Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"I’m injecting you with a serum that activates any mutant genes lurking in your DNA. For it to work we need to subject you to extreme stress. You heard the whole make an omelet break some XP of mine, well I’m about to hurt you Wade. I was a patient here once myself you know…The treatment affects everyone differently, it made Angel inhumanly strong. In my case, it enhanced my reflexes also scorch my nerve endings so I no longer feel pain, and in fact I no longer can feel anything."
― Francis Freeman/Ajax (Deadpool)

The trait for a power, power-set, skill, or enhancement that was gained from exposure to radioactive serum. Combination of Drug-Based Powers and Radiation Empowerment. Variations of Experientially Induced Powers and Superhumanization.

Also Called[]

  • Radioactive Serum Enhancement


The user has obtained abilities and enhanced traits by injection of a specialized serum and exposure to certain radiation.




Known Users[]

  • Super-Soldier Serum Users (Marvel Comics)
    • Steve Rogers/Captain America
    • Bruce Banner/The Hulk
    • Robert Reynolds/Sentry
  • Winter Soldiers (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Harry Osborn/Green Goblin (Amazing Spider-Man 2)
  • Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel Comics/Deadpool 2)
  • Clark Kent/Super-Soldier (Amalgam Comics)

