Superpower Wiki

The power to know everything about the light/daytime everything related to it. Sub-power of Light and Day Embodiment. Variation of Selective Omniscience and Pyroscience. Opposite to Ereboscience.

Also Called[]

  • Days Mind
  • Light Omniscience
  • Knowledge of the Light and the Day
  • Omniscience of Light
  • Photoscience


The user knows everything about the light, day and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within the light, and what lies within, around it and touches it. The user knows everything when it comes to the light/day because all its secrets are revealed, knowing all the ways and reasons of how the light and the day are supposed to be work.




  • Absolute Darkness can block the users sight for as long as the darkness covers what the user wishes to see.
  • Users can only know things through light, the day and anything related to it.

Known Users[]


  • Cipactonal (Aztec Mythology)
  • Belenus (Celtic Mythology)
  • Lugh (Celtic Mythology)
  • Xihe (Chinese Mythology)
  • Khepri (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Nefertem (Egyptian Mythology)
  • Ēostre/Ostara (Germanic Mythology)
  • Aether (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Apollo (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Eos/Aurōra (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Helios/Sol (Greco-Roman Mythology); light from the Sun
  • Hemera/Dies (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Hyperion (Greek Mythology)
  • Theia (Greek Mythology)
  • Ushas (Hindu Mythology)
  • Lucifer (Luciferianism)
  • Baldr (Norse Mythology)
  • Dagr (Norse Mythology)
  • Freyr (Nordic Mythology)
  • Dažbog (Slavic Mythology)