastes good?"
- ― Philip J. Fry (Futurama, "The Sting")
The power to generate royal jelly. Sub-power of Royal Jelly Manipulation. Variation of Bodily Fluid Generation.
Also Called[]
- Bee Milk Creation/Generation/Production
- Emperor Jelly Creation/Generation/Production
- Emperor Milk Creation/Generation/Production
- Royal Jelly Creation/Production
The user can generate royal jelly, whether by drawing from already existing jelly (theirs, others or separate from the bodies), or by manifesting it from anywhere they want.
- May not be able control the generated royal jelly.
- May only be able to produce a certain amount of royal jelly at a time.
Known Users[]
- Xenomorph Queens (Aliens/Alien vs. Predator)
- King Zombie (Dead Rising 3)
- Royal Jelly (Food Fantasy)
- Honey Bees (Monster Musume)
- Royal Jelly Slime (Slime Rancher)