The power to use the traits and powers of the Protogenoi. Variation of Greek Deity Physiology. Combination of Embodiment Deity Physiology and Primordial Deity Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Actuals (Nobilis)
- Elder/First Gods/Goddesses
- Greek Primordial Deities/Gods/Goddesses
- First (Protos) Born (Genos)
- Πρωτόγονοι (in modern Greek)
The user either is or can draw power and abilities connected to the protogenoi, primordial Deities of Greek mythology.
The protogenoi were the first born of the immortals, who formed the very fabric of the universe, known in Greek mythology as the Protogenoi (protos meaning "first," and genos "born"). They were, for the most part, purely elemental beings - Uranus was the literal sky, Gaea the body of the earth, etc. A few of them were occasionally described or portrayed in anthropomorphic form, however these forms were inevitably inseparable from their native element. Everything in existence is born of them, including the Titans and the Olympian gods. Unlike the Titans, when overthrown by the next generation of deities, the protogenoi didn't lose their power or position, for the very simple reason that they form the existence. They are mostly found and commonly referenced in ancient Greek texts such as Hesiod's Theogony (c. 700 BCE/late 8th century).
- Supreme Divinity
- Primordial Entity/Primordial Deity
- Reality Anchoring
- Absolute Separation (In Christian theology, the same term is used to refer to the gap or the abyss created by the separation of heaven and earth)
- Absolute Transcendence (The highest deity in Ancient Greek myth and religion)
- Air Deity & Creator Deity Physiology (Creator of the Gods according to most ancient sources such as the Theogony which is constantly described "as the standard organisation on the gods' origin"
- Air Embodiment
- Chaos Embodiment (limited; Chaos was a chaotic & soupy mist; in Ovid's Metamorphoses "Chaos was an unformed mass, where all the elements were jumbled up together in a shapeless heap")
- Complete Arsenal (Possibly as the creator of the Gods)
- Creation Embodiment
- Creation & Destruction Manipulation
- Creative Source (The modern interpretation of the term: The term chaos has been adopted in modern comparative mythology and religious studies as referring to the primordial state before creation, strictly combining two separate notions of primordial waters or a primordial darkness from which a new order emerges and a primordial state as a merging of opposites, such as heaven and earth, which must be separated by a creator deity in an act of cosmogony)
- Deity Creation (Created the Protogenoi Gods)
- Infinity Manipulation and Temporal Entity (The notion of the temporal infinity was familiar to the Greek mind from remote antiquity in the religious conception of immortality. The main object of the first efforts to explain the world remained the description of its growth, from a beginning. They believed that the world arose out from a primal unity, and that this substance was the permanent base of all its being)
- Limitation Transcendence and Meta Movement Manipulation (Xenophanes' statement. In a phrase of Xenophanes, "The upper limit of the earth borders on air, near our feet. The lower limit reaches down to the "apeiron" (i.e. the unlimited)." The sources and limits of the earth, the sea, the sky, Tartarus, and all things are located in a great windy-gap, which seems to be infinite, and is a later specification of "chaos".)
- Meta Matter Manipulation (contained all the matter in the Cosmos)
- Void Embodiment (In the Theogony. Hesiod and the Pre-Socratics use the Greek term in the context of cosmogony. Hesiod's Chaos has been interpreted as either "the gaping void above the Earth created when Earth and Sky are separated from their primordial unity" or "the gaping space below the Earth on which Earth rests.")
