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Superpower Wiki
"The Prime Universe-- last of the old, first of the new. The hub it all revolves around. Here, science can be magic. Here, we can rewrite every story."
― The Maker on Earth-616 (Marvel Comics)

The power to create prime universes. Sub-power of Prime Universe Manipulation and Omni-Reality Creation. Variation of Universe Creation. Opposite to Prime Universe Destruction. Not to be confused with Nexus Creation.

Also Called[]

  • Main/Original/Primary Universe/Reality Creation/Manifestation/Materialization/ Realization


The user can create prime universes, the core reality of a multiverse of which all others are derivations of varying degrees. This also allows them to, directly or indirectly, create other realities that branch off from the prime universe.




  • If the prime universe is destroyed, all other realities may go with it.

Known Users[]

See also: The Earth-Prime Theory

  • God/Chuck Shurley (Supernatural)

Known Locations[]

  • Prime Zone (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • The Gray Zone (Awful Hospital: Seriously, The Worst Ever)
  • Dark Tower/Midworld (The Dark Tower)
  • Keystone Earth (The Dark Tower)
  • Metaverse (DC Comics)
  • Earth-616 (Marvel Comics)
  • The Universe (Supernatural)
  • Turtle Prime (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
  • Origin World (Dark Netfliex)

