Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a Putto. Variation of Angel Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Putto Mimicry


Users of this power can either mimic the traits of a Putto or are one, a Putto is a type of winged angelic being in many world mythologies and art, depicted as child-like and similar to modern depictions of Cupid.

Putti were personifications of numerous concepts depending on the era and the culture, often they were engaged in influencing mortals in passionate affairs and could be found dancing, fighting or engaging in bacchic rites - however in other cultures they became messenger spirits and an embodiment of God's omnipresence, as well as divine musicians.

There also exists a subtype of Putto known as the Amorino or Amorini, which is basically Cupid and as such was responsible for romantic affairs.





  • Subservient to higher deities or concepts, thus vulnerable to their decree and laws.
  • Due to their divine nature they would be weak to divine slayers and powers designed to harm or disrupt the divine.

Known Users[]

  • Putto (Folklore)