Superpower Wiki
"I don't remember much after the explosion, but somewhere amongst the planetary debris the core of my being still existed, one living cell survived, and that is all I needed for my regeneration... Soon that living cell began to multiply into many, it wasn't long before I became conscious of my transformation, I could feel every part of my body growing, crackling with new life and energy. My shapeless mass began to sprout new limbs, first my legs, then my arms, and in no time, my whole body was restored!"
― Cell (Dragon Ball Z)
"What!? I thought we cut him!"
"Yes, we did, I'm sure of it. But this monster... regenerates as fast as we can cut him!"
"He won't die if we cut off his head... he regenerates so fast its impossible to slice up his body!""
― Demon Slayers in regards to Muzan Kibutsuji's (Kimetsu no Yaiba) instantaneous regeneration

The power to rapidly heal at a level drastically beyond what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Supernatural version of Enhanced Regeneration.

Also Called[]

  • Advanced Healing/Healing Factor
  • Immense Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration
  • Immense Regenerative Powers
  • Near/Nigh/Semi-Absolute Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration
  • Near-Godlike Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration
  • Supernatural Healing/Healing Factor
  • Preternatural Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration


Users possess a supernatural level of regeneration; allowing them to recover from virtually any injury that doesn't result in instant death, such as disintegration, incineration, or one-hit kill attacks. As long as their "core" remains undamaged, regeneration is possible. This exceptional regenerative power operates at the cellular level, continuously rejuvenating cells and telomere lengths, granting the user freedom from the aging process. Additionally, the need for sustenance is drastically reduced, pushing the user close to a state of true immortality. Even intricate body parts like damaged brain cells and nerves can be meticulously repaired, preserving the user's mental faculties.

This level of regeneration can extend to drugs, diseases, and harmful foreign substances, ensuring they remain in peak physical condition and optimal health indefinitely. Their immunity, or at the very least, their high resistance to telepathic attacks, arises from the regenerative power's ability to restore brain cells to their unaltered state, effectively shielding the user's mind from intrusion or invasive attempts.


  • Tier I - Decapitation: At this tier, users can regenerate extremely severe brain damage and even survive decapitation. This would entail head regrowth or head reattachment.
  • Tier II - Destruction: Users can regenerate from being blown/torn/slashed to pieces, being able to restore their entire body back to its original state from a single part of their body, such as the head, heart, or even fingers. As long as a solid portion of the user's body survives, they can regenerate. At this level, it's common for users to have a 'core' which must be destroyed in order to kill them.
  • Tier III - Obliteration: This tier of regeneration entails healing from extreme physical destruction of the body. Users would be able to regenerate from a drop of blood, a single cell, or even having all biology completely annihilated. At this level, users would be able to effortlessly survive point-blank nuclear explosions, or even cosmic-scale explosions.
  • Tier IV - Flawless: At this stage, the user's regeneration would be so advanced that they would not only remain at an optimal condition and peak health forever, being immune to anything from dementia to mutations, but would also essentially attain a form of Immortality that makes them unkillable and eternally youthful. They would also be able to survive without any form of sustenance and be completely immune to any form of harmful foreign substance, detrimental conditions, hereditary illnesses, unformed limbs, birth defects etc. Even telepathic attacks would be rendered useless as the user can simply restore their mind to its unaltered state. This type of regeneration is also adaptive and intelligent, preventing it from accidentally multiplying tumors but instead restore it back to its original forms. If something is jammed into the body, the healing factor would shift and remove the object to recover. At this stage, the user would most likely possess infinite or near-infinite stamina and pain tolerance.
  • Tier V - Physical: Users are capable of regenerating from complete and utter bodily destruction of any scale. Most prominently, this includes restoring their entire body from ash, vapor, plasma, molecules, atoms, or even sub-atomic particles.
  • Tier VI - Nonphysical: At this tier, users can use intangible and nonphysical aspects of themselves to heal, such as their mind (not to be confused with the brain), soul, a form of supernatural/esoteric energy, a metaphysical force etc. This would entail that even if nothing is left of their bodies down to the most micro-level, they would be restored back to their original forms flawlessly.





  • Attacks that cause instant death, such as One Hit Kill, will end the user's life before regeneration can take place.
  • Complete destruction of the body if fast and strong enough can kill the user.
  • For tumorous cells, the regeneration power may consider it as a form of disease and repair it to the healthy and optimal state. For some users, however, it may consider the cells as part of the body, and actually regenerate these sick cells, causing them to grow painfully instead.
  • Users of Healing Erasure can remove this ability outright.
  • Radiation can affect the user on a cellular level and crippling the user's healing factor from within, to the point of being unable to function anymore.
  • Users of Healing Factor Nullification/Irreversible Destruction may prevent wounds from healing.
  • May still need to breathe, making Deoxygenation-based attacks effective.
  • Methods such as permanent separation of the head or destruction of the "core" may still kill the user.
  • Continuous attacks that out-speed the regeneration rate may exhaust, and potentially kill, the user.
  • If any object is jammed into a wound area, regeneration may fail or be delayed.
  • May feel pain.

Known Users[]

See Also: From A Single Cell.



  • Accelerated healing User (Danny Phantom)
  • Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
  • Sinners (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Angels (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Tech E. Coyote (Loonatics Unleashed)
  • Aku (Samurai Jack)
  • Durge (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
  • Fluffy and Uranus (Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man)
  • Frogley (Food Chain)



  • Shin Godzilla (Shin Godzilla)
  • Abeloth (Star Wars Legends)
  • Ainur (Tolkienverse)
  • Valar (Tolkienverse)
  • Maiar (Tolkienverse)
    • Sauron
  • Count Vladislaus Dracula (Van Helsing)
  • James "Logan" Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men film series)
  • Laura/X-23 (X-Men film series)
  • X-24 (X-Men film series)
  • Wade Wilson/Deadpool (X-Men film series); Original/Revised Timeline
  • En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse (X-Men film series)
  • Yuriko Oyama/Lady Deathstrike (X-Men film series)
  • Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th)

Live Television

  • Whitelighters (Charmed)
  • Claire Bennet (Heroes)
  • Adam Monroe (Heroes)
  • Peter Petrelli (Heroes); while copying Claire's power
  • Sylar (Heroes)
  • Original Vampires/Hybrid (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
  • The Beast (The Originals/Legacies)

Video Games

  • Crawford Starrick (Assassins Creed); via Shroud
  • Darkspawn (Dragon Age)
  • The Hunter (Dead Space)
  • The Ubermorph (Dead Space)
  • Dante (Devil May Cry)
  • Vergil (Devil May Cry)
  • Nero (Devil May Cry)
  • Ogrim (The Elder Scroll)
  • Vampires (The Elder Scroll)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII series)
  • Kratos (God of War)
  • Baldur (God of War 2018)
  • Jak (Jak and Daxter); as Light Jak
  • Kain (Legacy of Kain)
  • The Vorcha (Mass Effect)
  • The Krogan (Mass Effect)
  • Ridley (Metroid)
  • Alex Mercer (Prototype)
  • James Heller (Prototype 2)
  • Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
  • William Birkin (Resident Evil)
  • Sherry Birkin (Resident Evil)
  • Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Shadow (Sonic the Hedgehog)
  • Trolls (Warcraft series)
  • Albedo (Xenogear)
  • Delsin Rowe (inFAMOUS: Second Son)
  • People of Hourai (Touhou Project)


Known Objects[]




Live Television/Movies[]

Video Games[]

Web Animation/Original[]