- Genesis & Apocalypse Manipulation (Chaos is the Void in which everything came from and will ultimately return to)
- Nothingness Manipulation
- Formlessness and Primordial Darkness Manipulation/Generation (It may also mean space, the expanse of air, the nether abyss or infinite darkness. Pherecydes of Syros (fl. 6th century BC) interprets chaos as water, like something formless that can be differentiated)
- Nonexistent Physiology and Primordial Element Generation (Paracelsus (1493–1541) uses chaos synonymously with "classical element" (because the primeval chaos is imagined as a formless congestion of all elements))
- Primordial Force Manipulation (Based on Aristophanes' comments: "At the beginning there was only Chaos, Night, dark Erebus, and deep Tartarus")
- Universal Force Manipulation
First Generation[]
- Age Manipulation (The poet Nonnus describes Aion as an old man with long, white hair and a beard but mosaic-art presents a youthful figure)
- Celestial Deity, Stellar Deity, & Time Deity Physiology (He is consistently called Unlimited Time and is arguably the highest of the Protogenoi barring Chaos)
- All Infinite Powers and Archetype:Creator Deity (Franz Cumont positioned Aion as Unlimited Time (sometimes represented as Saeculum, Cronus, or Saturn) as the god who emerged from primordial Chaos, and who in turn generated Heaven and Earth)
- Absolute Access/Absolute Separation and Primordial Lightning Generation (He typically holds a sceptre, keys, and / or a thunderbolt. Nobody knows for sure who he was or what he represented, but aside from the lion-head, depictions of him have Aion's icons; in rare instances, his statue appears in mithrea with the human head, and with the lion-head gone, he is indistinguishable from Aion)
- Astrological Physiology
- Celestial Manipulation
- Constellation, Stellar, Temporal, & Zodiac Empowerment
- Stellar Embodiment
- Constellation Manipulation
- Constellation Creation
- Constellation Transmogrification
- Zodiac Force Manipulation (God of the Zodiac)
- Zodiac Energy Manipulation
- Zodiac Entity Manipulation (Related to the Zodiac)
- Constellation (Zodiac Physiology) & Stellar Physiology
- Light Manipulation
- Stellar Manipulation (Is able to create stars or any other cosmic phenomena by using the Zodiac)
- Esoteric Star Manipulation
- Star Creation/Destruction
- Supernova Inducement
- Black Hole Creation
- Universe Creation (Is said to create the universe after appearing from Chaos)
- Solar Manipulation
- Time Embodiment
- Age Manipulation and Life-Force Manipulation (In the Greek literature of the classical age, aion predominantly assumes the meaning of "life" in all its nuances, from the "lifetime" to the "lifestyle" of an individual human being. A collective reference ("generation" or "age") is also found, altogether with the more impersonal significance of "time," in competition with chronos, but in the narrower sense of "period of time.")
- Chronoscience and Temporal Cognition (However, at the same time and especially in Heraclitus and Pindar, it assumes mystical nuances (in connection with the Orphic tradition) converging in the spheres of daimon and moira (fate). Only Plato, either influenced by the Persian opposition between Zurvan akarana (time boundless) and Zurvan daregho-chvadhata (time of the long dominion) or simply prompted by his linguistic and mythopoeic genius, in Timaeus (37d–38c) confers a fundamental shift on Aion's semantic history))
- Eternity Embodiment (represents boundless time)
- Temporal Entity Physiology (Is boundless time)
- Temporal Lordship (In the Dionysiaca, Nonnus associates Aion with the Horae and says that he: "changes the burden of old age like a snake who sloughs off the coils of the useless old scales, rejuvenescing while washing in the swells of the laws [of time]")
- Time Manipulation
- Meta Time Manipulation (Aion (Greek: Αἰών) is a Hellenistic deity associated with time, the orb or circle encompassing the universe, and the zodiac)
- Omnichronal Perception, Flawless Precognition and Omni-Precognition (The "time" which Aion represents is perpetual, unbounded, ritual, and cyclic: The future is a returning version of the past, later called aevum (similar to Ṛtú))
