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Superpower Wiki

The ability to magically preserve things in their most optimum condition. Form of Magic. Variation of Preservation.

Also Called[]

  • Conditional Maintenance Magic/Witchcraft/Wizardry
  • Preservation Witchcraft/Wizardry


The user can use magic to preserve various things in their most optimum condition, e.g., preserving the freshness of foods (such as preserving ice cream that doesn't melt nor loses its temperature), items and even people, by preventing their oxidation (such as preserving valuable metals, so they don't rust), desiccation and decomposition.




  • This magic doesn't function as healing magic, so while the user can preserve things, they can't however heal and/or repair things before they are preserving.
  • Unless the user is creative, this type of magic in not all that useful in a combat situation.

Known Users[]

  • Touru (25 Years of Life Investing in a Useless Skill, Now the Strongest Adventurer)
  • Omega (Dirge of Cerberus)
  • Transmuter/Necromancer (Forgotten Realms)
  • Creasion (Senyu)
  • Evokers (War of Warcraft)

Known Objects[]

  • Mother Dark Bring; Anestasis (Rave Master)