The power to generate psychic electricity. Sub-power of Psychic Lightning Manipulation. Variation of Electricity Generation and Psychic Element Generation.
Also Called[]
- Mental Electricity Creation/Generation
- Mental Lightning Creation
- Psycho Electrogenesis
The user is able to generate and project psychic lightning, electricity with psychic effects, from telekinetic or telepathic forms of effects, including attacks and defense.
- Can only create psychic lightning, not control it.
Known Users[]
- Brainstorm (Ben 10: Alien Force)
- Validus (DC Comics)
- Emma Frost (Marvel Comics)
- Zzzax (Marvel Comics)
- Kate (Twilight Saga)
- Kirill (Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined)
- Jinzo (Yu-Gi-Oh)
- Count Dooku ( Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones /Star Wars: Dark Disciple)