- Time Energy Manipulation (God of eternity)
- Time Frame Creation
- Temporal Source
- Constellation Manipulation
- All Infinite Powers and Archetype:Creator Deity (Franz Cumont positioned Aion as Unlimited Time (sometimes represented as Saeculum, Cronus, or Saturn) as the god who emerged from primordial Chaos, and who in turn generated Heaven and Earth)
- Cycle Embodiment (Aion is thus a god of the cyclic ages, and the cycle of the year and the zodiac. In the latter part of the Classical era he became associated with mystery religions concerned with the afterlife, such as the mysteries of Cybele, the Dionysian mysteries, Orphic religion, and the Mithraic mysteries)
- Divine Object (Zodiac Wheel)
- Flight (Related to Time Manipulation. There are multiple depictions of Aion that still survive today. He is shown to have the body of a human. At times he also has wings, but he is frequently depicted without them. He is often shone to be nude or wearing a small amount of clothing. He has a youthful and proud appearance. Aion is also often standing at the center of the image with a hoop or spherical object encircling him. It is believed that the circular shape characterizes either the zodiac or the cyclical nature of time. The hoop is sometimes depicted as being held up by a man standing underneath Aion)
- Grand Design Construction (Aion was among the virtues and divine personifications that were part of late Hellenic discourse, in which they figure as "creative agents in grand cosmological schemes". The significance of Aion lies in his malleability: He is a "fluid conception" through which various ideas about time and divinity converge in the Hellenistic era, in the context of syncretic and monotheistic tendencies)
- Absolute Law Manipulation (Necessity itself conceptually includes law)
- Absolute Force Manipulation and Absolute Strength ("Ananke" is derived from the common Ancient Greek noun ἀνάγκη (Ionic: ἀναγκαίη anankaiē), meaning "force, constraint or necessity." The common noun itself is of uncertain etymology. Homer refers to her being as necessity, often abstracted in modern translation (ἀναγκαίη πολεμίζειν, "it is necessary to fight") or force (ἐξ ἀνάγκης, "by force"))
- Celestial Deity & Creator Deity Physiology (later in Myth)
- Fate Deity, Oracular Deity, & Time Deity Physiology
- Fate Embodiment
- Destiny Aspect Manifestation
- Necessity Embodiment (Is Necessity itself)
- Compulsion Embodiment (Given her description in non-fragmented texts)
- Inevitability Embodiment (Ananke (/əˈnæŋkiː/; Ancient Greek: Ἀνάγκη), from the common noun ἀνάγκη ("force, constraint, necessity"), is the Orphic personification of inevitability, compulsion and necessity. She is customarily depicted as holding a spindle)
- Destiny Perception (Mother of the Fates)
- Grand Design Construction (Designed the universe)
- Inevitable Event Creation (According to Victor Hugo in 1876: "The mysterious difficulty of life springs from all three. Man has to deal with obstacles under the form of superstition, under the form of prejudice, and under the form of the elements. A triple "ananke" (necessity) weighs upon us, the "ananke" of dogmas, the "ananke" of laws, and the "ananke" of things")
- Meta Fate Manipulation (Ananke is considered the most powerful dictator of fate and circumstance. Mortals and gods alike respected her power and paid her homage. Sometimes considered the mother of the Fates, she is thought to be the only being to influence their decisions (according to some sources, excepting Zeus also))
- Nigh Omniscience/Omniscience (She is the mother of the Fates who know everything)
- Obstacle Manipulation and potential Obstacle Transcendence (According to Aeschylus: "Skill is weaker by far than Ananke (Necessity)")
- Flawless Clairvoyance, Prophecy Construction, Seer and Purpose Embodiment (Sees everything)
- Flawless Precognition (Vyacheslav Ivanov suggests that the ancients viewed all that is human and all that is revered as divine as relative and transient: "Only Fate (Eimarmene), or universal necessity (Ananke), the inevitable 'Adrasteia,' the faceless countenance and hollow sound of unknown Destiny, was absolute.")
