Superpower Wiki

The power to collect radiant energy and convert it into chemical energy. Variation of Alternative Sustenance and Photochemistry Manipulation. Real-world version of Light Empowerment. Not to be confused with Solar Consumption.


The user can use photosynthesis, allowing them to efficiently collect radiant energy and convert it into chemical energy stored in the bonds of organic molecules. This can be used to strengthen and heal oneself while exposed to sunlight and potentially forego the need for food.

Unlike Solar Empowerment, Photosynthesis is mostly about producing sustenance from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water rather than simply becoming stronger, faster, smarter, more durable, etc., and unlocking new abilities by coming into contact with said sunlight.





  • May need chlorophyll.
  • Will need sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water.

Known Users[]

  • Kryptonians (DC Comics)
  • Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
  • Swamp Thing (DC Comics)
  • The End (Metal Gear)
  • Pokémon with the ability Chlorophyll (Pokémon)
  • Pokémon with the move Synthesis (Pokémon)
  • Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
  • Iris (Shokubutsu Monster Musume Nikki)
  • RainWings (Wings of Fire)

