- "In love with the concept of you, yes."
- "Woo hoo! I’m an attractive concept… like Liberty!"
- ― Eduardo and Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
The absolute power to induce absolute love in anyone. Sub-power of Love Derivation. Absolute version of Love Inducement.
Also Called[]
- Omni-Infatuation/Love Inducement
- Perfect/Primal/True Love
The user can induce love in absolutely anyone, regardless of how powerful they are, transcendent beings or users of Apathy, Empathic Shield, Indomitable Will, True Love Visage, Unlovability, etc.
- Absolute Domination
- Desire Inducement
- Eternal Bond
- Indomitable Happiness
- Indomitable Love
- Insanity Inducement - make people fight insanely for love.
- Love Arrows
- Love Augmentation
- Love Aura
- Love Bow Construction
- Love Constructs
- Love Energy Manipulation
- Love Inducement
- Love Intuition
- Love Magic
- Pheromone Manipulation
- Seduction Intuition
- Seductive Magnetism
- Self-Love Inducement
- Subliminal Seduction
- Sexual Intuition
- True Love Visage
- Absolute Beauty
- Absolute Charisma
- Absolute Domination
- Addictive Contentment
- Cupid Physiology
- Erogelic Lord Physiology
- Eternal Bond
- Love Derivation
- Meta Lust Inducement
- Pheromone Manipulation
- Relationship Manipulation
- True Love's Kiss
- Entity Lordship
Known Users[]
- Ansuz (Ah! My Goddess)
- Marie (Dies Irae)
- Cupids (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
- Mistress Love (Marvel Comics)
- Deities of Love (Mythology)
- Aphrodite (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Venus (Valkyrie Crusade)