- Meta Time Manipulation (As a partner to Chronos)
- Event Manipulation (Was inevitability itself)
- Destiny Aspect Manifestation
- Fate Embodiment
- Misfortune Embodiment and Omnipresence (Ananke is a self-formed being who emerged at the dawn of creation with an incorporeal, serpentine form, her outstretched arms encompassing the cosmos. Ananke is the mother (or another identity) of Adrasteia, the distributor of rewards and punishments)
- Meta Nature Manipulation (The pre-modern is carried over and translated (by reduction) into a more modern philosophical sense as "necessity", "logical necessity", or "laws of nature")
- Immunity to Meta-Concept Manipulation and Category:Absolute Powers (By making any and all concepts unnecessary)
- Absolute Wish, Absolute Transcendence and Creator Deity Physiology (Same as Aion. Chronos is said to have created the silver egg of the universe out of which burst the first-born deity Phanes, or Phanes-Dionysus)
- Aspect Separation (as Aion)
- Composite Deity Physiology (Chronos-Aion)
- Archetype:Harvest Deity (His scythe is seen, in most iconography, to be related to the harvest)
- Formlessness and Dichotomous Intangibility (Was said to be incorporeal)
- Immunity to Category:Absolute Powers/Category:Meta Powers and Category:Infinite Powers (Via his scythe and being time)
- Absolute Destruction/Absolute Erasure (Via his scythe)
- Omnipresence (As time)
- Time Deity & Father Time Physiology
- Divine Object (Hourglass)
- Sands of Time Manipulation and Meta Life-Force Manipulation (The hourglass contained the life of all those who lived)
- Life & Death Manipulation (By the hourglass)
- Scythe Proficiency (Presumably given his iconography shows him with a scythe)
- Death Infusion/Meta Death-Force Manipulation (Through his scythe as Father Time)
- Temporal Slicing (His scythe slices through the time of those he kills)
- Time Embodiment (Is time)
- All Temporal Powers (Is repeatedly called Ageless Time in most fragments)
- Age Manipulation and Absolute Condition (Khronos was depicted in Greco-Roman mosaic as Aion (Aeon), eternity personified. He holds a wheel inscribed with the signs of the zodiac and Gaia (Mother Earth) usually reclines at his feet.)
- Chronoscience, Omnichronal Perception, Flawless Precognition and Omni-Precognition (This kind of time contrasts with empirical, linear, progressive, and historical time that Chronos represented, which divides into past, present, and future)
- Temporal Entity Physiology (Greco-Roman mosaics depicted Chronos as a man turning the zodiac wheel. He is comparable to the deity Aion as a symbol of cyclical time. He is usually portrayed as an old callous man with a thick grey beard, personifying the destructive and stifling aspects of time)
- Temporal Guardianship and Temporal Source (His hourglass is what he controls)
- Temporal Lordship (God of time in ancient Greek writings)
- Time Manipulation (Chronos (/ˈkroʊnɒs, -oʊs/; Greek: Χρόνος, [kʰrónos], "time"), also spelled Khronos or Chronus, is a personification of time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature)
- Meta Time Manipulation (Is Time)
- Time Energy Manipulation (Via Scythe)
- Time Frame Creation
- Time Travel (He takes the lives of those at all points in time)
- Divine Object (Hourglass)
- Darkness Deity Physiology
- Darkness Embodiment
- Absolute Darkness (Is said to have a boundless bosom)
- Darkness Empowerment and Power Level Infinitum (By way of the night infinitely empowering him)
- Dark Form/Darkness Mimicry (As the darkness)
- Darkness Manipulation
- Erebopresence
- Ereboscience
- Ereboportation
- Underworld Embodiment (Erebus is said to be the Underworld itself)
- Darkness Embodiment
- Absolute Accuracy
- Aspect Manifestation/Self-Remaking (Aspect Separation, limited/Myth Possibility; Phanes evolved into Eros the Elder, or are one and the same according to myth.)
