Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"Sensors show nothing out there, absolutely nothing."
"Sure is a damned ugly nothin."
― Data and Geordi describing the appearance of Nagilum (Star Trek: TNG)
"When asked where it went, subject answered, 'Nowhere. I think it missed this time."
― SCP-507 describing one of his dimensional shifts (SCP Foundation)
"There is in certain living souls a quality of loneliness unspeakable, so great it must be shared as company is shared by lesser beings. Such a loneliness is mine; so know by this that in immensity there is one lonelier than you."
― Theodore Sturgeon

The ability to isolate oneself from the world. Variation of Personal Nonexistence.

Also Called[]

  • Exclusion
  • Exile
  • Lone Existence
  • Loneliness
  • Nowhere
  • Separation


The user is capable of turning themselves completely imperceptible and nonexistent to the rest of the world whereas they can see them. For all practical purposes, they do not exist. The user does not occupy any physical space, cannot be seen, heard, felt, smelled or otherwise detected by any natural sense. Nor is it possible to detect them by any other form of earthly detection, such as radar or sonar.

Additionally, the consequences of interacting with the environment are also imperceptible and undetectable, e.g.: fingerprints, shoe prints, breathing condensation, or any other telling markings. The user leaves no trace of their presence on any surface or in the world around them while their ability is active.





  • The user may not be able to extend this ability to other objects or people if not in physical contact with them, if they are able to at all.
  • Users may not be able to communicate with allies while this ability is active.
  • Users of Omni-Perception may be immune.

Known Users[]

  • Takizawa Yuta (Alive: The Final Evolution)
  • Ymir Fritz (Attack on Titan); via the Unknown Land
  • Swamp Thing (DC Comics); via Entering Abaton
  • Ain (Elsword); via Abschluss
  • Exalted with Elsewhere charms (Exalted)
  • Shingetsu Ernesta Fukami (Granbelm); after becoming the Princeps Mage
  • Cubia (.hack series)
  • Morti (.hack//Legend of the Twilight)
  • Zefie (.hack//Legend of the Twilight)
  • Yuki Nagato (Haruhi Suzumiya)
  • Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)
  • Isobu/Three-Tails (Naruto)
  • The Twelve (Planescape)
  • SCP-451 - Mister Lonely (SCP Foundation)
  • SCP-1467 - The Man that Wasn't (SCP Foundation)
  • Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments of Lain)

Known Locations[]

  • The Void (Amazing World of Gumball)
  • Avalon (Fate/Stay Night)
  • Edda (Gokukoku no Brynhildr); via Edda's Inner World
  • Nowhere (Planescape)
  • SCP-1310 - Examination Room 10 (SCP Foundation)


