Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate one’s magnetic field. Sub-power to Magnetism Manipulation and Personal Electromagnetism. Technique of Personal Mastery. Related to Personal Magnet. Not to be confused with Personal Gravity.

Also Called[]

  • Personal Magnetic Field
  • Personal Magnetism Control/Field/Manipulation
  • Personal Magnokinesis
  • Self-Magnetism Control/Field/Manipulation
  • Tactile Magnetism


Users can create, shape, and manipulate their magnetic field, created by the electrical activity within their body, which allows them to affect metallic matter around them and themselves. Users can attract/repel objects/entities with dissimilar/similar polar charges, and/or damage the workings of mechanical/technological devices. Advanced users can create magnetic force fields that protect them from solar radiation, fly by creating opposing magnetic fields, combine with brawls, etc.




  • May be limited to one’s magnetic field or tactile interactions.
  • May not have control over magnetic effects (attraction, repulsion, disruption, etc.).
  • May be tied to one’s emotional state.
  • Loss of control could lead to power loss or an uncontrollable magnetic field.
  • Will not affect non-ferrous materials or super-heated ferrous materials.
  • Powerful charge could alter or cancel the magnetic field.

Known Users[]