- Creator Deity Physiology (As Phanes)
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Love Deity & Sex Deity Physiology
- Desire Embodiment
- Divine Love/Lust Aura
- Emotion Manipulation
- Eros Embodiment (All)
- Fertility Embodiment
- Indomitable Love, Lust & Sexuality
- Love Embodiment
- Lust Embodiment
- Meta Lust Inducement
- Pleasure Manipulation
- Sexuality Embodiment
- Sex Specialist
- Sexual Orientation Manipulation (Patron of homosexual love between males)
- Sexuality Manipulation
- Tantric Manipulation
- Earth Deity, Fertility Deity, & Mother Goddess (Mother Nature Physiology/Nature Deity Physiology)
- Earth Embodiment
- Earth Lordship
- Earth Manipulation/Primordial Earth Manipulation (As the literal earth. In Greek mythology, Gaia (/ˈɡeɪə, ˈɡaɪə/; Ancient Greek: Γαῖα, romanized: Gaîa, a poetic form of Γῆ (Gê), meaning 'land' or 'earth'), also spelled Gaea /ˈdʒiːə/, is the personification of the Earth. Gaia is the ancestral mother—sometimes parthenogenic—of all life)
- Geoscience
- Land Embodiment
- Nigh Omniscience (regarding the Earth)
- Planetary Physiology (the Earth)
- Femininity Aspect Manifestation
- Fertility Embodiment
- Fertility Manipulation
- Fertility Inducement
- Reproduction Manipulation
- Super Fecundity/Deity Creation (birthed Ouranos/Uranus, Pontus, the Ourea, & the Nesoi)
- Fertility Manipulation
- Nature Embodiment/Nature & Life Derivation
- Ecoscience
- Life Embodiment
- Life-Force Manipulation and Power Bestowal (Gave power to other gods. "Forthwith the voice of the Earth-goddess uttered a wise word, And with her Pyrcon, servant of the renowned Earth-shaker." They say that afterwards Earth gave her share to Themis, who gave it to Apollo as a gift. It is said that he gave to Poseidon Calaureia, that lies off Troezen, in exchange for his oracle)
- Nature Lordship and Transmutation and possible Absolute Immortality ((Gaia turned her into an olive tree as a reward, for Athena's sake. Gaia also turned the young Libanus into rosemary when he was killed by impious people. Zeus hid Elara, one of his lovers, from Hera by stowing her under the earth. His son by Elara, the giant Tityos, is therefore sometimes said to be a son of Gaia, the earth goddess. Gaia also made Aristaeus immortal.))
- Nature Manipulation
- Nature Unity
- Earth Embodiment
- Embodiment Creation
- Absolute Crafting/Absolute Storage and Meta Immunity Bypassing (A sickle she made could harm Uranus. Could make virtually anything such as the Harpe the sword which cut Uranus or the Cyclopes; She created a grey flint (or adamantine) sickle. And Cronus used the sickle to castrate his father Uranus as he approached his mother, Gaia, to have sex with her. From Uranus' spilled blood, Gaia produced the Erinyes, the Giants, and the Meliae (ash-tree nymphs). From the testicles of Uranus in the sea came forth Aphrodite)
- Omnipresence (She forced Uranus to cover all sides. Gaia came "dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-pathed Earth", and next Eros the god of love. Hesiod goes on to say that Gaia brought forth her equal Uranus (Heaven, Sky) to "cover her on every side". Gaia also bore the Ourea (Mountains), and Pontus (Sea), "without sweet union of love" (i.e., with no father))
- Seer
- Clairvoyance (According to an ancient Greek fragment, Gaia is boundless as Nyx says "Surround all things with unspeakable aither, and in the middle place the sky, and therein the boundless earth, and the sea, and therein all the constellations, which the sky has surrounded, But when you have stretched a firm bond over everything, suspend a golden chain from the aither.")
