The character is a lightning deity. Variation of Elemental, Weather and Nature Deity.
Also Called[]
- Electricity/Lightning/Thunder Deity/God/Goddess
- Gods of Lightning/Thunder
A user of this ability either is or can transform into a lightning deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with lightning and thunder.
Associated Powers[]
- Divine Authority
- Divine Combat
- Divine Weaponry
- Divinity/Nature Divinity
- Godly Fighter
- Guardianship
- Electromagnetism Manipulation
- Lightning Elemental Physiology (Varies between deities)
- Electricity Embodiment (Varies between deities)
- Electricity Manipulation
- Charged Particles Manipulation
- Electrical Constructs
- Electrical Powers Bestowal
- Electrically Enhanced Condition
- Electricity Absorption
- Electricity Arts
- Electricity Detection
- Electricity Empowerment
- Electrical Immunity
- Electricity Infusion
- Electricity Negation
- Electricity Transformation
- Esoteric Lightning Manipulation
- Electrokinetic Flight
- Infinite Electric Charge
- Lightning Manipulation
- Lightning Absorption
- Lightning Attacks
- Lightning Flash
- Lightning Redirection
- Lightning Summoning
- Lightning Teleportation
- Lightning Generation
- Electric Discharge
- Electric Heating - Lightning temp is 50,000 F (5 times hotter then the surface of the sun)
- Thunder Manipulation
- Power Bestowal
- Power Inheritance
- Multicolored Lightning Manipulation
- Electricity Embodiment (Varies between deities)
- Supernatural Condition
- Weather Manipulation
- Cosmic-Electric Manipulation
- Electricity Embodiment
- Lightning Manipulation
- Primordial Lightning Manipulation
- Raiju Physiology
- Sky Deity
- Storm Embodiment
Known Users[]
Also See: God of Thunder
- Jupitermon (Digimon)
- Kazuchimon (Digimon)
- Tlalocmon (Digimon)
- Thor (Record of Ragnarok)
- Zeus (Record of Ragnarok)
- Makoto Kino (Sailor Moon); as Princess Jupiter
- Heron (Blood of Zeus); demigod
- Zeus (Blood of Zeus)
- Billy Batson/Shazam (DC Comics); via Divine Empowerment
- Teth-Adam/Black Adam (DC Comics); via Divine Empowerment
- Thor Odinson (Marvel Comics)
- Mamaragan (Aboriginal Australian Mythology)
- Baraqiel (Abrahamic Mythology)
- Xolotl (Aztec Mythology)
- Adad (Babylonian Mythology)
- Bel (Babylonian Mythology)
- Enlil (Babylonian Mythology)
- Marduk (Babylonian Mythology)
- Hadad (Canaanite Mythology)
- Taranis (Celtic Mythology)
- Set (Egyptian Mythology)
- Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Indra (Hindu Mythology)
- Agni (Hindu Mythology); when on Earth, he embodies lightning
- Rudra (Hindu Mythology)
- Teshub (Hurrian Mythology)
- Raijin (Japanese Mythology)
- Susanoo (Japanese Mythology)
- Takemikazuchi (Japanese Mythology)
- Thunder Bird (Native American Mythology)
- Thor (Norse Mythology)
- Ginton (Philippune Mythology)
- Kanehekili (Oceanic Mythology)
- Pajonn (Sami Mythology)
- Ukko (Sami Mythology)
- Perun (Slavic Mythology)
- Jason Grace (Riordanverse); demigod
- Thalia Grace (Riordanverse); demigod
- Thor (Riordanverse)
- Zeus (Riordanverse)
Video Games[]
- Raiden Ei/Raiden Shogun/Beelzebul (Genshin Impact)
- Raiden Makoto/Baal (Genshin Impact)
- Thor (God of War)
- Zeus (God of War)
- Raiden (Mortal Kombat)
- Raijin (SMITE)
- Susano (SMITE)
- Thor (SMITE)
- Zeus (SMITE)
- Minamoto-no-Raikou/Ushi Gozen (TYPE-MOON); Demigod
- Takemikazuchi (Valkyrie Crusade)
Heron (Blood of Zeus) is a demigod child of Zeus and the only one of his children to inherit his power of lightning.
Raiden Ei/Raiden Shogun/Beelzebul (Genshin Impact) is the current Electro Archon and God of Eternity.