- Totemism and Concept Manipulation (By statues. On what is called the Gaion (Gaeum, Sanctuary of Ge) [at Olympia] is an altar of Ge (Earth); it too is of ashes. In more ancient days they say that there was an oracle also of Ge (Earth) in this place. On what is called the Stomion (Mouth) the altar to Themis has been built)
- World Connection (She can likely see everything that goes on)
- Absolute Destruction or Erasure (Zeus was terrified of the power & majesty of Nyx)
- Absolute Immortality (Night was called the "immortal nurse of the gods")
- Alpha Physiology
- Darkness/Archetype:Night Deity (Primordial Goddess of the Night)
- Divine Aura (Nyx's power is so strong that even Zeus himself feared angering her)
- Mother Goddess
- Seer and Omni-Precognition (She is described as she "who knows all the oracles", and delivers a prophecy to him from within her shrine (adyton); she also has power over Prophecy itself)
- Universal Lordship
- Wing Manifestation
- Demiurge Physiology (limited)
- Snake Deity
- Enhanced Combat
- Giant Physiology
- Guardianship (Guarded the cosmic egg that birthed Phanes)
- Divine Lord (First King of the Titans)
- Heaven Lordship (formally; taken by Cronus)
- Life Embodiment
- Titan Physiology (both; Titan and Protogenoi)
- Aspect Manifestation/Self-Remaking (limited/Myth Possibility; Phanes evolved into Eros the Elder, or they are one and the same according to myth.)
- Creator Deity
- Embodiment Creation (Created the embodiments of the night, darkness, etc)
- Genesis-Procreation Manipulation
- Meta-Concept Manipulation (Making concepts such as darkness or the night)
- Omnificence Genesis (By his existence)
- Universe Creation (Created the cosmos)
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Divine Power Bestowal (Phanes was the first king of the universe who passed the royal scepter onto Nyx. Some say Zeus devoured Phanes in order to absorb his power and redistribute it among the Olympians)
- Divine Object (Royal Scepter)
- Universal Lordship (formally; one myth, given to Nyx)
- Heaven Lordship (formally; First King of the Heavens)
- Universal Lordship (formally; one myth, given to Nyx)
- Gender Transcendence (Hermaphrodite)
- Life Deity
- Light Deity ("Phanes" means "to bring light" or "to shine".)
- Light Derivation (His birth brought light through the universe.)
- Prime Being (The First born deity)
- Serpent Companionship (Ophion)
- Sex Deity Physiology
- Supernatural Beauty
- Ultimate Being
- Wing Manifestation
- Aspect Separation (possibly; Physis is sometimes attributed to Thesis)
- Creator Deity Physiology (possibly; later in myth)
- Mother Nature/Nature Deity
- Order Deity
- Order Derivation
- Order Manipulation (With regards to the order of Nature)
- Origin Embodiment
- Evil Sense
- Judgement Inducement
- Meta Fear Inducement
- Plane Physiology (Tartarus)
- Prison Domain
- Absolute Storage
- Imprison Realm Creation
- Transcendent Imprisonment (the Titans were locked up in Tartarus)
- Tartarus Embodiment (the Greek Hell, "Hell" itself was inspired by Tartarus)
Second Generation[]
- Achlys
- Absolute Emotions and Sorrow Derivation ((Achlys /ˈæklɪs/ (Ancient Greek: Ἀχλύς "mist"), in the Hesiodic Shield of Heracles, is one of the figures depicted on Heracles' shield, perhaps representing the personification of sorrow. In Homer, achlys is the mist which fogs or blinds mortal eyes (often in death)))
- Creator Deity (limited, later in myth), Death Deity, Darkness Deity, & Poison Deity (Controls poison and death)
- Death Embodiment (the clouding of the eyes before death)
- Vapor Meta Death-Force Manipulation (the Death Mist; In Homer, the word achlys (ἀχλύς, 'mist'), is frequently used to describe a mist that is "shed" upon a mortal's eyes, often while dying)
- Death, Nether, & Poison Empowerment (In the Shield of Heracles, an archaic Greek epic poem (early sixth century BC?), that was attributed to Hesiod, Achlys is one of the figures described as being depicted on Heracles' shield, where she is understood as being the personification of sorrow or grief: "Beside them [Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos (the Moirai), and the Keres] stood Death-Mist [Ἀχλὺς], gloomy and dread, pallid, parched, cowering in hunger, thick-kneed; long claws were under her hands. From her nostrils flowed mucus, from her cheeks blood was dripping down onto the ground. She stood there, grinning dreadfully, and much dust, wet with tears, lay upon her shoulders")
- Nether Embodiment
- Night Embodiment (limited; represents the eternal night predating beings such as Nyx & Chaos)
- Death Embodiment (the clouding of the eyes before death)
- Poison Embodiment, Esoteric Toxin Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Omnipoison and Meta Magic (Related to Poison and in Roman-only interpretations of Greek texts. Nonnus, in his Dionysiaca (c. 5th century AD), seems to regard Achlys as a kind of witch. According to Nonnus, Hera—angry with the guardians of the infant Dionysus (the sons of the Naiad nurses of Dionysus)—"procured from Thessalian Achlys [Ἀχλύος] treacherous flowers of the field", which she used to sprinkle a sleeping charm over their heads, then "she distilled poisoned drugs over their hair and smeared a magical ointment over their faces", changing their human shape into that of horned Centaurs)
- Aether
- Absolute Spirituality (Is Soul in general according to Greek texts)
- Aether Embodiment
- Heaven Deity, Light/Solar Deity, & Sky Deity Physiology
- Air/Light Mimicry
- Heaven Embodiment
- Heaven & Sky Lordship
- Light Embodiment, Absolute Light, Light Empowerment, Light Generation, Light Manipulation and Primordial Light Manipulation (Is Light incarnate)
- Upper Air Embodiment
- Air/Wind Generation
- Air Manipulation
- Air Walking
- Sky Manipulation (In Greek mythology, Aether, Æther, Aither, or Ether (/ˈiːθər/; Ancient Greek: Αἰθήρ (Brightness) pronounced [ai̯tʰɛ̌ːr]) is the personification of the bright upper sky)
- Weather Manipulation
- Concept Creation/Meta-Concept Manipulation (Aether and Terra were the parents of: Pain, Deception, Anger, Mourning, Lying, Oath, Vengeance, Self-indulgence, Quarreling, Forgetfullness, Sloth, Fear, Arrogance, Incest, Fighting, Ocean, Themis, Tartarus, and Pontus; and the Titans, Briareus, Gyges, Steropes, Atlas, Hyperion and Polus, Saturn, Ops, Moneta, Dione, and the three Furies (Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone))
- Archetype:Creator Deity (Said that "everything came from" Aether.")
- Archetype:Ultimate Being (According to Orphic text number 5: "Yours are Zeus' lofty dwelling, endless power too; of the stars, of the sun, and of the moon you claim a share. O tamer of all, O fire-breather, O life's spark for every creature, sublime Ether, best cosmic element,
radiant, luminous, starlit offspring, I call upon you and I beseech you to be temperate and clear)
- Hemera
- Light & Solar Deity Physiology
- Day Embodiment
- Light Manipulation
- Lumopresence and Omni-Protection (In and over houses. According to Hesiod's Theogony, Hemera left Tartarus just as Nyx (Night) entered it; when Hemera returned, Nyx left.)
- Lumoscience
- Photoportation (Is light)
- Light & Solar Deity Physiology
- Moirai/The Fates - Atropos/Clotho/Lachesis (in some Myths)
- Celestial Deity, Fate Deity, & Weaving Deity Physiology (All)
- Death Manipulation (Atropos "the Inflexible" who cuts the thread of life)
- Fate Embodiment
- Life Recreation (Clotho "the Spinner" who creates the threads of life))
- Life Manipulation (Lachesis "the Alloter" who measures the threads of life)
- Seer
- Time Manipulation
- Celestial Deity, Fate Deity, & Weaving Deity Physiology (All)
- Moros (in some Myths)
- Death Deity, Destroyer Deity, & Fate Deity Physiology
- Destruction Embodiment
- Fate Embodiment
- Death Manipulation
- Destiny Manipulation/Meta Fate Manipulation
- Event Manipulation
- Unavertable Death/Eternal Torture Inducement (does not set his victims free/inevitability of death & suffering)
- Flawless Clairvoyance
- Inevitability Embodiment
- Death Deity, Destroyer Deity, & Fate Deity Physiology
- Nesoi
- Ourea
- Uranus/Ouranos
- Absolute Strength (After having his testicles castrated, he still survived)
- Omnipresence (As Hesiod tells the story, Gaia "first bore starry Heaven [Uranus], equal to herself, to cover her on every side, and to be an ever-sure abiding-place for the blessed gods.")
- Alpha Physiology (Stronger God)
- Heaven & Cosmos Lordship (formally; taken by Cronus)
- Nigh Omnipotence
- Sky Father/Sky Deity Physiology (A less likely etymology is a derivative meaning 'the one standing on high' from PIE *ṷérso- (cf. Sanskrit várṣman 'height, top', Lithuanian viršùs 'upper, highest seat', Russian verh 'height, top'))
- Celestial Manipulation
- Divine Lord
- Masculinity Aspect Manifestation
- Sky Embodiment (God of the Skies)
- Air Manipulation
- Cloud Manipulation
- Sky Manipulation (After his castration, the Sky came no more to cover the Earth at night, but held to its place, and, according to Carl Kerényi, "the original begetting came to an end". Uranus was scarcely regarded as anthropomorphic, aside from the genitalia in the castration myth. He was simply the sky, which was conceived by the ancients as an overarching dome or roof of bronze, held in place (or turned on an axis) by the Titan Atlas)
- Sky Energy Manipulation
- Primordial Sky Manipulation (Uranus (/ˈjʊərənəs/ YOOR-ə-nəs, also /jʊˈreɪnəs/ yoo-RAY-nəs), sometimes written Ouranos (Ancient Greek: Οὐρανός, lit. 'sky', [uːranós]), is the personification of the sky and one of the Greek primordial deities)
- Sky Mimicry/Constellation Physiology
- Sky Lordship
- Weather Manipulation
- Archetype:Rain Deity (When looking at his etymology. The basic Indo-European root is *ṷérs- 'to rain, moisten' (also found in Greek eérsē 'dew', Sanskrit várṣati 'to rain', or Avestan aiβi.varəšta 'it rained on'), making Ouranos the "rain-maker", or the "lord of rain")
- Supreme Command and Curse Inducement (For this "fearful deed", Uranus called his sons "Titans (Strainers) in reproach" and said that "vengeance for it would come afterwards." According to Hesiod, from the blood that spilled from Uranus onto the Earth came forth the Giants, the Erinyes (the avenging Furies), and the Meliae (the ash-tree nymphs))
- Absolute Strength (After having his testicles castrated, he still survived)
Third Generation[]
- Concept Physiology
- Daimon Physiology
- Giant Physiology
- Greek Deity Physiology
- Primordial Deity Physiology
- Titan Physiology
Known Users[]
See Also: Protogenoi
- Cytherea, the Divine Ignition (Exalted)
- Abundance (Goblin Slayer)
- Aion (Greek Mythology)
- Protogenoi (Greek Mythology)
- Primordials (God of War)
- Nyx (Hades)
- Actuals (Nobilis)
- Protogenoi (Percy Jackson series)
- Chronos (Smite)
- Nox (Smite)
- Terra (Smite)
- Aither (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Chaos (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Chronos (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Eros (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Gaia (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Nyx (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Ananke (The Wicked + The Divine)